Speech to the Virginia Convention Patrick Henry

“Speech to the Virginia Convention” Patrick Henry

Rhetorical Devices Worksheet

A rhetorical device is a technique used by a writer or speaker to heighten the effect of the writing or speech on the audience. Among the devices Patrick Henry used in his “Speech to the Virginia Convention” are these:

Rhetorical questions: a question for which no answer is provided because the answer is obvious

Allusions: references to works like the Bible or classical mythology for emotional effect

Metaphors: a comparison of two unlike items that does not use like or as

Imagery: language that appeals to the senses

Parallelism: repetition of phrases with similar structures

  1. Write a rhetorical question about the necessity of taking end-of-course tests.



  1. Write a rhetorical question about the importance of personal hygiene (bathing, etc.).



  1. Create a metaphor or image that describes eating in the cafeteria at Tarboro High.



  1. Create a metaphor or image that describes walking down the hallway at Tarboro High.



  1. Create a metaphor or image that describes what it will feel like to walk across the graduation platform.



  1. Write any three sentences that demonstrate parallelism (similar sentence structure) or repetition.



Below are quotes from Henry’s “Speech to the Virginia Convention.” Identify which rhetorical device he uses in each of the following quotes. He may use several devices in one passage.

1.  “We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts.”

2.  “Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation?”

3.  “I ask gentlemen , sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission?

4.  “The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms.”

5.  “Shall we acquire the means to effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?”

6.  “Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston!”

7.  “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

“Speech to the Virginia Convention” Patrick Henry

Creative Response

You are a student activist who is making a call to action for your fellow classmates. Write a compelling speech in which you imitate Patrick Henry’s oratory style. Your speech will be a persuasive one designed to bring your audience to action. You choose the subject of your speech. It may be school-related, social, political, anything for which you feel people need a “call to arms.”

Your speech must meet the following minimal criteria:

·  It must contain rhetorical devices reminiscent of Patrick Henry: rhetorical question, allusion, metaphor, imagery, and parallelism.

·  The text of your speech must be at least 250 words, typed, and signed.

·  The speech must be delivered to your classmates in a style reminiscent of Patrick Henry’s speech.

*  Note: Your speeches will be videotaped.

Due Date: ______