americamatters.us/shows/mustang-matters/ also
Wednesday’s 11AM- Noon PST
Radio Program re: (NV) Wild Horse Issues.
Call855-790.8255free orTEXT775-384-4444.
Hosted by,
lacyjdalton.com/ – Country Guitarist and Singer, 775.847.7322 founder of letemrun.com/
Eddie Floyd, Host, Reporter, P.I.O.
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, as well as wynemaranch.com/mustang-matters.html
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BUY A BOOK & HELP A HORSE-check it out!!!
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Mustang Matters (alphabetized).
Notes by haay.org/ - Helping Animals and Yourself
D Gregory (rock hall of fame) –talking/introduces:
Lacy J Dalton, she introduced
Shari Floyd from Wynema Ranch
telephone 775.842.6229, introduced as GM Wynema Ranch, head cook, bottle washer & hoof cleaner-
Evelyn Roberts,letemrun.com/, chief cook,
Dorothy Nyland (sp?) along with
Bonnie Matton, President (Julie Keller also founder) from
who arepartners in
Wild Horse Faire, 22nd 2015 in Virginia City.
Hello Craig the radio engineer.
Lacy reports some new:
She & Alliance of Wild Horse Advocates
Raised recently approx $20. The issue is- NV countygot stuck with about 41 horses & ½ pregnant.
Para-dime has been working- Placed about ½ horses. And 41 & 14= 55.
Wild Horse Faire 2015,
August 22nd 2015 in Virginia City. Thank you Silverland Inn & Suites Steiner.
Many Vendors, possibly some horse clinics.
(reads a letter/note re: preservation and endangered species(wild horses are near). Approx
2500is a viable # for horses to be able to survive, Craig Downer told Lacy.
Dorothy is in charge of Parade.
Would love to - Pull in different acts.
Many and Different people (If you have interest to be in Wild Horse Parade, please inquire).
Be distinctive in what wild horse preservation is about.
Get children involved: school groups, Boy- Scout, Girl-Scouts,4H and all others!
If don’t have wild horse badge- certainly should. Future Farmers of America, etc..
Kids who have adopted- if trained would love to have them participate.
Horses don’t have to be ridden to be in Event. Can be walked, pulling buggies, etc..
Show your Jewel ((previously wild) mustangs in event are wanted).
Head commissioner in Story County- VC Lance Gilman,
Grand poobah along with girlfriend will both be riding their mustangs.
And storeycounty.org/313/SheriffGerold Antinoro will be bringing his mustang as he did last year.
Hopefully, Willis Lammand his groupTechnical Large Animal Emergency Rescue, TLAER comeWild Horse Faire in Virginia City.
THANK YOU to Willis Lamm for All Rescue Efforts!
Panel comments:
We would love to have the Native American Community involved!!!
Hope to have an IndianVillage (so to speak).
We have a call into Elmer Atluken (sp?) but have not heard back from them yet, though.
Dr. David & Elmer are wonderful! They used to have a show on this radio station too.
We would love it! Boy they make a beautiful drums & musical instruments.
Shari wants an IndianVillage at Wynema Ranch. Beautiful offer, maybe – she thinks it isdoable.
Julie Keller, calling in from Texas. Coming on Sunday 3/22/15 for the road reflectors.
*Julie has message for Harold Roy Miller, read on facebook(had only few min and has to go to work). Has a poem for Lacy about wild horses.
Lacy said, she heard back from
Richard Aloian (sp?)who will be doing our Wild Horse Faire
And also
David John helping with our programs. And possibly a special mystery guest to help our Event (Virginia City Wild Horse Faire).
Julie Keller, Lobbyist (telephone) 775.830.7739. Founder of
currently from CrowleyTX, contacting legislature representative to pass a Bill; making a video for nevadadot.com/ re: Deterrent Reflectors on road signs for large animals.
pages 31-34 about Julie Keller.
Julie has been in communication with Senator Mark Manendo -
She hopes to be done with School in time to make Wild Horse Faire Eventin Virginia City:
August 22nd 2015.
She misses Bonnie.
Bonnie & Julie formed got busy with Graig Downer
Local Wild Life EcoBiologist – Craig Downer
because of road kill and they horrible effects for all re: that.
She has good statistics to share regarding:
for the reflectors for safety on the roadways. Statistics 100% federal funding hazardouselimination fund. The reflectors aim light across road not back to the drivers and to the animals it appears as a redline/fence. We have much data to support that statistics to prove this system works. We have data that other states and countries have reordered ones that have been broken or otherwise- again supporting this method is effective for their region.
Maintenance- wipe them off. Most cost effective, does not impede the natural migration.
In other areas the Prison system was to maintain; helps Prison create projects & jobs.
Reflectors work great for many large animals: Deer, Horses, etc…
Problem was when road was expanded, the reflectors where destroyed and never replaced.
Light discussion of what needs to be done.
Rich Cotton has passed away. He was working on the Trailer for Palomino and she wonders if he had any more information for her than we know.
americamatters.us/shows/mustang-matters/ does not know how to contact the family of Rich Cotton, if anyone knows please contact us.
Specializing in Foals:
Baby Wild Horse Rescuer, Palomino Honey Bandit
is recovering from shoulder replacement herself, is in need of an enclosed horse trailer.
530.474.5917(located outside of ReddingCA but does travel).
You are all doing amazing things over there- feeling a little left out. Shoulder is repairing.
Horse Nursery is empty, has been for a while, feeling empty nest.
Still need horse trailer. So sorry you lost 5 baby horse, due to not trailer to get them. No progress yet.
We need it to be able to travel to Washington and many far places.
If anyone has a horse trailer to donate or know of one for sale maybe we could start a fund for it) Please contact Palomino!
April 25th, International Wild Horse Rally in-front of the LegislativeBuilding at the Capital in Carson City.
Panel advertises:
Contact americamatters.us/shows/mustang-matters/anytime
Come by live, call or text in questions or comments.
Read also on wynemaranch.com/
Linked to letemrun.com/
Check out all the 501C3.
Winston Churchill. What is good for the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.
Lacy introduces and shares her respects to Shari Floyd:
and Shari’s reporting on the
Ranch Report:
Sorting yearlings because there is about 5-6 that need to be castrated. They go to the Prison where there is a horse tilt squeeze horse. The horse is squeezed between the bars and hydraulically turns the horse to one side or another, very nice because safe and not necessary to use drugs.
Wynema wants/needs a squeeze. Horse squeeze are very expensive.
There was a Nevada B sanctuary went under.
The panel thinks they have a squeeze, maybe could be investigated.
This sanctuary had many horses that were minutes from the slaughter truck coming and let em run rescued, please see A few have been rescued.
Thelma Johnson was called
Wild Horse Annie had polio in the 1970’s (as a child in 50’s & 60’s).
Old time measure, doctors put people in a cast. Due to old medical treatments and polio Annie was left with half of her body drooping—It did not stop her.
She was a school teacher and she got her thousands of letters, from the school children.
She went to Washing DC to push the Bill.
The result was 88million acres of American soil for preservation to the wild horses.
This was the most letter writing that came into congress by the people, there were more letters written on that issue until Vietnam War. So they passed Wild Horse & Burro Preservation Act 1971.
But now being ignored because of senator Conrad Raisenheart (sp?) Burns, Montana who slipped a writer in on the appropriations Bill, that took away preservation and now he is now where to be found.
Kelly Hyatt,
Representing, hiddenvalleyhorses.com/main.php
Brief on the
Co-operative agreement is approved, many thanks to Dr. Pat Colletti.
Although it is agreed, it is not signed yet, congress is still meeting. Although not signed
Kelly is very happy that is was approved 8-1. Thank you for all the advocacy groups coming together.
We all started because we all saw the horses and maybe being so near. All though it feels good to humans, is not good for the wild horse, we need to have people stop feeding them.
Please do not feed because they come too close to town.. It changes their behavior, they become dependant on people not their survival skills. They mainly come down for water. Since not watering the neighborhoods because we are in a drought they are not coming down as much.
talks about putting door knob informational packets to the neighborhood.
Please don’t feed. Example, a bag of apples doesn’t get eaten/found right away, then starts to ferment- if a horse does eat and not acclimated tis could be deadly.
Talked to Tesla, when Factory Plant comes they say they are interested to help the preservation of the wild horses. Bonnie discussed Tesla may actually like tourism and things for visitors around the world to see.
Panel discussion on artificially watering horses far in hills.
Shari has Question’s-
about putting wells and solar pumps for water holes. Not guzzlers for the sheep like on top of Reno/Tahoe Industrial.
Ranchers have put watering tanks out for their cattle. We haven’t seen cattle in Dayton area in a while, maybe we can talk to Ranchers? NV has a lot of water laws, we need to research.
Thank you Julie for the reflectors and they are a great idea for night.
Evelyn contact info:775.742.5338
WildHorse Merchandise fundraising thru letemrun.com/
And great job on the
Raised some money from selling t-shirts, hats, etc…
Horses for Healing
Sat 3/21/2015, get your plate of Rigatoni (fund raiser).
GoldCounty Fair Grounds, in AuburnCA
1273 High Street.
Starts 4:45PM
Using Horses to Heal since 1975. Changing rides one ride at a time- challenged people
Wants to welcome Julie whois coming into town to meet with the Senate re: reflectors, haay.org hopes to join Julie and Eddie.
Gentling Clinic 3/22/15 at wynema.
Karen Vineis , 775.741.4771, ,
Wild Horse Gentling Clinic: March 22 starting at 10AM-
At the Wynema Ranch (approx 20 min East of Reno).
Topics: Approaching, Trust/Touch, Training/ Halter.
Goal: Saddle, Ride & more= Adoptable.
Rally at the Capital in April.
Buying a book called Final Breath from Eddie Floyd, while visiting wynema ranch.
News and voting:
Destination Locations
for people to stay, when visiting theN. LakeTahoearea and proceeds go to support the wild horse advocates.
Notes presented to you by
Notes by
haay.org/ - Helping Animals and Yourself (home page).