
Mr Gary Taylor (GT)
Mr Nigel Bartle (NB)
Mr James Bean (JB)
Mr Simon Budge (SB)
Mr Rob James (RJ)
Mr Phillip Pearson (PP)
Mr Geoffrey Smith (GS) / Dr Neal Ward (NW)
Dr David Ann (DA)
Mrs Grace Choto (GC)
Mrs Bolette Palle Neve (BPN)
Dr Steve Tones (ST)
Dr Debbie Wilson (DW) / Mr Andrew Tinsley
Mr Scott Raffle
Dr Gilbert Sharma
Prof Matt Dickinson
1. Welcome and apologies for absence
Apologies from Steve Adams; Derek Hargreaves and Nigel Paul.
Round table introductions / Action
2. Approval and signing off of Panel minutes from the meeting of 7 November 2013
Minutes were signed off as an accurate record of the November panel meeting.
3. Matters arising from the minutes of 7 November 2013
New threats to the protected edibles sector. DW asked if panel members were aware of any new threats to the sector. The proposed changes to the abstraction exemptions had been mentioned in the closed part of the meeting.
There is also a proposal to introduce emission inspections to businesses. DW explained that HDC may be funding a small desk study to provide NFU with information for a consultation response.
Pepper weevil – RJ and NW had been speaking to Dutch growers and it seems that there is no R&D ongoing in the Netherlands. DW added that she had asked during the trip in Canada and taken some photos of the traps they use.
Issues management – ST explained that if issues arise then these can be fed back to HDC to be included on the AHDB risk register. The NFU, BGA and HDC already work together to help growers if issues arise. More information can be found in the panel papers page 27-29. The primary contact at HDC is Ruth Ashfield.
4. Proactive commissioning
Oomycete tenders. CL outlined proposals for two pieces of work, a desk study looking at R&D globally over the past 20 years and a KT project to deliver best practise information already known but not widely followed.
Scott Raffle provided an update on semiochemicals work in the soft fruit sector (copy of slides attached to these minutes). Work in fruit done by David Hall at Greenwich and Jerry Crossand Michelle Fountain at EMR.
Beetles, weevils, capsids, sawflies and midges have all been looked at.
Delta traps have been developed for the raspberry cane midge and black currant. This allows growers to identify when the pest arrives in the crops and target control measures effectively. The traps (including lures) are now available commercially.
Blackcurrant leaf curling midge and also sawfly work is currently ongoing.
Discussion followed about commercial experience with the traps and Andrew Tinsley commented that trap position is very important. DA suggested that as PE growers handle their crops frequently they may be well plaved to spot pest problems promptly.
Scott explained that many growers weren’t sure how to use the traps appropriately and therefore HDC had funded a few videos showing how to put the traps together and where to position them (see
5. Status of current and potential new projects funded by or of interest to the PE Panel
DW reviewed the project list.
CP 102 bursaries in IPM type projects at Harper Adams has opportunities for student projects and panel members should flag up any subject areas they feel would be worth pursuing.
CL updated the panel on the water strategy (CP 110). 3 consultation meetings had been held in January but with low attendance. There was some good interaction in the meetings and this will be fed into the strategy which will help inform the type of work HDC will fund. The final report/strategy is due in about a week and further industry consultation may follow.
The PE005 report is due out shortly. This is very interesting work and would be worth taking forward – perhaps for AgriTech or other avenues.
FV/PE 410 – review meeting last week. Final year work was discussed. Sclerotinia in protected lettuce will be included as requested by growers. Top-up finding to be provided by the panel to cover crop destruct costs following chair approval.
CP 107 – Gap analysis for soil management. Considers soils for all of horticulture of which protected cropping will be a small part. The review recommends developing work packages to develop tools to help growers to assess the ‘health of their soil’ which should be of interest to PE and PO sector.
Final report for PC 302d (Tuta) is published and the factsheet will follow soon.
Herbs aphid (PE 006a) has been extended to September 2014. Jude Bennison has been asked to use the same pest species.
Macrolophus proposal was included information as the project had been supported as PO 020 following email circulation to panel members during December. DA had been concerned about the lack of replication and has suggested reducing the plot sizes to increase replication. DW explained that these concerns have been fed back to the researchers in reaching the final contract position and that John Fenlon had been involved in experimental design to reach the best compromise given the facilities available.
6. New concept notes, project proposals
Paper 6.2a. Targeted CO2 enrichment management for long season tomato crop production in the UK. Full Proposal
Project aim: To quantify and characterise the daily CO2 glasshouse enrichment period for long season tomato crops. Identifying targeted use of CO2 which meets the actual crop photosynthetic demand will help reduce carbon waste and deliver savings to growers.
PP explained that TGA supports funding work to better understand CO2 use by tomato crops and how this relates to his discussions with Professor David MacKay (DECT Chief Science Advisor) over percentage of CO2 uptake, relative toinput, in glasshouses. The work described in the proposal has been debated over an extended period with TGA and further modifications were suggested during the TGA technical committee meeting the previous day i.e. that small scale physiological studies using commercial crops at Cornerways are undertaken initially prior to progressing with further work.
GT suggested that understanding actual CO2 use by the crop has relevance across PE crops using enrichment.
DA was concerned that the aims and objectives need to be properly defined and added that Ken Cockshull is well placed to provide guidance in moving this forward.
PP requested that approval of proposal revisions is dealt with by email between Panel meetings.
JB referred to issues raised within the science advisor and PP agreed that this will need to be takenon board in developing the proposal but stressed thatit is important to start making progress with this issue.
Action: PP, NB, Phil Morley and DW will have further conversations to develop the proposal and this version will be sent via email for full panel approval.
Paper 6.2b. GrowSave: Energy & resource efficiency knowledge transfer for the PC sector. Concept Note.
Project aim: Provide growers of protected crops (edible and ornamental) with a comprehensive source of impartial information on energy & resource saving and sustainability.
The concept note for continuation of the GrowSave project was discussed. There is representation from PE and PO on the steering group. Some smaller packages funded by HNS and SF are likely to be added on in agreement with the relevant panels.
PP explained the strong support from TGA for the project. Many growers use many aspects of the programme. PP also expressed support for widening the programme to other sectors.
DA commented that the knowledge transfer model used for the GrowSave programme is extremely efficient and it would be good to see this model used in other areas as well e.g. the Oomycete KT project discussed earlier in the meeting, there could also be potential to include water etc.
Panel members suggested that it may be more efficient to fund longer contracts rather than just 2 years. It was suggested that a 5 year contract may be more sensible.
JB commented that it may be worth changing the project to be more strategic rather than reactive. If a 5 year contract is awarded it may be a good idea to set out what the panel would like the objectives to be.
DW explained that a full proposal will come back for the June panel meeting. NW suggested that Chris consults the current project advisory group before putting the proposal together.
ACTION: DW to feedback to FEC with a view to receiving a full proposal in time for the June panel meeting. / NB, PM PP, DW.
8. Communication matters
Printer and designer problems experienced with PE nutritional guide but GC expects the guide to be out before the next panel meeting.
The pesticide resistance factsheet has gone out. Panel members should let Grace know if they haven’t received a copy. GC also explained that any people within organisations can receive HDC publications – there is no limit to the number of copies received by one business.
Biopesticide factsheet is due at the end of May and biopesticide workshops are planned for autumn 2014.
DW added that Tim O’Neill has been commissioned to write an article on Pepino mild strain virus inoculations in relation to discussions that have taken place in the TGA TC and work that Derek Hargreaves has been carrying out.
Events on waste and water to be developed in response to TGA TC request.
Produce audit sheets need to be tailored to make them useable. PP offered to nominate a representative from the APS salads team to help with this activity.
Pest and disease slideshows have been delayed by issues over image ownership. Panel members suggested investigating costs associated with purchasing copyright and also ensuring the owner is credited.
  1. PP to nominate APS salads representative to help GC with NFU audit packs.
  2. Progress PE slideshows images (cc emails to PP and GT).
  3. Videos to go with biopesticides workshop in the autumn
  4. Pepino article send to growers PP when available.
/ PP
10. Hormetic UVC Treatments for Control of Plant Diseases on Horticultural Crops.
Presentation by Dr Gilbert Sharma (Loughborough University) and Prof Matt Dickinson (Nottingham University)
GT noted his thanks to GillWardell for her productive inputs to the PE Panel which have been very much appreciated.
GT also thanked RJ and Thanet Earth for their hospitality.
PE Panel meetingclosed at 13:30


Mr Gary Taylor (Chairman)
Mr Nigel Bartle
Mr James Bean
Mr Simon Budge
Mr Rob James
Mr Philip Pearson
Mr Geoffrey Smith
Dr Neil Ward / Dr Steve Adams (Plant Impact)
Dr David Ann (Independent)
Mr Derek Hargreaves (Independent)
Prof Nigel Paul (Univ. of Lancaster)
Dr Chris Hartfield (NFU)
Mrs Grace Choto
Ms Cathryn Lambourne
Mrs Bolette P Neve
Dr Steve Tones
Dr Debbie Wilson / For information electronic copy:
Mr Neil Bragg
Dr Jon Knight
Dr Bill Parker

AHDB Horticulture – Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2TL

T: 0247 669 2051