Peter Kocsik

Hatch, Mott MacDonald

3 Paragon Way

Freehold, NJ 07728

RE:CAFRA Modification Authorization

Application No. 0506-06-0034.1 CAF 060001

Applicant: Township of Middle

Satt Boulevard Sewer Extension and Road Improvements

Middle Township, Cape May County

Dear Mr. Kocsik:

This letter will service as a modification of the above referenced CAFRA permit issued June 8, 2007. The permit is being modified because the project as approved has the potential to adversely impact a vernal habitat supporting a breeding population for the State endangered Eastern Tiger Salamander. Specifically, the stormwater system has been modified to minimize impacts to the vernal habitat. The Department appreciates the cooperation of the permittee to modify the project to reduce impacts to the breeding habitat.

The modified project is hereby authorized as shown on plans in 11 sheets entitled “Township of Middle, Cape May County, New Jersey, Diamond Road, Railroad Avenue, Satt Boulevard Sanitary Sewer Extension and Satt Boulevard Road Construction, Contract No. 21” prepared by Hatch Mott MacDonald and dated May 19, 2008, with sheets 5, 6 and 7 revised to September 19, 2008 and sheet 9 revised to September 18, 2008.

All conditions of the original CAFRA permit are to remain in force. The following additional conditions shall be imposed:

  1. The permittee shall revegetate the 20’ wide drainage easement located at approx Station 30+40 along Satt Boulevard. Plantings upslope of the proposed outfall structure shall consist of min. 6’ tall red cedars planted 4.5 feet on-center and staggered in rows to provide maximum access and wind screening between Satt Boulevard and the location of the proposed bubbler outlet. Plantings between the proposed outfall structure/rip-rap apron and the wetland line shall consist of min 3’ high bayberry planted 4 feet on center and staggered in rows to provide maximum screening between the location of the proposed outlet structure/rip rap apron and the wetlands line. The contractor shall arrange the plantings in a manner which will achieve the goal of restoring the pre-existing screening which precluded the impacts of wind, trash, refuse, pedestrian or motor vehicle/ATV access to the pond.
  1. Final grading and rip-rap installation immediately adjacent to the “bubbler” outfall location shall retain a 6” rise between the rim elevation and the surrounding soil/rip-rap elevation, as is necessary to ensure that small wildlife cannot gain access to or enter the outfall structure grate and become trapped in the outfall structure.
  1. The permittee shall install 0.5 inch mesh galvanized hardware cloth (2 mesh galvanized welded 16 gauge (.063") wire dia. or equivalent) over or under all inlet grates adjacent to Satt Boulevard to prevent small wildlife from entering the inlet structures and becoming trapped. Installation must ensure that small wildlife (with a priority on Eastern tiger salamanders and similar herpetile species) which might be washed into or otherwise fall into the inlet grate openings shall be caught by the mesh and be afforded the ability to exit the grate openings. If mesh is installed under the grate, the center of the mesh should be wired to the mesh to prevent sag.
  1. A maintenance plan must be submitted, including the signed agreement by the responsible party, indicating that regular maintenance inspections shall be performed to ensure that the wire mesh on all inlet grates are in good repair and are cleaned, and also that the required timber curbing along Satt Boulevard is in good repair and continues to preclude small wildlife access to the roadway ROW while simultaneously allowing egress of small wildlife out of the roadway ROW. Inspections/maintenance should specifically ensure that the water quality swale grading is flush with the top of timber curb inside the ROW, while the north side of the timber curb maintains a minimum 5” barrier to wildlife, as depicted in detail on Sheet 9 of 11 of the referenced plans.

Should you have any questions, please contact me at (609) 984-0288 or in writing at the above listed address.


Christina Torok, Project Manager

Bureau of Coastal Regulation

c:Bureau of Coastal & Land Use Compliance & Enforcement

Middle Township Construction Official