Harper General PTO Meeting

November 16, 2016

1. Call To Order/Approval of Minutes

2. Dr. Raymond Lechner, Superintendent District 39

·  Ipad 1:1 is fully implemented in grades 5-8. The district has moved away from rent to own policy and D39 will provide an Ipad to all students and charge a $20 insurance fee. Technology Media curriculum is being reviewed.

·  Full Day Kindergarten – D39 is still considering it but there isn’t any space now to accommodate. 10 year projects are being reviewed with Kindergarten considered, improvements to Highcrest as well. Re-districting has been considered but doesn’t make sense.

·  PARCC – state test score were mailed 10/28. Dr. Lechner doesn’t think PARCC will survive, but they are still using as baseline data. Looking at other testing programs (MAP?) in addition to Performance Series. He is working with other Superintendents to modify/eliminate PARCC in future for our district. D39 results are higher than ISAT scores. Overall numbers are in line with 2015 numbers. Goal would be to move students from Meet to Exceed. Harper will be pulling data on Strengths/Weaknesses for Differentiation and exploring in classrooms

·  Growth Mindset – Jo Boaler presentation to staff and parents helped to re-energize teachers and focus on Math programs.

·  Absenteeism – focus is to improve overall student’s attendance, Creating Parent awareness and establish good habits in younger grades. 9+ missing days is at risk.

·  New Projects – Boilers at WJHS, Learning Commons at Romona and McKenzie, LED lighting installed across D39, 10-year Life Safety Program, Assessment of Highcrest to add new space and Learning Commons.

·  Budgets – all is good through 2021. Operating costs are very efficient.

3. Principal’s Report: Dr. Susan Kick

·  Conferences – Harper had a great participation rate, thank you!

·  Veteran’s Day – School activities took place, Ribbons were tied to the front staircase to remind the community of Veterans.

·  Twitter – sign up now! Mannequin Challenge is going on.

·  75th Birthday – Celebration will be in May 2017. Save the date will be coming soon. If you know of any former students or faculty, send emails to Dr. Kick.

·  Cady Kids – Dr. Kick had a great meeting with the owner and our sales representative. Changes have been made already. All technology and services have been outsourced to Amazon. Changes to shipping fees, hold times are unacceptable and will be revised, ability to link accounts, photos come to school in the future, change in number of photos, everyone will receive a composite – even if they didn’t order pics. First pose (closeup) will be used in composite. Thanks to Laura Hirschtritt for her feedback.

·  Mrs. Arkins had a baby boy, Eamon. Mother and baby are doing well.

4. Faculty Report: Ms. Pam McCann

·  The Teachers thank you for a successful Book Fair. Thank you for the treats and coffee during Parent Conferences.

5. President’s Report: Brooke Conkey

·  Thank you to the following committees: Hoedown – it was a huge success! Anyone interested in joining the 2017 committee, sign up now; Parent Social – a wonderful event and turn out; Book Fair – a great success; Halloween Parties and Room Parents.

·  PASS 39 – meeting on 11/29, Janine Rosenberg is the Harper contact

·  Chorus Concert – 12/15 @ Highcrest. We are the only D39 school with a chorus

·  Open Gym begins Jan 9th

·  Directories are coming home this week. If you would like to buy one for $5, see Sophie Candido.

·  Car Pool Attendants – added seasonally at beginning of school and January & February.

6. Committee Reports:

·  Enrichment: Ali Pearson/Emily Primosch

o  Thank you for the Ignite donations, they have provided for 12 events/programs this fall. Thank you to the grade volunteers. Ignite stickers have been distributed to students on days of programs. All school program is being considered for the Spring to support Second Step and promote mindfulness.

·  Community Service: Beth Stark

o  Thank you for the Halloween Candy Drive. The committee had NOW and Connections present to Harper to say thank you and acknowledge our contribution are welcomed and needed. Thanksgiving drive is taking place this week. Toy Drive will be taking place November 28-December 2 with a wrapping event on 12/2. December 12-15 will have a winter gear drive.

·  Nominating: Susan Landwer

o  Meetings will begin in February. Please start thinking about 2017-18 positions and contact Susan Landwer or Brooke Conkey for more information or to sign up.

·  Book Fair: Julie Begley-Schmidt

o  Thank you to Teachers, Committee members and Parents for volunteering and Purchasing classroom books. We hosted the New Signature Fair due our increased space in the Learning Commons and could offer Adult books and cook books for the first time.

·  Box Tops: Marnie Shehan

o  The first submission provided $200 for Harper. The annual goal is $700-$1000. Considering some incentives like grade competition, score sheets.

Upcoming Dates:


·  14-17th Thanksgiving Food Drive

·  18th Junior Great Books registration opens

·  21-25th No School/Professional Dev. Day/Thanksgiving Break

·  28th UIC Craniofacial Holiday Toy Drive begins

·  29th Winter Club registration begins/PASS 39 Mtg. 6:30 pm @ MEC


·  12th District 39 Board of Education Mtg. 7:00 pm @ MEC

·  15th Chorus Concert, 6:30 pm

·  16th Winter Parties!

·  19th – January 3rd - No School – Winter Break


·  9th Open Gym Night begins 6:30-8:00 pm

·  16th No School/Martin Luther King Day

·  18th PTO General Meeting 9:00 am