





Submit to Angel Lozano (Shared google folder) no later than October 1, 2016. The original needs to be kept in the testing binder.

Table of Contents

I.  Key Personnel

II.  Testing Team

III.  Secure Room

IV.  Materials and Reports

V.  Other Testing Materials

VI.  General Logistics

VII.  Emergency Evacuation Plan

VIII.  Results

IX.  Required Documentation

I.  Key Personnel

Name / Extension
Campus Test Coordinator (CTC)
LPAC Campus Contact
504 Coordinator
SPED Campus Contact
RtI Campus Contact

II.  Testing Team

Your campus testing team should be designated by the principal. The team should assist in preparing the campus for assessments. Please list of the names of the people that will be responsible for signing off on the test version and accommodations for your campus.

Special Programs / Team Member Name / Campus Position
Special Education
English Language Learners

III.  Secure Room

What is the specific room # and location of where test materials are stored and locked?


What are your procedures to ensure secure materials are always locked with limited access?

The secure room should have limited access. Only the designated CTC and campus principal are allowed key access to the secure room. You must train all front office and custodial staff on immediate communication, protocol, and expectations in locking up test materials when deliveries arrive if the CTC or campus principal are not available.

IV.  Materials & Reports

State assessment materials can only be picked up or received by the CTC or the campus principal. In the event that neither is available, the campus principal or CTC must notify the DTC with the name of the authorized person that may receive or pick up the materials. This person MUST be trained in handling the secure materials and must immediately lock the materials in the secure room.

V.  Other Testing Materials

State testing requires the use of other materials that campuses must have in inventory or obtained before testing. The list below is a guide to assist in identifying and securing materials.

Item / Quantity Needed / Quantity in Inventory / Additional
#2 Pencils
Index Cards
Graphing Calculators
Algebra I EOC, 8th STAAR Math
Scientific Calculators
Biology EOC
GR 3-7 only if accommodation requirements are met
and documented in IEP
ESL/Bilingual Dictionaries
6-7 Reading/writing and English I/II EOC
Linguistic Accommodations determined by LPAC
GR 6-8 reading, GR 7 Writing,
English I/II EOC
Linguistic Accommodations determined by LPAC
Bins/Storage Boxes
to sort and distribute materials
Envelopes/Gallon baggies for Supplemental Aids
Headsets/Ear Buds

VI.  General Logistics

Number of Computers / Location
(Room number)
Number of Certified Teachers
(to be used as Test Administrators or Relievers)
Number of Paraprofessionals
(to be used as hall monitors)
Number of Classrooms
(to be used as testing rooms- include computer labs)

VII.  Emergency Evacuation Plan

Is testing included in your emergency evacuation plan? Yes No

If you have an emergency evacuation during testing, execute your campus protocol and then call the

Testing Department to report the issue.

VIII.  Results

How will test results be distributed to students on campus?

How will parents be informed of test results?

How will you inform all staff members that individual student results are confidential and any

scholastic distinctions (i.e. prizes, awards, classroom celebrations) must not be recognized in school

or class in front of other students?

IX.  Required Documentation

Districts are required to maintain documentation for 5 years following a test administration. There are specific forms and documents that must be scanned to after each test administration (or at the end of the year) for electronic archive.

CTC’s Initials / Requirements
Campuses are required by law to retain specific documentation for 5 years, with each test administration in a separate, labeled binder.
File all training materials, notes, and required documentation for each test administration in a clearly labeled binder.
Specific test administration binders will be required to be brought to the Testing Department after an administration to verify all required documents are correctly retained.
Each specific testing binder will have a table of contents page provided by the Testing Department listing required documentation.

Provide specific information on required documentation below:

Where is the location of the required documentation binders?
Can you account for the binders for last five years?
(to include STAAR, TELPAS and STAAR Alternate) / YES NO
If no, which years and specific test administration are missing?