Harris/English 101COURSE SYLLABUS: SPRING 2004

Feb. 23 m / Course introduction. LOAP 1. Get acquainted interviews. Review of the writing process. / Ch. 1-3
25 w / Introductions. Frequently misused words. Thesis statements. Nuclear documentary: Atomic Café. / A 29-36; H 16-17.
Mar.1 m / Due: Response paper 1. Paper 1: nuclear memories. Frequently misused words. / Ch.6, 16
3 w / Research paper introduction. Analysis of student paper. Frequently misused words exercise. / Ch.17-18, 28
8 m / Quiz: frequently misused words. Computer lab. / Ch. 19. Bringthree copies of your draft to class on Wednesday.
10 w / Evaluation groups: process. Research proposal. Fragments. / Ch.20-21; H 5-10, ex. 1-2;
15 m / Revision: word choice. Nuclear documentary: On the Brink: Doomsday. Fragments exercise. / Ch. 11; H 81-90
17 w / Due: process. Quiz: fragments.Library visit. / Ch. 29-30
22 m / Due: response paper 2. Midterm in-class essay. Research paper: documentation. Comma splices and run-on sentences. / pp. 615-631; H 10-14, ex. 2-2; H 71-78
24 w / Due: research proposal. Nuclear movie: Colossus: the Forbin Project. Nuclear movie evaluation.
29 m / Comparison/contrast. Comma splice/run-on exercise.Annotations. Nuclear movie: WarGames. / Ch.7; H 60-62
31 w / Due: paper 2, nuclear memories. Quiz: punctuating compound sentences. Class evaluation of student comparison. Subject-verb agreement. Bibliography format. / H 31-36, ex. 4-1. Bring in an example of each type of source you’ve documented.
Apr.5-12 / SPRING BREAK. / pp. 456-465
14 w / Due: nuclear bibliography. Review for midterm.
19 m / Midterm in-class essay: comparison/contrast. / Ch. 31
21 w / Paper 4: cause/effect. Research paper prewriting. Pronoun-antecedent agreement. / Ch. 8, 22; pp. 316-318; H 44-46. Choose the ads for your paper and bring them to the next class. Complete the ad analysis questions for submission.
26 m / Cause/effect ad analysis. Agreement exercise. / pp. 453-456.
28 w / Quiz: subject-verb-pronoun agreement. Computer lab. / H 64-71
May 3 m / Evaluation groups: cause/effect. LOAP 2: final exam essay. Commas, semicolons, colons, ellipsis. Oral reports. / H 98-113, 124-125
5 w / Revision. Evaluation groups: research paper. Italics, quotation marks, and apostrophes. Oral reports. / H 113-120, 136-138
10 m / Due: cause/effect. Quiz: Punctuation. Oral reports.
12 w / LAST DAY OF CLASS. ALL WORK DUE.Oral reports (make-ups only).
TBA / Final examination in-class essayin our classroom.

MidtermGradeRange in PointsFinalGradeRange in Points

A = 779-866A= 1260-1400

B =693-778B= 1120-1259

C =606-692C= 980-1119

D =520-605D= 840-979

F =0-519F= 0-839


LOAP 1=100
Nuclear memories =100
Cause/Effect =100
Midterm in-class essay =100
Final in-class essay (LOAP 2) =100
Research paper proposal =33
Bibliography =33
Preliminary draft =34
Research final draft =100
Frequently misused words =100
Fragments =100
Comma splices, run-on sentences =100
Agreement =100
Introductions =50
Evaluation groups =150
Oral Report =100
Response papers = 150
Midterm point total = 866
Final point total =1400 / Your total = Final grade =