Desk Review Guide

Performance Item 10: Another planned permanent living arrangement (case files and interviews with child, caseworker, foster parent(s), relative caregiver(s), independent living services providers, service providers, guardian ad litem)

Has the correct Permanency Option Been Selected?
What is the date of the Non-reunification Court Order or Court Order indicating reunification services are no longer required?
Legal Actions , External Documentation, FCF Case Plan Family Detail / Policy 1006.8 requires the court has ordered Non-reunification.
“Another planned permanent living arrangement is selected whenever (1) the court has ordered non-reunification; (2) DFCS has determined that the other permanency options (adoption, guardianship or placement with a fit and willing relative) would not be in the best interest of the child; and (3) there is a compelling reason documented in the Case Plan for its selection.”
“In order for the court to adopt the permanency goal of another planned permanent living arrangement such as long-term foster care, the Case Manager documents the following in the Case Plan:
  • A “compelling reason” for ruling out the “higher priority” permanency plans as not in the child’s best interest; and
  • The steps being taken to place the child in a more permanent living arrangement.

What is the justification in the documentation to support DFCS determination that the other permanency options (adoption, guardianship or placement with a fit and willing relative) would not be in the best interest of the child?
External Documentation, Contact Detail , Contact Narrative,
FCF Case Plan Family Detail – Non-reunification
List the compelling reason documented in the Case Plan for its selection.
FCF Case Plan Family Detail – ASFA Regulations
What is the child’s another planned permanent living arrangement goal?
“A goal of other planned permanent living arrangement often is not specified in the case file using that term. This goal refers to a situation in which the agency maintains care and custody responsibilities for and supervision of the child, and places the child in a setting in which the child is expected to remain until adulthood, such as with foster parents who have made a commitment to care for the child permanently, with relative foster caregivers who have made the same commitment, or with a long-term care facility (for example, for those children with developmental disabilities who require long-term residential care services.).”
External Documentation, Contact Detail , Contact Narrative, FCF- Foster Care Case Plan Family Page / Check the goal that most closely reflects the one in the case file
Emancipation/Independence: Child is expected to remain in existing placement until she/he reaches the age of majority. Usually when this type of goal is specified, the child is age 16 or older, but that is not always the case.
Long-term foster care placement with a non-relative foster parent.
Long-term foster care placement with a specified relative.
Placement in a long-term care facility until transition to an adult care facility.
Foster Care Case Plan Family Page
Date of documentation regarding “permanency” of the child’s living arrangements (this is the date that there was a formal and documented agreement that the caretaker of a particular facility would provide care for this child until the child reaches adulthood)
Contact Detail , Contact Narrative
Are efforts being made to provide the child with services to adequately prepare the child for independent living when the child leaves Foster Care?
Does this child receive ILP services?
Yes No
If NO, explain why and Corrective Action Plan:
Give specific date by which ILP referral will be completed.
FCC-WTLP, Youth Detail / ILC Name:
Is the ILC listed as a secondary CM for this case in GA Shines?
Date of Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment
External Documentation, Youth Report Detail / Strengths Identified: list
Needs Identified: list
FCC-WTLP / Steps to meet need(s):
Other Assessments:External Documentation
CCFA – Needs & Outcome Page
IEP– Education Detail
Psychological– Health Detail
Other: specify / Strengths Identified: list
Needs Identified: list
Needs & Outcome Page / Steps to meet need(s):
FCC-WTLP, FCC Goals/Steps Detail, Service Authorization
Date of WTLP:
FCC-WTLP, Contact Detail, Contact Narrative / Describe Youth involvement in the FTM to develop the WTLP:
FCF – Team Mt
Team Meeting/Reviews
Does the documentation support that the youth is receiving age-appropriate independent living services?
FCC-WTLP, Youth Detail, Contact Detail, Contact Narrative / Give specific example of documentation:
What is being done to reach permanency for this youth?
If the child is not in a living arrangement that can be considered permanent, what concerted efforts are being made to achieve this type of living arrangement for the child?
Placement Info Page, Child Detail / List specific steps being taken to achieve permanency for this youth:
Is the child connected to a committed adult or linked to a support system to assist the child as they enter adulthood?Youth Report Detail

May 2009