AUGUST 14, 2008

County Hart

Date/Time of Meeting 08/14/08 @ 01:30 PM

Place of Meeting Hart CountyDFCS

Type of Meeting X Regular__


Members Present: Clyde McDowell, Dr. Anthony Lau, Dr. Max

Daughtry, Dan Reyen and Thelma Estrich

Was a Quorum Present _ X Yes_ __No__

Members Absent Tray Hicks and David Hicks

Staff Attending Rhonda Dyar, David Leard and Pat Brake

Members from District Dr. Westfall, Dr, Parsons, Cail Collins and Gregg

Sheffield and Karen Palmer

Visitor Dr. Beusse (Dentist for Hart and FranklinCounty)

Presenting BOH 101

The meeting was called to order at 01:30pm.

Chairman McDowell asked for any additions or deletions to the minutes of the prior meeting. There being none, he then asked for a motion for approval of the minutes. Mr. Dan Reyen made a motion, Dr. Max Daughtry seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

Before proceeding with the regular meeting chairman McDowell turn the meeting over to Dr. Westfall to introduce the visitor.

Dr. Westfall made a quick introduction of Dr. Beusse, Public Health Dentist , who provides dental services to patients at the Hart County Health Department. The information that he shared with the Board was part of the on-going Public Health 101 series.

Dr. Beusse thanked the Board members to give him the opportunity to come and share this information.(see attached )

OLD BUSINESS: None at this time

NEW BUSINESS: None at this time

Chairman McDowell asked for the staff reports

Environmental Department: David Leard

See the Activity Counts (attached), David stated that over all the activity in EH is still down because of the downturn in the buildingindustry. He also mentioned a law passed by the Legislature this year that allows homeowners to use “gray water” for hand irrigation on their property. The law does not allow any changes to the house’s plumbing, and doesn’t allow use of water from toilets or kitchens. David will share additional information as he receives it.

Nursing: Rhonda Dyar

Rhonda stated that since we have lost one RN, the numbers of clients in clinics have also declined due to the staffing shortages. We are recruiting for an RN to replace the one that left, but even if we are successful in hiring one, it may take up to 1 or 2 years of training for her to fully qualified in Public Health nursing. To date we have received only one application.

Child Health clients are increasing. We are working closely with DFCS on Foster Kids.

PCM clients are down.Rhonda expressed concerns about clients not being able to get proper care because of a lack of staff and resources. We, along with Well Care,have set up a Community out reach “Baby Shower” scheduled for today from 5:30pm-07:30pmat Hart County Library. The outreach isto assist HartCounty and surrounding county residencewith identifying available community resources to meet their needs.

District Report: Dr. Westfall

Dr. Westfall handed out the year end report (see attached document). The income received from Dental, PCM and Child Health isdown.He discussed the current revenue shortage that State government is facing, and the consequences that may impact CountyCommission and County Health Department budgets. An announcement was made today initiated, some of which will affect Public Health..

Dr. Westfall also commented about “Gray Water law”, and reported that part of the legislation requires Board of Health to adopt it. He suggested we needed to vote on it.Mr. Dan Reyen made a motion, Dr. Daughtry seconded.

There being no more discussion. Chairman McDowell ask for motion to adjourn

Mr. Dan Reyen made a motion

Dr. Max Daughtry seconded, motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 02:35pm

Clyde McDowell/Chairman