
of the International Seminar

«Problems of Integration of the Sustainable Development Indicators

into the System of National Planning»

Participants of the seminar, organized with the support of the Soros Foundation and UNEP project «System of the support for decision-making», representatives of scientific, public organizations of the Eastern Europe, NIS, the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of the RK, the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK, Agency on Statistics of the RK, NIC ICSD, the Network of Experts for Sustainable Development of Central Asia, Kazakhstan Association of Nature-Users for Sustainable Development and also invited quests from UNDP adopted the following recommendations:

1.With the aim to implement decisions of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, 2002) it is necessary to consider as very significant the development of the sustainable development indicators (SDI) for the countries in transition.

2.Offer as s priority for countries of the Eastern Europe and NIS the following priority indicators:

2.1.price growth on attitude to salary growth; expectancy;

2.3.water-intensity of GDP; of GDP;

2.5.% of alternative sources of energy (alternative production);

2.6.share of SPNT in the total country area or share of virgin ecosystems;

2.7.expenditures on social needs, % from GDP;

2.8.number of population, living under subsistence level;

2.9.infant mortality on 1000 born;

2.10. share of children, not including by the system of primary education;

2.11. material-intensity of GDP;

2.12. accumulation of solid household wastes per capita;

2.13. green-house gas, (СОx, in t. equivalent),SOx, NOx emission per capita;

2.14. number of vulnerable plant and animal species from total number of species;

2.15. % of population, having access to safe water;

2.16. investment into the clean technologies, in % to GDP;

3.Appeal to the international organizations for the support of realization of joint project on development and integration of SDI into the practice of national planning of the Eastern Europe and NIS.

4.Propose to NIC ISWFC and NIC ICSD to consider priority SDI for the countries in transition with the aim to integrate them into the practice in the process of decision-making of ISWFC and ICSD in the field of socio-economic development and compiling of environment at the regional level.

5.Propose to the Agency on Statistics to distribute an experience on integration of priority SDI into the practice of national statistics in the NIS.

6.Propose to the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of the RK to take into consideration principles and indicators of sustainable development in the process of development of the national programs, indicative and strategic planning.

7.Recommend to the Network of Experts for SD of CA to publish seminar materials in the open printing format.