Have you ever been told that Immunizations/Vaccines are Mandatory or Required in Idaho – for daycare, school, employment or by your pediatrician? If you answered YES, your written testimony is needed.
Idaho Code, Title 39, Chapter 48 contains the immunization laws governing Idaho. Most people have no idea that I.C. 39-4804 clearly states that parents or legal guardians are to be notified prior to the administration of a vaccine/immunization: (1) Immunizations are not mandatory and may be refused on religious or other grounds; (2) Participation in IRIS - the immunization registry - is voluntary; and (3) The parent or guardian is entitled to an accurate explanation of the complications known to follow such immunization.
On the back of this sheet is the current law with inserted proposed law changes. In January 2016, the Idaho Health Freedom Coalition and our sponsor in the Idaho Senate or House will be introducing a bill with the intention of putting “teeth” into I.C. 39-4804. In order for this proposed bill to pass out of committee, we need dozens of written testimonies of specific instances where I.C. 39-4804 was violated. Please use our online form at
OR fill out the information below and send it to:
Ingri Cassel, director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
Address, City, Zip Code
Telephone Circle your answer
I was notified that exemptions to vaccinations are availableYes No
Someone gave me misinformation about vaccine exemptionsYes No
I was given Vaccination Information Sheets (VIS)Yes No
I was given information about Vaccine Injury Insurance (NVICP)Yes No
I was informed that Idaho's Immunization Registry (IRIS) is voluntaryYes No
My employer required that I be vaccinated in order to retain my jobYes No
I support a change in I.C. 39-4804Yes No
Additional Details – Who? Where? When? ______
The language below is the current law 39-4804.
Words that are struck through [ or ] are proposed to be deleted from the current law.
Words that are underlined [ adult or ] are proposed additions to the current law.
Current Statute with Proposed Statute amendments.
39-4804. NOTIFICATION TO ADULT RECIPIENT, PARENT OR GUARDIAN. (1) Before an immunization is administered to any adult or child in this state, the
adult recipient or parent or guardian of the child shall be notified that:
(a) Immunizations are not mandatory and may be refused on religious or
other grounds;
(b) Participation in the immunization registry is voluntary;
(c) The adult recipient, parent or guardian is entitled to an accurate
explanation of the complicationsadverse reactions known to follow such
(2) Before an immunization is administered to any adult or child in this
state, the adult recipient, parent or guardian shall be provided with a vac-cine information statement (VIS) from the centers for disease control, any
package insert from the manufacturer of the vaccine and a link to the federal
vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) to report adverse events
following immunization.
(3) At the time information is initially collected regarding any child
for entry into the registry created pursuant to this chapter, the parent or
guardian shall be notified that:
(a) They have the right under Idaho law to submit a statement pursuant
to the provisions of sections 39-1118 and 39-4802, Idaho Code, which exempts them from any requirement to have information regarding the child entered into the registry;
(b) At any time they have the right to remove any information from the registry regarding the child; and
(c) Immunizations are not mandatory and may be refused on religious or other grounds.
(34) The decision of a parent or guardian to:
(a) Submit a statement pursuant to the provisions of either section 39-1118(2) or 39-4802(2), Idaho Code;
(b) Remove any information regarding the child from the registry pursuant to the provisions of section 39-4803(4), Idaho Code; or
(c)Refuse the immunization on religious or other grounds; shall not be used in any manner against the interests of the parent or guardian in any administrative, civil or criminal action.
(5) Before an immunization is administered, the adult recipient, parent or guardian shall sign a notification form provided by the healthcare provider advising them of the law. The notification form shall be signed for
each office visit to a healthcare provider when a vaccine is administered and shall state the following:
"Please be advised that immunizations are not mandatory and may be refused on religious or other grounds. Immunizations are known to cause serious adverse reactions in some individuals including hospitalization and death. Furthermore, participation in the immunization registry is voluntary, and you have the right at any time to remove any information from the registry regarding your child. The federal vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) is available to report any adverse events following immunization."