Nursing Student Association of North Dakota: Mid-Year Convention Meeting Minutes
September 21st, 2013
Bismarck, North Dakota
I. Call to order at 4:19 p.m.
II. Attendance
a. President: Meagan Schrader (Present)
b. Vice President: Tamsen O’Berry (Present)
c. 2nd Vice President: Lesley Locken (Absent)
d. Secretary: Alexandra Eades (Present)
e. Treasurer: Brittany Maier (Present)
f. Breakthrough to Nursing: Jessica Leingang (Present)
g. Directors of Publicity & Communications: Meaghann Graber (P) & Christina Haibeck (Not present)
h. Director of Funds: Briana Bitterman (Present)
i. Legislative/Education Chairperson : Amber Kracht (not present)
j. Director of Membership: Jami Harrington(Present)
k. Director of Community Health: Caitlin Brainard (Present)
l. Local Arrangements: Katie Stumpf (Present) & Briana Tayer (Present)
m. Grad Consultants: Alexis Nicholson (Present) & Molly Hillsendeger (Present)
n. Student Nurse of the Year Whitney Buchholz: (Present)
o. Advisor: Susan Pederson (Present)
III. Approval of Agenda
a. Meaghann Graber motions to approve agenda.
b. Jami Harrington 2nd
c. Agenda approved.
IV. Approval of Last Minutes
a. Meaghann Graber motions to approve agenda.
b. Alexandra Eades 2nd.
c. Last minutes approved.
V. Officer Reports
a. President-Meagan Schrader
i. Keynote Speakers-Marcus Engel, Gaumard Sim, Pippa White, or “Men of Nursing”
b. 1st Vice President-Tamsen O’Berry
i. Vendors and Exhibit Hall
ii. Silent Auction
1. Cost limit-$25
2. Two item minimum approved
3. Letter will be sent out with criteria
c. 2nd Vice President-Lesley Locken
i. Not present
d. Secretary-Alexandra Eades
i. Meeting minutes will be sent to Cathy
ii. Update of names, telephone numbers, and addresses of NSAND officers, chapter presidents, and chapter faculty
iii. Registration program for state convention
e. Treasurer-Brittany Maier
i. Balances
1. Checking Balance: $748.28
2. Savings Balance: $2,140.03
ii. Internal Audit needs to be completed
iii. Reimbursements
1. $49.20 Jami Harrington
2. 540 Miles Alexandra Eades & Meaghann Graber
3. 200 Miles Brittany and Jami
4. 211 Miles Brittany
f. Breakthrough to Nursing-Jessica Leingang
i. Revising State and SNOY Award Criteria
1. SNOY-Due December 1st, SNOY Results by 31st December
2. Need to send each chapter criteria and dates
g. SNOY-Whitney Buchholtz
i. Will be at state convention
h. Publicity and Communications-Meaghann Graber and Christina Haibeck
i. Brochure for State convention
ii. NSAND Blog Update
1. Meaghann motioned to change blog to website “.org”
2. All in favor.
3. Motion passes.
iii. Imprint articles
i. Director of Funds-Briana Bitterman
i. Fundraising activities ideas: pocket-sized lab values, T-shirts, lanyards, traveler mugs, shoulder bags
ii. Use oil field contacts
j. Legislative Education-Amber Kracht
i. Collaborating with Governor regarding change of Student Nurses’ Week
k. Director of Membership-Jami Harrington
i. How do we get membership expiration notifications?
ii. Membership challenge award-get award for most new members
iii. List of School Officers
l. Director of Community Health-Caitlin Brainard
i. Philanthropic activity ideas: Northland’s Rescue Mission, Adopt a Soldier, Toys for Tots, and Operation Christmas Child
ii. Most active chapter: scrapbooks can be made with Shutterfly
m. Local Arrangements-Katie Stumpf and Briana Tayer
i. State Convention Site-Hampton. Rooms at -Quality Inn $89.99/night with block of rooms, must reserve by Jan 3rd, 2014.
ii. Other thoughts & ideas: $50 fee/person, 2/1 wear red, Custom Ink for T-shirts,Thursday “Zumbathon”
n. Grad Consultants-Alexis Nicholson and Molly Hillsendeger
i. Northland’s Rescue Mission Backpack Program
1. Food guidelines are on their website
2. Competition between schools for who gathers the most food
a. Caitlin Brainard motion to give a $100 visa giftcard toward a pizza party for the school who wins.
b. Brittany Maier 2nd.
c. Motion passes.
3. Next step-gather information and send to local chapter presidents
ii. Molly and Lexi agree to speak as “New Grads” in breakout session at state convention
VI. Old Business
a. Convention theme- “Leadership in Action..Like a Boss”
VII. New Business
a. Review of progress in planning state convention
b. Additional state convention planning
VIII. Next Meeting
a. We plan to increase meeting frequentness
i. Meetings will be in Fargo for October, Jamestown for November, Bismarck for December, and Jamestown for January.
ii. Dates to be determined.
IX. Meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
Minutes approved,
Meagan Schrader, President
Alexandra Eades, Secretary