Course Code:21.47100
Peach County High School
Teacher: A. Jackson
Room: C96
Email: hone: 478-825-8258
Course Description: Engineering Concepts is the second course in the Engineering and Technology Pathway. Students will learn to design technical solutions to engineering problems using a whole systems approach to engineering design. Students will demonstrate the application of mathematical tools, teamwork, and communications skills in solving various design challenges, while maintaining a safe work environment. The prerequisite for this course is Foundations of Engineering and Technology.
Career Pathway and Pre-requisites: Course must be completed in the order listed below.
Engineering PathwayLevel 1 / Foundations of Engineering *
Level 2 / Engineering Concepts *
Level 3 / Engineering Applications *
Level 4 / Work-Based Learning
*Required courses to complete the engineering pathway.
Technology Student Association (TSA):
ALL students enrolled in courses in the engineering and technology pathway is encouraged to be a part of TSA. The competition pieces are usually products of projects in the classroom.Members who compete in the state and national level are required to pay $14. An additional fee of $16.00 will be charged for a spirit day t-shirt. Membership information/application can be obtained from Ms. Jackson and TSA officers. Membership fees are due by August 29.
Parental/Community Involvement:
Parent(s), you are a vital part of your child’s success; we can’t do it without you. This semester, we would like for you tovolunteer of your time. You can volunteer with TSA, during special events/ceremonies, as guest speaker or as an activemember of our advisory board. Feel free to contact me, so we can decide which volunteer opportunity suits you best.
Performance standards provide clear expectations for assessment, instruction, and student work. They define the level of work that demonstrates achievement of the standards. The performance standards isolate and identify the skills needed to use the knowledge and skills to problem-solve reason, communicate, and make connections with other information. Standards are posted on my teacher website. Click on the Teacher Websites link and click on JACKSON, AILEEN link.
Textbooks: On of our textbooks can be accessed online through the link Each student will be provided with their login info.
Laboratory Safety: Follow all safety rules in the laboratory. Read manuals for tools and equipment. If you are not sure, ask the teacher.
Housekeeping: As part of the training, students will be given tasks during the class period; one of which is to make sure that tools and equipment are returned, laptops are plugged in, and resource area is clean.
Technology Use: We will be using laptops as a tool to make projects. Use of the internet should be in line with the Peach County School System internet acceptable use.
Students should follow the protocol on the use of the laptop. Use only the laptop that had been assigned to you.
Use of electronic gadgets (tablets, cellphones, etc.) is not allowed in the classroom. Students should follow the E-Zone policy.
-End of unit assessment will be based on a written unit test or a project or both. Submission of a project will not merit a 100% grade. Each project will be graded using a rubric.
-Formative assessments will also be conducted every day to make sure that the concepts had been grasped before proceeding to the next lesson in the unit.
-Reassessment will be given to those who need to increase their mastery on a specific concept. There is no minimum grade for reassessment. Full credit is the maximum grade for reassessments. This should occur within 2 weeks of the original assessment. It is the student’s responsibility to request for a retake or makeup test.
Homework and Classwork: Classwork/homework will be posted in Edmodo. Hard copies will be provided upon request.
Makeup Work: Students who have excused absences are afforded an opportunity to complete missed work after their return to school. Students have 2 days for each day of absence to complete missed schoolwork. Failure to submit is equivalent to zero. All student requirements will be posted on Edmodo unless otherwise specified. It is the responsibility of the absentee to look up what they have missed.
VIDEOS/PHOTOS: Some projects may involve taking photos and/or videos of students.
A copy of this syllabus can be found in my teacher website.
Kindly return this sheet to indicate that you and your child have read the rules and regulations. Also, kindly indicate if you want to volunteer for all or any of the indicated areas of involvement.
Thank you very much,
Aileen Jackson
Engineering Concepts
Student’s Name ______
Student’s Signature: ______
Parent’s Signature: ______
Date ______
Yes, I want to volunteer in the following:
_____Visit classroom to assist with class projects.
_____Provide guidance and support for TSA (VEX robotics and other technological competitions)
_____Be an advocate for the engineering program by being a member of the CTAE Advisory Committee