1.This body of water is bordered to the east and south by the Kyzyl and Kara deserts, and to the west by the Ust'-Urt Plateau. The Russian-administered Baikonur Cosmodrome lies on one of the two major rivers flowing into it, and the Dike Kokaral separates its northern and southern sections. The Amu Darya and Syr Darya drain into this saline lake, which is rapidly shrinking due to irrigation. FTP, name this central Asian lake.

A: Aral Sea

2.Resin or gel is employed in one variety of this process, while high pressure and a long column characterize another. In yet another type of this procedure involves an alumina- or silica-coated sheet of iron, glass or plastic, which is examined with a UV lamp for parts of the tested substance lifted by capillary action. In addition to those ion exchange, HPL and thin layer varieties, an early form of this process displayed plant pigments on the namesake material, paper. FTP, name this lab procedure for separating a mixture between mobile and stationary phases.

A: Chromatography

3.This event occurred partially because of the use of the "B" Mark in the Eastern Zones, as currency problems prompted one side to ban the new marks from the West from their portion of the city. General Clay had ordered a similar action to be taken earlier to avoid the trains. Black Friday occurred when several planes crashed on the runway at Templehof during this occurrence. Including the dropping of candy for the children, it was known as "Operation Vittles". FTP, name this 1948 campaign by the Allies to supply their half of the namesake city by airplane.

A: Berlin Airlift [prompt on Operation Vittles until mentioned]

4.Bessie cares for the title character of this novel after she faints upon seeing her uncle's ghost. Mrs. Reed then sends the title character away to school, where her friend Helen Burns dies of consumption. After the removal of Mr. Brocklehurst, the title character remains at Lowood and later falls for a man she expects to propose to Blanche Ingram. That title character becomes governess to Adele and learns of a woman in the care of Grace Poole, Bertha Mason. FTP name this Charlotte Bronte novel whose title character works at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with Mr. Rochester.

A: Jane Eyre

5.Path-independent types of these mathematical constructs are known as conservative, while the Lorentz force law contains the sum of two of these. Those two examples are each integrated in the two flux laws named for Gauss and are represented by the letters B and E. A common representation of these shows direction and involves lines whose frequencies represent strength. FTP, name these regions in which points are affected by forces with electric, magnetic and gravitational varieties.

A: Force Fields [Accept Vector Fields]

6.This son of Asase Ya brought stories to the world after capturing several creatures, including a python and a leopard, and was eventually replaced in one position by a chameleon. This figure's wife is Aso and he tried to contain the wisdom of the world in a calabash but failed. This figure also taught mankind agriculture and placed the world's celestial bodies. This god often acts on behalf of his father, Nyame, the sky god. FTP name this spider, a trickster god, who appears in West African mythology.

A: Anansi

7.This event was documented by Romeo Dallaire, who commanded a peacekeeping force during this conflict which was originally sent to maintain the conditions of the Arush Accords called UNAMIR. This event began with the assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana, and much of it was orchestrated by the radio station RTLM and implemented by the Impuzamugambi and Interahamwe militias. Lasting one hundred days, it ended with the overthrow of the government by the Paul Kagame-led RPF. Involving the systematic killing of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis by the Hutu majority, FTP, name this 1994 ethnic cleansing taking place in a namesake African country.

A: Rwandan Genocide [accept equivalents]

8.One of these that finds the shortest path between nodes on a graph is, along with Kruskal’s and Prim’s, a greedy one and is named for Dijkstra. In addition to a triply eponymous compression method called the LZW one, a class of these is known as “divide-and-conquer” for their tactics. Analyzed by the order of their runtime using Big-O notation, these perform tasks like searching and sorting. FTP, give this computer science term for a finite set of procedures for solving a problem.

A: Algorithms

9.Notable orchestral sections from this work include the opening Sinfony marked Grave and the Pifa, frequently referred to as the Pastoral Symphony. The final part includes the recitative “Behold, I tell you a mystery” and the duet “O death, where is thy sting?” as well as the notable soprano aria “I know that my Redeemer liveth”. It may be most famous for a piece containing the line “he shall reign for ever and ever”, the “Hallelujah” Chorus. With a libretto by Charles Jennens, FTP, name this oratorio about the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus, a work of George Frideric Handel.

A: Messiah

10.On this religion's holiday of Ridvan, the giving of a title meaning "glory of God" to the successor of its founder is celebrated. That founder took a title meaning "the Gate", and the "Guardian" of this religion was Shoghi Effendi. The sacred texts of this religion include the Book of Certitude, and its temples include one in Haifa. In addition to the two aforementioned prophets, this faith also considers Adam, Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad to be prophets. It was founded in nineteenth century Persia by Siyyd Ali Muhammad. FTP, name this faith founded on the basis of unity and equality by the Bab.

A: the Baha'i Faith

11.In of this man's novels, Charlie Citrine profits from writing about Von Trenck, who is based on his mentor. In addition to Humboldt’s Gift, another of his novels includes many letters from its title character that are never sent and sometimes written to people he has never met, Herzog. In another work a man named Eugene goes to Africa to answer a voice calling "I want, I want, I want," Henderson the Rain King. Another of his novels sees the fatherless protagonist grow up in Chicago with his two brothers and increasingly blind mother. FTP, name this American author of The Adventures of Augie March.

A: SaulBellow [or Solomon Bellows]

12.On the left of this painting is a dark building with open windows on the orange second floor. Across the street, the central establishment has a yellow door leading to the back. An advertisement for five cent Phillies cigars occupies the visible roof of the central structure. Coffee cups sit in front of the patrons, while a waiter in white seems trapped in the wooden triangle of a table. The patrons, two men wearing hats and a red-haired woman in a red dress, look away from each other. FTP name this painting by Edward Hopper set in a diner.

A: Nighthawks

13.The land of this entity west of the Rhine was stripped in the Treaty of Luneville and they would lose Dobrzyn and Pomerania in the two Treaties of Torun. This entity moved to the Vistula to assist Conrad of Mazovia, invaded the Chelmno lands with the approval of the Golden Bull of Rimini, and was forced out of Prussia by Albert. During the Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipus, its Livonian Branch was defeated by Alexander Nevsky. Pope Clement III approved this entity and its activities were transferred from the Middle East towards Eastern Europe by Hermann von Salza. FTP, name this religious order which resisted defeat at Marienberg but was finally defeated at the Battle of Grunwald by Poland.

A: House of the Hospitallers of Saint Mary of the Teutonic Knights Order in Jerusalem [or Deutscher Ritter-Orden; or Haus der Ritter des Hospitals Sankt Marien der Deutschen zu Jerusalem; or Domus Sanctae MariaeThentonicorum in Jerusalem]

14.In one episode, this character asks another to “Help me get with it, Jack,” when he hears a word that isn’t in his “hiptionary,” and in another episode he plays a sad song on the “world’s smallest violin.” He frightens another character when he attempts to request the song “Electric Zoo” on the radio. This character defiles the grave of Smitty Werbenyager-Manjensen to steal a rare soda-drink hat and hallucinates that everyone is speaking in squeaks in an episode in which he eventually eats a pair of boots originally given to his daughter Pearl. FTP, name this miserly crustacean and employer of SpongeBob SquarePants.

A: Mr. Krabs [accept Eugene Krabs]

15.This man wrote that FDR’s manipulation of price controls caused further economic problems during the Great Depression. This man’s lectures on the benefits of the free market in Chile in 1975 helped solve an economic crisis as well as paved the way for democratization, a philosophy which formed the basis of his most famous work. Often collaborating with his wife Rose, FTP, name this monetarist author of A Monetary History of the United States and Capitalism and Freedom, the most prominent Chicago school economist.

A: Milton Friedman

16.One of this author's plays tells of a woman who opposed Ferdinand VII and had its set designed by Salvador Dali, Mariana Pineda. This man also wrote a poem about Ignacio Sanchez Mejias, Lament for the Death of a Bullfighter. Another of his plays takes place during a time of mourning while one of the title character's daughters, Adela, is having an affair with the suitor of her sister Angustias, La Casa de Bernada Alba. In another play, Death disguised as a beggar woman delights in the deaths of the Groom and Leonardo. FTP name this murdered Spanish author of Blood Wedding.

A: Federico Garcia Lorca

17.One hormone produced by this structure stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroid hormones, and another hormone produced by this structure stimulates gamete production.In addition to adrenocorticotropic hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, this structure secretes antidiuretic hormone and a hormone which stimulates the ejection of breast milk and contraction of the uterus, oxytocin.FTP, name this tiny endocrine gland located below the hypothalamus in the brain.

A: Pituitary Gland

18.One leader of this group, Apopis, tried to ally himself with Kush in order to defeat rebels led by Kamose. The successor to Kamose took over this group's capital, Avaris, which is noted for Semitic-style burials. Establishing the Fifteenth Dynasty, they also introduced the compound bow and the chariot into the lands they conquered. They were finally expelled by Ahmose, the leader of rebels from Thebes, and the name used for them by the Egyptian historian Manetho reflects their foreign origin. FTP, name this Semitic group which invaded and conquered Egypt.

A: Hyksos

19.This play begins with a valet whom one character notices does not blink, and one character offers to be another's mirror when that vain character cannot find one. However, that character, who had murdered her baby, becomes frightened and thinks frequently of Roger. The other female character had killed herself and her lesbian lover, while the male character mistreated his wife and was killed fleeing war. The two women are Estelle and Inez. Set in a Second Empire style room, FTP name this play by Jean-Paul Sartre in which Joseph Garcin states that “hell is other people.”

A: No Exit [Accept Huis Clos]

20.The deaths of Misenus and Elpenor, who notably fell from Circe's roof after drinking too much, are sometimes explained as having been necessary for this action to take place. Theseus and Pirithous did this in an attempt to abduct Demeter's daughter, and Heracles did this a number of times, including the rescue of Alcestis, who had died for her husband Admetus. Both Aeneas and Odysseus see groups of women upon undertaking this action, including interaction with the shade of Dido. FTP name this action undertaken by Aeneas to speak with his deceased father and by Odysseus to speak to the dead prophet Tiresias.

A: traveling to the underworld [Accept equivalents like the inclusion of the word “Greek” or “Tartarus” or something expressing “going to the underworld and coming back” or katabasis or nekyia]

EXTRA TOSS-UP; only read if there’s a tie

21.One of this type of legislation was supported by George Edmunds, the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and that one was used against the American Tobacco Company. Another of these allows victims to sue for treble damages and prevents "exclusive dealings" in which a buyer may not deal with the competition of the seller. That example of this category of legislation moved away from focusing on mergers as an earlier example did, and one of these was used to destroy the Northern Securities Company by Teddy Roosevelt. FTP, name this type of legislation fighting giant monopolistic companies whose examples include the Sherman and Clayton.

A: Anti-trust Law or Act [prompt on Shermanor Clayton Antitrust Acts]

1.FTPE, the retreating Russians burned the countryside to ensure Napoleon's army lacked supplies.

[10] Name this 1812 battle, a narrow victory for Napoleon, whose depleted army would soon be driven out of Russia.

A: Battle of Borodino

[10] In this 1805 battle in Czechoslovakia, Napoleon handily defeated a much larger force of Austrians and Russians under the command of Kutuzov, causing Austria to make peace with France.

A: Battle of Austerlitz

[10] At this Belgian battle during the Hundred Days, the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon, who would then be packed off to St. Helena.

A: Battle of Waterloo

2.The thunder one of these notably carried a large drum, and seven of them are associated with good fortune. FTPE:

[10] Name these eight million spirits, who reside in all living things according to the animistic Japanese religion Shinto.

A: Kami

[10] This sun kami locked herself in a cave after being upset by the actions of her brother, the storm god. A mirror was used by Uzume to lure her out.

A: Amaterasu-omikami or Ohiru-menomuchi-no-kami

[10] This primeval kami traveled to Yomi in search of his deceased wife and created the islands of Japan by plunging a spear into the sea.

A: Izanagi

3.A “surface” variety of this quantity causes water's boiling point to be so high compared to other substances of similar molecular weight. FTPE:

[10] Identify this term that refers to forces that result from pulling on objects, which may be contrasted with compression. Free-body diagrams often assign this kind of a force to the strings in pulleys.


[10] Surface tension may be lowered by these substances, which form micelles to segregate oil droplets from water. Examples include detergents.


[10] Surface tension results in this phenomenon, in which water is drawn up into small pores, as in paper towels, until there is such a mass therein that gravity counteracts the strength of surface tension.

A: Capillary Action

4.While stationed in Damascus he would join a secret organization whose name translates to "Motherland and Liberty," FTPE:

[10] Name this man who would become the first president of the Republic of Turkey that he helped create.

A: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk [accept either Kemalor Ataturk, or both]

[10] One part of Ataturk's westernization of Turkey was the banning of this traditional small hat.

A: fez

[10] Ataturk rose to prominence as a division commander at this battle, an attempt by British forces to seize the Dardanelles, in order to allow a joint attack on the "soft underbelly of Europe."

A: Battle of Gallipoli

5.It emphasizes scientific concepts such as fallibilism and holds that practical consequences are the most important aspect of truth. FTPE:
[10] Name this philosophy, advocates of which include Willard Quine and Wilfrid Sellars, described in a namesake 1907 book of lectures bearing the subtitle “a new name for some old ways of thinking” written by the author of Essays in Radical Empiricism.

A: Pragmatism
[10] This author of Pragmatism and the Gifford Lecture series The Varieties of Religious Experience contributed to science with his book The Principles of Psychology and was the brother of noted novelist Henry.

A: William James
[10] This other pragmatist wrote the article The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology and is famous for works in education theory including The School and Society and Democracy and Education. He also offered social criticism in his books The Public and Its Problems and Individualism Old and New.

A: John Dewey

6.The figures in this painting are grouped by the three columns in the background. FTPE: