Working together to improve outcomes for local children and young people.


Date / Tuesday 20th September 2011
Time / 12.30 – 14.30 hrs
Location / Havant Local Education Office
Present / Mary Lilley
Jayne Ashberry
Julie Amies
Clare Ansell
Ria Emery
Eric Halton
Dick Jones
Jackie Jones
Kim McCann
Linda Steele
Nicola Tettmar
Sue Walker
Catherine Madden / Chair and Manager, Crookhorn Lane Children’s Centre
Vice Chair and Extended Services
Culture, Community & Business Support, HCC
Director of Operations, Motiv8
Havant Youth Team, Children’s Services
District Manager, Children’s Services
Behaviour Support Team
Headteacher, Bidbury Infants School
Manager, Starfish Children’s Centre
District Manager, Children and Families
Headteacher, Hart Plain Junior School
Deputy Headteacher, Park Community School
Clerk, Governor Services
1. Welcome and Apologies
The Chair welcomed all those present to the meeting. Apologies had been received and were accepted from:
Mandy Brown (Community Health Care)
Jane Kent (WCC CCRA)
Lynne Meechan (Participation Officer, Children’s Services)
Ben Mizen (Diocesan Liturgy & Workshop Advisory Group)
Pip Newman (Hampshire PCT)
Maz Skilbeck (Early Years)
The meeting was informed that Eric Halton would be arriving late.
It should be noted that agenda items were not taken in numerical order.
2. Introductions
All present introduced themselves to the meeting by name and association.
3. Election of new Co-chair
Mary Lilley said that although she has been well supported in her role as Chair to the avnHavant LCP over the last nine months, due to the current restructuring of Children’s Centres and hence the increase in her workload, she will be stepping down as Chair. She will continue to be involved in the Havant LCP and the review group.
The election of a new Chair was deferred to later in the meeting once Eric Halton had arrived.
4. Declaration of Pecuniary Interests
There were no pecuniary interests declared. Those present were invited to sign a declaration of pecuniary interests form if they had not already done so.
All members to sign new declaration of pecuniary interests forms at next meeting.
Action: Clerk to supply members with new declaration of pecuniary interests forms at next meeting.
5. Minutes of last meeting(9th June 2011)
It was agreed that the minutes of 9th June 2011 were a true and accurate record and were duly signed and dated by the Chair.
6. Matters arising
Page 2: Item 5: Matters arising:
Jayne Ashberry reported that she and Volker Buck are attending a parenting sub group at which Hampshire Parenting Strategy document will be addressed.
Jayne Ashberry to report back to next meeting on Hampshire Parenting Strategy document.
Page 2: Item 6: Funding Proposal and cluster budget reports:
It was said that funding proposals for all four clusters had been submitted to County and that all money should have been released.
Page 4: Item 10: Youth Participation: Mi-Voice:
Jayne Ashberry reported that Havant Borough Council have allocated someone to go along to the Mi-Voice training and therefore it was agreed that the Havant LCP would not need a separate place as well. Lynne Meechan to be advised.
Action: Clerk to advise Lynne Meechan that Havant LCP do not require a place on the Mi-Voice training.
The meeting was informed of an email received from Lynne Meechan on a Hampshire County Youth Conference: Alcohol and anti-social behaviour on Wednesday 23rd November, copies of which Ria Emery distributed to those present and expanded on it. The Havant LCP have been asked to coordinate and encourage young people to this event. The flyer could be distributed to school and school/youth councils. Ria is to circulate it through youth services and to send out copy of flyer electronically to Havant LCP members. Julie Amies suggested the voluntary sector might like to get involved.
Action: Ria Emery to circulate Hampshire County Youth Conference flyer to Havant LCP.
12.40 p.m. Eric Halton and Sue Walker arrived.
Mary Lilley informed the meeting of the Victory Consortium in Portsmouth, how it works and the importance of itto ensure small, local voluntary organisations can still tender for LA commissioning contracts and suggested something similar be set up in Hampshire. Alternatively it might be possible for South East Hampshire volulntary organisations to link with Portsmouth due to the close proximity of the city.
This type of arrangement would enable the LCP to identify gaps and approach a central consortia who could help and possibly bid for funds for delivery especially in areas where there is no funding.
Julie Amies added that HCC is looked at CVSs across the County and how they are to be organised in the future. She suggested asking them if they would consider being part of a voluntary consortia.
Action: Julie Amies to raise in appropriate forum.
Page 6: Item 15: Hampshire Children’s Trust and associated meetings
Action: Jayne Ashberry to arrange for minutes of LCP Chairs Group to be available on google docs.
There were no other matters except those on the agenda.
7. Budget reports
Mary Lilley distributed copies of the Havant LCP Funding budget 2011/12 and asked members how they would like the outstanding balance of £4,997 to be spent. She suggested it could be spent on subsidisingtraining, for example Relate training to support families with relationship training which she had received much interest in.
It was said that the outstanding balance needs to be spent by April. To be discussed again at next meeting when we have a clearer idea of how the LCP will look following review.
It was said that the Children’s Services Integrated Grant funding was not fully utilised in Havant due to an insufficient number of bids that met the criteria. It was said it is for voluntary organisations for specific projects and comes up annually and people should be encouraged to put bids in for it.
13. Feedback from LCP review group
Minutes from the Havant LCP review group meeting dated 16thSeptember were handed out and discussed. Please read the attached document. The following questions and comment arose:
-The role of the strategic group will need to be reviewed, actions delegated and liaison take place between the different groups.
-The strategic group needs to decide what it is trying to achieve and in what timeframe.
-Geographical groups should include a range of partners and not be too school centred. They could meet annually to meet, review and reflect.
-Thematic groups could be specific to a particular area (needs led).
-There needs to be co-ordination between thematic groups and linkage of priorities that are at other ends of the spectrum.
-Sector/professional partnerships must have a way of formally linking to geographical and themed groups and vice versa.
-The strategic group should have a clear infrastructure in order that it does not get too big.
-Thematic groups can either be a standing thematic group or a task & finish group.
-Julie Amies reported on task & finishes groups that work in Winchester and their strategic group which has fifteen or so multi-agency key partners. The strategic group have an annual check & challenge on where the group is at. Task & finish groups reinforce the need for the strategic group and remind people of the areas of need and share the workload.
-The strategic group should focus on the most important gaps and overlaps in the area and tackle them.
-The strategic group would need to be informed what and where the gaps are, for example, by comparing data with other LCPs.
-Where is the communication in the area action plan?
-Will the infrastructure of the LCP be capable of generating review, reaction and action?
-Are the professional groups that already exist prepared to commit to link into the strategic group and are they prepared to accept a steer from the LCP, give authority to the LCP and work in partnership with the LCP?
-In the thematic groups are people prepared to put the time and energy into it?
Mary Lilley reported that at a meeting of the Crookhorn, Purbrook and Oaklands cluster group earlier in the same day, there had been some discussion on the idea of groups working together. This cluster already had two working parties, namely the Emotional Health & Wellbeing and Raising Attainment and Mary reported that the cluster would rather focus on these two groups rather than meet together as a cluster.
No conclusions were drawn at this meeting and it was said members need to meet and discuss with their own clusters/organisations and feedback before the next review group meeting on October 5th from which a process can be identified on where the Havant LCP wants to go from where it is now. It was said caution should be taken in changing structures too quickly.
8. Childrens Centres tender process
Mary Lilley said that the tender packs for Childrens Centre are due to arrive any day now and the contracts are to be awarded at the end of Januarywith the new provider hopefully taking over at the end of March.
Are Childrens Centres being reduced?
Mary said the infrastructure of Childrens Centres and front-line staff should remain the same and it is the management that will change.
9. Youth support services restructuring updateand
10. Youth services commissioning update
Ria Emery reported that staff employed by Youth Services are in the second week of interviews.
Ria presented the commissioning intent by way of a diagram which she put on the wall and explained to members. Areas to be covered are:
Young people experiencing domestic violence
Young carers
Alcohol use
Sexual Health
Homeless 16/17 year olds
Ria expanded on how young people will be able to access youth services:
-There will be a main hub of delivery which will also have other services running from it.
-There are gaps in areas such as Hayling Island/Warblington which might have to be supplied by an outreach service.
-Outreach workers can work between clusters and are essential in reaching the targeted youth.
-Sexual health services need to be stronger in the cluster areas.
-Something needs to be done for the young carers/under 10s.
-There has to be a referral area to pick up young people who fall off the radar.
-Youth services have to be targeted in out of school hours.
-Youth services are keen to try and maintain the buildings they use but they need to be managed – other groups use the buildings too.
Ria said there will be further meetings once the interviews have taken place.
2.20 p.m. Nicola Tettmar left the meeting.
11. CAMHS model in Hampshire
ML said that she has booked a place at the CAMHS presentation on Wednesday 5th October 9.00-12.00 in Winchester and any member who would like to take up the place, please be in touch with Mary.
12. Update on cluster priorities, delivery plans, actions and key dates:
Hayling and Warblington
Horndean and Cowplain
Crookhorn, Purbrook and Oaklands
Leigh Park
It was said that there were no updates from the clusters and that actions and deliveries are going to plan.
14. Havant Health and Wellbeing Board
There was no further update from the Havant Health and Wellbeing Board and Eric Halton will feedback at next LCP meeting.
15. Hampshire Children’s Trust and associated meetings
It was said that there have been no meetings of the Hampshire Children’s Trust since the last LCP meeting and the next meeting is on 27th September.
16. Agenda items for next meeting
Election of Chair.
Vision and future of LCP.
Updates from all four clusters.
Havant Health and Wellbeing Board.
Any further suggested items to be sent to Clerk in advance of meeting.
Action: Clerk to email all members two weeks prior to next meeting for further suggested agenda items.
17. Any other business
It was decided that the election of a new Chair be deferred to the next meeting. Members to think if they would be interested or if anyone else they know might be.
There was no other business.
18. Date, time and place of future meeting
Tuesday 29th November at 1.00-3.00 p.m. – venue to be confirmed.