Applicant Name: ______
Applicant Address: ______
Contact Number (1): ______Contact Number (2): ______
Email Address: ______
  1. When was the last time you drove while under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs? Please provide dates and details.

Updated June 02, 2017Page 1 of 4

Pre-Entry Written Assessment, Sheriff Services
  1. Have you applied to BC Sheriff Service or other law enforcement agencies? Please list all current as well as historical / inactive applications and the status of your application.

Department / Date Applied / Status
BC Sheriff (Y / N )
  1. Have you ever been involved in any criminal activity?
  1. Do you currently associate with, or have you in the past associated with individuals or groups engaged in any level of criminal or terrorist activity?
  1. Do you or have you ever used social media? List all forms of social media you currently or in the past have used.
  1. Is there currently or anything in the past, on any social media sites that could potentially reflect a negative image of you, negatively reflect BC Sheriff Services, or the employer?
  1. Have you ever been disciplined, asked to resign, suspended or dismissed by your current or past employers?
  1. In the last 18 months please describe how many occasions you have been off work sick? In the last 18 months please describe how many days you have sick. Please explain both occasions and days off sick.
  1. Have you ever used illegal drugs? Yes  No

TYPE / Please Place X in Colum / Times Used / First time used (Date) year/month/day / Last time used (Date) year/month/day
Marijuana / Yes / No
Hashish/Oil / Yes / No
Cocaine / Yes / No
Crack / Yes / No
Acid/ LSD / Yes / No
Meth / Yes / No
Mushrooms / Yes / No
Mescaline / Yes / No
Ketamine / Yes / No
Speed / Yes / No
Heroin / Yes / No
Ecstasy / Yes / No
PCP / Yes / No
GHB / Yes / No
Steroids / Yes / No
List other drugs or designer drugs that are not listed above:
I, hereby declare that the information I have provided in this document is complete and accurate. I understand that a false statement or intentional omission may disqualify me from further consideration for employment or result in dismissal should I be appointed a peace officer. It is understood and accepted that I am involved in a competitive selection process and that I may be declined at any stage of the process. I have read and understood the information presented on this document.
I acknowledge that I have been advised that the said information is being collected, used and disclosed to assess my suitability for employment as a Deputy Sheriff in the Province of British Columbia and that the collection of this information is authorized by section 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Signature: ______Date: ______

Updated June 02, 2017Page 1 of 4