To Create a Compare and Contrast Diagram in Microsoft Word
- File – Page Setup – Landscape
- Type: Compare and Contrast – center – Bold – Size 18 – Enter (2x’s)
- Select the text box icon – draw a small box – type Event 1 - center – Bold –
Size 18 - Double click on top of the text box – Format Text Box – Colors and Line – Color select – no line
- Fill color – select a fill color for your box.
- The remainder of the text boxes on the page are added the same way as noted in steps 3 to 5. If the line remains do not select no line but you have the option to select a color for the line and a weight.
- Under Autoshapes you may select various shapes to add to your diagram. With Autoshapes you can sometime right click on the autoshape to add text to it.