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Hawai`i Association for College Admission Counseling




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I am interested in working with the following committee(s):

Admissions Practices Committee

Responsible for questions concerning the professional ethics and standards of conduct for admission and secondary school members.

Community Relations Committee

Explores and develops programs that provide opportunities to facilitate students' transitions to postsecondary education.

Conference Planning Committee

Organizes the Annual Conference and its ancillary events (including the pre-conference social and post-conference cultural outing) Responsibilities include the program, registration, hospitality, local arrangements, publicity, and other aspects of the conference.

Development Committee

Advises the Executive Board on budgetary policies and issues on revenue generation, membership dues and forms, and monitors investment strategies.

Government Relations Committee

Provides leadership in identifying areas of government policy affecting the mission of HACAC and its membership.

HACAC College Fair (Neighbor Islands)

Arranges for the HACAC College Fairs on neighbor islands. Responsibilities include coordination of venue, publicity, and scheduling of exhibitors

Membership Committee

Promotes membership in the organization for both HACAC and NACAC.

NACAC College Fair (Honolulu)

Coordinates local arrangements for the NACAC National College Fair that takes place in Honolulu in the spring.

Neighbor Island Representatives

Hawai`i, Kauai, and Maui County Chairpersons serve as the spokespersons for the County on issues/concerns regarding college admission counseling. Their work includes promotion of membership, coordinating events, and highlighting neighbor islands concerns to HACAC.

Nominating Committee

Recruits officers for the association - these include the elected positions of President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and NACAC Delegate, as well as appointed committee positions. They also coordinate nominations for awards and recognition of members.

Professional Development Committee

Coordinates programs in relationship building and continuing education for the ongoing development of professional and ethical college counseling at secondary and postsecondary institutions.

Technology Committee

The technology committee is responsible for maintaining the HACAC website and other duties as directed by the President.