Hayden Hinton
E1: OWL Ontology
Glacial Geomorphology
Glaciers erode rock by abrasion and plucking. During this process, Glaciers produce many erosional features such as: moraines, erratics, drumlins, valleys, cirques, aretes, and hornes. A glacier plucks rock by softening and lifting the rock. Abrasion is caused when glaciers flow over rock and smooth or polish it. rate of glacier erosion is caused by velocity of glacier, thickness, shape, permeability, and water pressure. Glacier carries material and deposits it in the form of glacial till. Glaciers pluck, carry and deposit rocks suchs as glacial till and erratics of all sizes. A glacial moraine is a deposit of a glacier left after it has retreated near the location of the zone of ablation or foot of glacier. This is the location of a terminal moraine. Lateral moraines are on the edge of the glacier where the rate of flow is the lowest. Medial moraines are located in the center of the glacier where the rate of flow is the highest. Other erosion features, such as cirques, aretes, and horns, are created as a glacier erodes valleys and mountains. This also forms glacial valleys. A Drumlin is another type of erosional feature. Drumlins are carved on the earth surface by glaciers. They are teardrop shaped and tend to point towards the direction of flow of the glacier. Drumlins have height and width. Drumlins are found in groups called drumlin fields.
Water melts from a glacier at the zone of ablation. Often the glacier recedes at the zone of ablation due to this melt and some sublimation.
Glaciers erode Rock
Glaciers Abrasion Rock
Glaciers pluck Rock
Glaciers soften Rock
Glaciers lift Rock
Glaciers Abrasion Rock
Glaciers flowOver Rock
Glaciers polish Rock
RateOfGlacierErosion DatatypeProperty string
RateOfGlacierErosion caused by
VelocityOfGlacier DatatypeProperty string
ThicknessOfGlacier DatatypeProperty string
Glacier has Shape
PermeabilityOfGlacier DatatypeProperty string
WaterPressure DatatypeProperty string
Glacier carries Rock
Glaciers pluck Rock
Glacier deposits rock
GlacialTill has Rock
Glacier deposits GlacialTill
Glacier carries GalcialTill
Glacier carries erratic
Glacier pluck Erratic
Glacier deposits Erratic
GlacialTill isPartOf Rock
Erratic isPartOf Rock
Erratic has size
size DatatypeProperty string
Deposit hasPart Glacial Till
GlacialTill hasPart Moraine
GlacialTill hasPart Esker
GlacialTill hasPart Kame
Moraine hasPart TerminalMoraine
TerminalMoraine hasLocation GlacialFoot
MedialMoraine hasLocation CenterOfGlacier
LateralMoraine hasLocation EdgeOfGlacier
CenterOfGlacier has RateOfFlow
EdgeOfGlacier has RateOfFlow
RateOfFlow datatypeProperty string
GlacialFoot equivalent ZoneOfAblation equivalent EndOfGlacier
Glacier recedesFrom zoneOfAblation
Glaciers erode ErosiontalFeatures
GlacialErosion creates ErosionFeature
ErosionFeature hasPart <all below>
DrumlinField contains Drumlin
mincardinality 1
Glacier meltsTo Water
MeltsTO domain: glacier
range: Water
Glacier sublimatesTo Vapor
sublimatesTo domain: glacier
range: Vapor
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