South Derbyshire District in the County of Derby


Monday 9 November 2015

Kendricks Close, Hartshorne.

PRESENT - Councillors – A Jones (Chair), D Jenkinson (Vice Chair), R Bell, D Tagg, Mrs J Slawson, I Harper, Mrs K Coe, Mrs J Burley, Mrs M Mycock, N Jenkinson and P Redfern.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - Councillors P Smith, C Dobson, D West, P Kennedy, PCSO D Badham- Spalding (Police), Councillor Mrs G Farrington and Burton Mail

ALSO PRESENT – R Smith Clerk to the Parish Council, County Councillor Mrs L Chilton (arrived at 8.00pm), S Greaves and 2 representatives from Hartshorne Village Residents Association.

1.  Mr J Gosden (HVRA) said the newly formed group hoped to work together with the Parish Council on issues that were relevant to the village part of the Parish. He hoped to share the results of a survey on matters the HVRA had raised.
2.  Mr S Greaves reported that the Broomy Farm development had been granted outline planning permission. He said that it was hoped some s106 monies would be available for road improvements along the A514. He thanked the Parish Council for their support. The Chairman thanked Mr Greaves for all the hard work he had carried out in bringing changes and improvements to the proposed scheme.
County Councilors Report
3.  County Councillor Mrs L Chilton reported that the DCC are currently considering an Asset Plan for their Highways. Devolution and collaboration with Nottinghamshire is still high on DCC agenda.
District Councillor Report
4.  Councillor Mrs K Coe reported that SDDC had produced a video on recycling. She also commented that there had been no progress on the proposed plans for devolution both within Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.
111/15 / MINUTES OF THE Ordinary Meeting on held on 12 October 2015.
The minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Matter arising
Any member to declare an interest -
Councillos R Bell, Mrs Mycock and Mrs Burley members of Goseley Community Centre Committee.
Items for Exemption.
1.  PCSO D Badham- Spalding submitted a written report in which show there were in the Lower Midway Area 17 Incidents & 3Crimes and Hartshorne there were 25Incidents & 3 Crimes.
2.  Councilors Mrs J Slawson reported that a neighbour had been a victim of a distraction burglary. The police are investigating
3.  CouncillorJ Burley reported that loan sharks are currently in the Goseley area. Again the police are looking into these crimes.
1.  The Clerk presented a monthly update on all outstanding matters; this is attached to the minutes.
2.  It was noted that the hedge at Tower Road had not been cut. It was also suggested that the hedge at Main Street recreation ground should also be cut.
RESOLVED Clerk to contact contractor.
At this point Standing Orders were suspended to allow Mr Gosden (HVRA) to talk further on the recent study they had carried out and how they could work with the Parish Council to resolve the issues raised. The Chairman reported the findings of the group, which included recreational facilities, use of the BT phone box and speeding in the area. It was agreed that the HVRA would get 10 volunteers to be trained in the use of the speed gun, agreed to paint the phone box when it has been purchased by the Parish Council. It was agreed that that 2 or 3 Parish Councillors would be invited to their next meeting. The Clerk pointed out the limited involvement those Parish Councillors would have at the meetings.
At this point Standing Orders were resumed.
1.  It was reported that a car repair business was being carried out at a property along Ticknall Road.
RESOLVED Clerk to contact Police
2.  It also was reported that vehicles at a property on Main Street were blocking the public highway.
RESOLVED Clerk to contact Police.
3.  Councillor Mrs K Coe reported that the pavement near to the shops on Goseley Avenue were in need of repair and also the pavement near to 48 Hartsill Road was also in need of repair.
4.  Councillors were made aware of problems at a property on Salisbury Drive. The District Council are at present dealing with the situation.
1.  Councillor N Jenkinson reported that the web site continues to be used on a regular basis and recently he has added HCC firework display and reference to the Derbyshire Credit Union. Councillor Bell announced that he would being producing the newsletter due out in April/May time. The Chairman thanked Roy for all the hard work he had carried out in producing the newsletter for over the past 13 years. Councillor N Jenkinson agreed to produce the newsletter in the future.
1.  Councillor D Jenkinson reported that Hartshorne Charities had donated over £1000.00 to students living in the Parish to help towards their studies. He also reported that the Charities had agreed to make a large donation towards the HCC. The Charities also continue to support the cubs and beavers.
2.  Councillor D Jenkinson reported that he had attended the Remembrance Service on 8 November and placed a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council. The Chairman thanked Councillor D Jenkinson.
1.  The Clerk reported that a new meter had been installed at Goseley recreation ground.
2.  Hartshorne Cricket Club have invited all Parish Councillors to inspect the new cricket pavilion on Saturday 21 November at 10.00 am.
·  Appl. No. 9/2015/1032 - the erection of an extension at 46 Lincoln Way, Lower Midway.
No Comment
·  Appl. No. 9/2015/0964 - Prior notification for the erection of a lockable Agricultural Equipment Store at the Sawmill, Ticknall Road, Hartshorne.
No Comment
·  Appl. No. 9/2015/0963 - Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed rooflights and rear elevation amendments at 13 Leawood Road, Lower Midway.
No Comment
·  Appl. No. 9/2015/0924 - the erection of a single storey extension at 13 Warwick Avenue. Lower Midway.
No Comment
·  Appl No. 9/2015/0440 erection of log cabin to be used for holiday letting at Ticknall Road, Hartshorne. REASON FOR RECONSULTATION: Revised Site Plan, Elevations and Floor Plan
Approved payments for November
Cheq / Payee / In Respect of / Amount
Staff Salaries and Expenses / Wages & Salaries - November / 937.79
SDDC / Provision of Sportsmoible / 1000.80
Direct Payments
Inland Revenue / November Income Tax/ NI / 218.73
1. Resolved - that a contribution of £50.00 is made to the Royal British Legion in respect of Remeberance Sunday.
120/15 / Correspondence
·  Hartshorne Cricket Club - invitation to all Parish Councillors to visit the new pavilion.
·  Goseley Community Centre - request for funding for small extension at the Community Centre.
RESOLVED that it would be discussed at the next Finance Working Group to be heid on 11 November
·  Swadlincote and District YFC - additional activities at Goseley recreation ground.
·  Community Transport - on line petition to DCC.
·  CABSD - circular advertising services provided
·  SDDC - Area Forum Thursday 12 November at Church Gresley Methodist Church (Area 4)
·  DCC - re Speeding at Sandcliffe Road
·  Ashby de la Zouch Draft Neighbourhood Plan
DALC Circulars
·  DALC Annual Report to 31 March 2015
121/15 / Date of Next Meeting - Monday 14 December 2015 - Kendricks Close, Hartshorne.
Signed…………………………………………….. Dated……………………………….