Hartlepool Wadokai
Hartlepool Wadokai Cup,
7th October 2007
CAT NO / TYPE / BREAKDOWN / AWARDS1 / Individual Kata / White,Red + Yellow Belts Only; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age; / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd
2 / Individual Kata / Orange & Green Belts Only; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age; / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd
3 / Individual Kata / Blue Belt and Above; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age; / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd
4 / Individual Kata / All Grades; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age;
Only open to students who haven’t placed in cat 1;2;3; / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd
5 / Pairs Kata / 2 People Per Team; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age, Any Grade; / 2x(1st, 2nd,) 4x3rd
6 / Team Kata / 3 People Per Team; Mixed Boys & Girls; 1 Person from each weight group; / 3x(1st, 2nd,) 6x3rd
7 / Individual Kumite / White & Red Belts; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age; Any Weight / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd
8 / Individual Kumite / Mixed Boys & Girls;Any Grade; Any Age; Under 35 kg / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd
9 / Individual Kumite / Mixed Boys & Girls;Any Grade; Any Age; 45 kg and Under / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd
10 / Individual Kumite / Mixed Boys & Girls;Any Grade; Any Age; Over 45 kg / 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd
11 / Team Kumite / 3 People Per Team; Mixed Boys & Girls; 1 Person from each weight group; / 3x(1st, 2nd,) 6x3rd
Category 1–Individual KataWhite,Red + Yellow Belts Only; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age;
Thomas Turnbull / 03/07/2000 / WHITEConnor McDade / 14/05/1996 / WHITE
Daniel Hill / 24/09/1998 / WHITE
Jack Plows / 16/01/1998 / 9TH KYU
Beth Plows / 09/06/1995 / 9TH KYU
Luke Verral / 18/10/1997 / 9TH KYU
Timmy Berry / 06/12/1999 / 9TH KYU
Charlotte Berry / 04/04/1998 / 9TH KYU
Paul White / 03/01/2000 / 8TH KYU
James Allott / 15/03/1999 / 8TH KYU
Aaron Pickersgill / 01/08/1999 / 8TH KYU
Category 2–Individual KataOrange & Green Belts Only; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age;
Jasmin Langley / 19/06/1997 / 7TH KYUJake Turner / 22/10/1998 / 7TH KYU
Joel Copeman / 11/06/1998 / 7TH KYU
Roy Salmons / 27/08/1996 / 7TH KYU
Nicholas Gowland / 18/10/1996 / 7TH KYU
Kyle Crosby / 13/07/1998 / 7TH KYU
Luke Dawkins / 10/03/1997 / 6TH KYU
Lewis Muldown / 03/09/1998 / 6TH KYU
Daniel White / 06/06/1998 / 6TH KYU
Category 3–Individual KataBlue Belt and Above; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age;
Georgia Blenkinsop / 16/09/1996 / 5TH KYUCraig May / 20/01/1995 / 5TH KYU
Matthew Napper / 12/12/1996 / 5TH KYU
Connor Dougherty / 09/02/1997 / 5TH KYU
Charlotte Welsh / 04/10/1995 / 5TH KYU
Natalie Walton / 05/03/1997 / 4TH KYU
Ellen Wilmot / 20/04/1995 / 3RD KYU
Kate McCaffery / 12/02/1994 / 3RD KYU
Amy Comb / 04/11/1992 / 3RD KYU
Lee Gowland / 12/02/1993 / 1ST DAN
Category 4–WildcardKataAll Grades; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age; Only open to students who haven’t placed in cat 1;2;3;
Category 5–Pairs Kata2 People Per Team; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age, Any Grade;
Matthew Napper / Lewis MuldownConnor Dougherty / Craig May
Luke Verral / Natalie Walton
Nicholas Gowland / Roy Salmons
Kyle Crosby / Jasmin Langley
Paul White / James Allott
Daniel White / Luke Dawkins
Charlotte Welsh / Georgia Blenkinsop
Jake turner / Joel Copeman
Jack Plows / Beth Plows
Aaron Pickersgill / Thomas Turnbull
Connor McDade / Lee Gowland
Kate McCaffery / Ellen Wilmot
Category 6–Team Kata3 People Per Team; Mixed Boys & Girls; 1 Person from each weight group;
-31.5kg / -41.5kg / +41.5kgAaron Pickersgill / Kate McCaffery / Lee Gowland
Timmy Berry / Daniel White / Amy Comb
Lewis Muldown / Roy Salmons / Thomas Turnbull
Jake Turner / Georgia Blenkinsop / Charlotte Welsh
Daniel Hill / Jasmin Langley / Luke Dawkins
Joel Copeman / Charlotte Berry / Ellen Wilmot
Paul White / Connor Dougherty / Beth Plows
Jack Plows / Kyle Crosby / Nicholas Gowland
James Allott / Matthew Napper / Craig May
Category 7–Individual KumiteWhite & Red Belts; Mixed Boys & Girls; Any Age; Any Weight;
Thomas Turnbull / 03/07/2000 / WHITEChloe Monkman / 09/03/2001 / WHITE
Connor McDade / 14/05/1996 / WHITE
Alana Albrighton / 13/01/2000 / WHITE
Daniel Hill / 24/09/1998 / WHITE
Jack Plows / 16/01/1998 / 9TH KYU
Beth Plows / 09/06/1995 / 9TH KYU
Luke Verral / 18/10/1997 / 9TH KYU
Timmy Berry / 06/12/1999 / 9TH KYU
Charlotte Berry / 04/04/1998 / 9TH KYU
Category 8 –Individual KumiteMixed Boys & Girls; Any Grade; Any Age; Under 35 kg
Charlotte Berry / 04/04/1998 / 9TH KYUKyle Crosby / 13/07/1998 / 7TH KYU
Joel Copeman / 11/06/1998 / 7TH KYU
Connor McDade / 14/05/1996 / WHITE
Daniel Hill / 24/09/1998 / WHITE
Paul White / 03/01/2000 / 8TH KYU
Alana Albrighton / 13/01/2000 / WHITE
Chloe Monkman / 09/03/2001 / WHITE
Timmy Berry / 06/12/1999 / 9TH KYU
Daniel White / 06/06/1998 / 6TH KYU
Jake Turner / 22/10/1998 / 7TH KYU
Lewis Muldown / 03/09/1998 / 6TH KYU
James Allott / 15/03/1999 / 8TH KYU
Aaron Pickersgill / 01/08/1999 / 8TH KYU
Jack Plows / 16/01/1998 / 9TH KYU
Category 9 –Individual KumiteMixed Boys & Girls;Any Grade; Any Age; 45 kg and Under
Kate McCaffery / 12/02/1994 / 3RD KYUCharlotte Welsh / 04/10/1995 / 5TH KYU
Beth Plows / 09/06/1995 / 9TH KYU
Roy Salmons / 27/08/1996 / 7TH KYU
Matthew Napper / 12/12/1996 / 5TH KYU
Connor Dougherty / 09/02/1997 / 5TH KYU
Georgia Blenkinsop / 16/09/1996 / 5TH KYU
Jasmin Langley / 19/06/1997 / 7TH KYU
Category 10 –Individual KumiteMixed Boys & Girls;Any Grade; Any Age; Over 45 kg
Ellen Wilmot / 20/04/1995 / 3RD KYULee Gowland / 12/02/1993 / 1ST DAN
Nicholas Gowland / 18/10/1996 / 7TH KYU
Craig May / 20/01/1995 / 5TH KYU
Luke Dawkins / 10/03/1997 / 6TH KYU
Natalie Walton / 05/03/1997 / 4TH KYU
Thomas Turnbull / 03/07/2000 / WHITE
Amy Comb / 04/11/1992 / 3RD KYU
Category 11 –TeamKumite 3 People Per Team; Mixed Boys & Girls; 1 Person from each weight group;
-31.5kg / -41.5kg / +41.5kgAaron Pickersgill / Luke Verral / Lee Gowland
Timmy Berry / Daniel White / Amy Comb
Lewis Muldown / Roy Salmons / Thomas Turnbull
Jake Turner / Georgia Blenkinsop / Charlotte Welsh
Daniel Hill / Jasmin Langley / Luke Dawkins
Joel Copeman / Charlotte Berry / Ellen Wilmot
Paul White / Connor Dougherty / Beth Plows
Jack Plows / Kyle Crosby / Nicholas Gowland
James Allott / Matthew Napper / Craig May