Harrowgate Hill Primary School


Upper Key Stage 2 (Juniors)

Information for the Spring Term (Second half)

Commencing 25th February 2013

School closes for teaching at 3.10pm / Thursday 28th March 2013
School re-opens for teaching / Monday 15th April 2013

School Times:

KS2 / Children Assemble / Children Supervised by School Staff / Whistle
Hand Over / Teaching Begins / Gates Close / Children Finish
KS2 Playground / 8.40am / 8.45am / 8.50am / 9.00 am / 3.10pm

Feedback from Events Last Term:

The Yr6 Monitors went with Mrs Bowe to represent the School at the Holocaust Memorial Service. This was a solemn occasion and the children were a credit to their school and their parents.

Bluebell pupils have worked so hard this term and their teachers are very pleased with their attitude and conduct. It is such a pleasure for us to watch the children develop and mature as the year progresses.

Our end of half term ‘Celebration Day’ was a lot of fun and the children really enjoyed taking part in a range of exciting activities, mainly on a Tudor theme. Although the Y5 children were disappointed by the cancellation at short notice of the Longfield Sporting activity, we more than made up for it with extra in-house activities. So, now that the dark and dreary days of winter are over we are looking towards a Spring term of events and challenges. 

Holocaust Memorial / The Y6 monitors went with Mrs Bowe to the Dolphin Centre to represent the school and take part in the Darlington annual Holocaust Memorial Service.
Longfield Sporting Event / Cancelled due to weather.
Housepoints Trophy / Durham House are ahead this half term in the Housepoints trophy with 3341 points, Walworth with 2918 and Raby with 2783.
Celebration Day / This was widely enjoyed. The children were given the opportunity to complete their D&T projects over the course of the morning. I am sure their Tudor instruments are taking pride of place in their bedrooms.
Parents’ Evening / Any parents who were not able to attend the evening this term and have not yet been able to speak to their child’s class teacher can still book an appointment if they wish. Simply send in a note or phone the office.


A huge thank you to everyone who supported the School Raffle - we raised almost £200 for school funds!!

Our next fundraising venture will take place during the Book Fair when we will hold a Children’s Raffle. Winners will get the chance to choose a book from the Book Fair as a prize. Tickets cost 20p and will be on sale from 26th February.

At the end of term, we will hold a Children’s Easter Raffle – this will be drawn at the Merit Award Assembly on the last day of term. Parents will be notified when tickets are available.

Forthcoming Events:

27.02.2013 / Wrong Trousers Day
13.03.2013 / Bluebell Book Fair
14.03.2013 / House Quiz – letter to follow
This is a date for your diary. Once again Durham, Raby and Walworth will square off against each other in the Annual General Knowledge Quiz. Parents will be invited to attend.

Curricular Information –Topics

Autumn 1 2012 / Autumn 2
2012 / Spring 1
2013 / Spring 2
2013 / Summer 1
2013 / Summer 2
European Countries / The European Union / Tudor Times / Tudor Life / Eco Issues / Sustainability
English Y5 / Journalistic writing, Classic Poetry
English Y6 / A range of fiction, poetry and non-fiction writing
Mathematics / Calculations, Shape Space & measure, problem solving
Science / Changing State & Reversible and Non Reversible Changes
History / Tudor Life
Religious Education / Christianity – Easter & Inspirational Figures in Religion
Art / Painting – Tudor Court Painting
Information & Communication Technology / Databases and practical application of Skills
Music / Stars Hide Your Fires
Physical Education / Gym 2 & High Five
Social & Emotional Aspects of Learning / Going For Goals


PE Timetable

J6 / J7 / J8 / J9 / J10
Monday / GYM / GAMES
Tuesday / GAMES / GYM
Wednesday / GAMES / GYM
Thursday / GYM / GAMES
Friday / GAMES / GYM

Homework Timetable:

For Y5, creative homework tables will be handed out at the beginning of the half term and will be checked on a fortnightly basis. Certificates are awarded at the end of the half term.

Y6 pupils will not be asked to do a creative homework assignment this half term as they will be getting a more SATS based and personalised homework programme.

Year 5 / 6 / Given Out / Handed In / Test
Spellings / Thursday / Friday / Thursday / Thursday
English / Thursday / Friday / Thursday
Mathematics / Thursday/ Friday / Thursday / Thursday
Reading Books / The children are given the opportunity to change their reading books on a daily basis
Creative Homework for Y5 only this half term. / Fortnightly due dates on homework grid

Please note that it is the responsibility of the children to place all homework activities in the designated areas.

Whilst teaching staff generally adhere to the homework timetable, there will be occasions when changes are made and this will be at the discretion of the teacher involved.

Creative Homework& Information Communication Technology

All of the children have access to the Frog learning platform and know how to upload their work into the Frog folders. Revision and review activities are available through the new Frog Platform area. Pupils are also able to access Espresso materials through the school website.

General Notices:

Request for Golden Time Resources:

Golden Time is a fabulous time of the week where the children can really celebrate their hard work and effort by playing fun games and interacting with their peers and their class teachers. As part of the programme we endeavour to provide a wide range of activities to suit all interests over the half term. These includeboard games, chess, art, dancing, football games and Wii games. In addition, I would like to provide a construction based activity in one classroom if possible. If anyone has any Lego, Knex or Meccano and would like to donate it to school then we would be very grateful; even if it is a small amount. Thank you.

House Badges:

All of the children have been issued with a house badge by their House Leader. Children are expected to wear their house badges to school each day. On occasion, a house badge becomes lost or pupils wish to have more than one. Previously we were able to subsidise the cost of replacement badges but are no longer able to do so. Replacement badges are available at a cost of £1.50 from House Leaders.


If you haven’t already done so, please register for this new system which will enable us to keep you updated with school news and events.

Skills Groups:

Just a reminder:Maths Skills Group begins at 8:30am daily although if children arrive early they will be admitted into school. Literacy Skills Groups end at 4:00pm and are from Monday to Thursday only. Please inform the class teacher, in advance, if your child is to be absent for any reason.


Please Note: School PE kit consists of a white POLO shirt with navy or black shorts and plimsolls for indoor PE and navy or black track suit with trainers for outdoor Games. Indoor kit should be available EVERY DAY in school and Games kit brought on the designated day. Please refer to your prospectus (or the school website) for details. Please ensure that all clothing is clearly named in case it is misplaced. A note should be brought to school if a pupil needs to be excused from PE.

Water Bottles:

Pupils must bring their own named water bottle to school each day. They should not bring juice except for lunchtime drinks.


Fresh or dried fruit, vegetables or cheese only, please. No biscuit, cereal based products, fruit bars or yogurts are allowed on the yard due toallergies. Please ensure that children who do not bring a snack have a good breakfast before they come to school as our lunchtime is 1.00pm.

Contact with Teachers:

Bluebell teachers are always pleased to speak to parents and carers and are,of course, available in an emergency. If you have an issue or concern you wish to raise,please make an appointment to see your class teacher. If you feel your concerns have not been met fully then please make an appointment to speak with Mrs Godfrey (Assistant Headteacher). If possible please mention in advance what you wish to talk about so that where necessary we can investigate and come to the meeting with relevant information.

Call Parent Messages:

Please be aware that ‘Call Parent’ messages are limited to a small number of characters and are sent as general messages or reminders. The office will always contact parents/carers with specific information relating to individual children. If you require further clarity of any message, please phone the school office.


Research has shown that achievement is directly linked to attendance.

Pupils with a high level of attendance invariably perform better in class and Key Stage 2 SATs.

Safety Notice:

Parents must not cross the double red line at the rear of school. Supervision of children in the playground is available from 8.40am.

Free School Meals:

If you think that your child might be eligible for free school meals, please ask at the office for a form. The school gets extra funding for children who are entitled to free meals, even if they don’t choose to have them.

Chartwell’s Reminder:

If your child has school lunches please ensure that you hand in the correct lunch money on a Monday in a named, sealed envelope. If you wish to change your child’s arrangements, (from meals to packed lunches or vice versa), please give two weeks written notice to the School Kitchen.

Late Dinner Money:

Admin staff no longer handle any dinner money delivered to the office nor are they able to provide change. Parents are requested to post any late dinner money in a sealed envelope, labelled with the child’s name and class into the box on the wall in the main entrance. This box is emptied daily by Chartwell’s staff. The normal routine of pupils bringing their dinner money into school remains the same.


If you or anyone you know has difficulty accessing school communications or the building, please contact the office to request help. Don’t forget to check out the school website - it is full of interesting and useful information.

Thank you warmly for your continuing support.

Mrs Godfrey

(Assistant Headteacher for Upper Key Stage 2)