Dillon School District Four Technology

Long Range Plan ______

Library Media Specialist: ______School: ______

  1. Mission Statement: State the purpose of the media center’s program and services and how it relates to the school and district’s mission.
  2. Clear Understanding of the School Community: Describe the school’s environment including the instructional program, student population, school programs, information and curricula/instructional needs and student and teacher interests. Explain the source of the information and how it was gathered.

Program Development and Collaboration

Related ADEPT Documentation: (PS1 and 3))

-Develop program goals and objectives that are based on the identified needs and the results of previous formal and informal program assessments. (PS 1 and 3)

-Develop strategies for integrating information literacy and technology into the academic curriculum by collaborating with classroom teachers to:

  • plan and provide key instructional materials, resources, and technologies
  • design student activities, programs, and projects
  • provide collaborative instruction
  • Conduct both formal and informal assessments of the programming needs of both staff and students.
  • Develop a plan and list strategies for coordinating, collaborating, and establishing instructional partnerships with teachers to ensure that reading and literacy, technology education, information literacy, and research are integrated into classroom instruction. Be sure to include the following categories:

A. Collaboration:

•How will you work to establish recognition as an essential participant and member of the instructional team?

•How will the curriculum role of the media center be strengthened?

•How and with whom will you direct your focus this year?

•How will you partner with teachers to ensure that students are participating in authentic curriculum related research projects and activities that promote lifelong learning and develop appropriate evaluation and problem solving skills as recognized in the SDE Information Literacy Scope and Sequence and the Grade Level Curriculum Overlays.

•How will you assist teachers in providing students with a relevant introduction to online resources, information literacy, software applications, and print resources in conjunction with a class theme or project?

•How will you collaborate with teachers to utilize the Big 6 information problem-solving model?

•How will you ensure that students develop appropriate search strategies that focus on essential questions, key words, Boolean Logic, and tree searches using print and electronic media?

•How will you provide for the library paraprofessional opportunities to develop skills, responsibility and leadership?

•How will you provide flexible opportunities for early childhood groups, special education and other special area groups to integrate library materials into the curriculum through programming, literature units, etc.?

•What are your publicity/marketing plans to promote the library media program?

B. Literacy (programs and services which encourage and engage students in reading, viewing and listening)

•How will you coordinate and promote grade level/school wide activities/programs which focus on reading and literature development and support the core curriculum?

•What reading programs will be your focus and what are the plans for effective participation and curriculum integration?


South Carolina Book Awards: Promote and provide materials.

Book It: Pizza Hut Reading Program. Promote the program.

Children's Book Week: Provide activities that focus on reading and spotlight the media center’s role in the integration of literature within specific curriculum area(s).

Banned Book Week: Plan activities to promote intellectual freedom.

Teen Read Week: What activities will occur?

Great Books Series

No Book Left Unread: A Summer Reading Challenge

C. Reading Guidance and Balanced Literacy

  • How do you intend to provide reading guidance to teachers and students?
  • How will you provide guidance for teachers in the selection of literature for curriculum-related activities and projects?
  • What is the plan to ensure appropriate curriculum related read-alouds?
  1. Collection Development:

Related ADEPT Documentation: Develop policies and procedures for managing the resource collection to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date and that it meets the needs of the school community. (PS4)

  • Use documentation such as the South Carolina Standards for School Library Core Resource Collections (available online at ), current collection development studies, curriculum needs, student scores, staff and students’ requests, new textbook adoptions, etc as the basis for determining the resources needed in order to ensure that the media center is able to support the instructional needs of the school. Additional Information and ideas on Collection Development can be found on the State Department’s School Library Media Services webpage:
  • Based on your findings, develop a collection development plan and list the strategies you plan to use for ensuring a comprehensive, ongoing and focused collection of resources. This plan should include evaluating, acquiring, and deleting media center resources including print materials, software, hardware, audio-visual equipment, etc. What is the focus for this year? For the next three years?
  • What is your plan for including the members of the Media Center Advisory Committee in collection development decisions?
  1. LibraryMediaCenter Budget:

Related ADEPT documentation: Administer the library media center budget and maintain statistical data and appropriate records. (PS 2)

  • Use your collection development plan as the basis for determining your media center budget.
  • List the strategies you plan to use to communicate the financial needs of the library media center to the principal in order to gain monetary support for your needs for the current year as well as over the next three year period? (Suggestion: Use the budget template for creating your proposed budget and documenting your financial needs. The template is available online at
  • What is your plan for including the members of the Library Media Center Advisory Committee in developing your media center budget proposal?
  1. Assessment of the Library Media Program:

Related ADEPT Documentation: Identify the specific informal assessments that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the library media instructional program, collection, and facility in supporting student learning. (PS 1 and 6)

Develop a plan and list strategies that will ensure that the media center’s program and services are effectively meeting the instructional and literacy needs of the school population.

•How will this information be determined?

•What will be used to gather this information?

•What will be done to address deficiencies, areas of weakness, building on strengths as determined through formal and informal evaluation.

•What is the focus for this year? For the next three years?

  1. MediaCenter Management: (Systems and services that ensure smooth operation, effective information access and retrieval and an inviting atmosphere conducive to teaching and learning)

Related ADEPT Documentation: Develop policies and procedures for administering the library media center (i.e. overseeing all managerial tasks necessary for the full and efficient use of the resources, services and facility.) (PS 2 and 5)

What strategies will you use for effective media center operation to ensure that you can “deliver what you sell”? What changes do you want to see in the next year as well as the next three years? How will you set up the systems so that you can meet your goals?

Plans must include:

Evidence of a policies and procedures handbook that reflects school and district policies as well a list of

strategies for how you plan to share this information with the school community.

Providing for an open access standards-based media center program that focuses on information literacy, teacher collaboration and planning, technology/curriculum integration and reading.

Providing a flexible schedule for maximum use of the media center.

Providing for maximum access to the media center resources, including physical adaptations needed for person with disabilities.

Plans for providing and maintaining an environment that is inviting, welcoming and conducive to learning.

A Library Media Center Advisory Committee to gather feedback, gain support, and generate input on programming services and resource needs.

Maintenance of records and materials through Spectrum Online Catalog systems to ensure effective location and retrieval of materials.

  1. Public Relations:

Related ADEPT Documentation: Develop strategies for ensuring that the school community is kept informed and updated about library media services. (PS7)

  • List strategies for communicating with your patrons to make the programs and services of the media known so that patrons will take advantage of the opportunities and services provided in and through the library media center.
  • List strategies for building positive professional relationship with colleagues, students, parents and the community.
  • List strategies for establishing a better understanding of what an effective media center and library media specialist can deliver to affect student achievement.

•How will this be shared?

•What is the focus for this year? For the next three years?

  1. Staff Development:

What strategies will you use to ensure that the staff at your school has access to the professional development offerings needed for them to acquire the skills that will allow them to be successful in integrating technology and information literacy into the core curriculum?


•How you will facilitate a system of technology support for the school to ensure effective operation of computers, equipment and resources.

•How you will facilitate training for teachers and promote the use of the information literacy software, Web resources, DISCUS, and other online resources.

•How will you work with other staff, such as Technology Integration Specialist, Literacy Coach, to facilitate technology and information literacy training for teachers?

•How will you maintain a personal technology portfolio, if required by your district, and provide leadership and support to the faculty in portfolio development and implementation?

  1. Professional Responsibilities:

What strategies will you use to meet your professional responsibilities at your school, district, and within your profession as an information specialist and teacher?


•List committees at the school level on which you serve and what your role, responsibilities and goals are as a member.

•List specific plans for personal growth to update your own skills so that you can more effectively meet the challenges of your job.

•List specific plans for attending building-level, district, state staff development and training opportunities.

•List professional organizations of which you are a member including any committee chairmanships or leadership positions.

•Describe your focus for this year. Describe your focus for the next three years?

Date Submitted to Principal: ______
Principal’s Signature: ______

(Principal’s signature indicates that a conference has been held to discuss this LRP.)
