Harmston Parish Council

Harmston Parish Council

Harmston Parish Council



Date: 12thJanuary 2015 at 7.30pm

Present Titles

Frances Mannsåker / Parish Councillor / Chair
Mike Wylie / Parish Councillor / Vice-Chairman
Jonathan Chaplin / Parish Councillor
Iain Edgar / Parish Councillor
John Martin-Hoyes / Parish Councillor
Rick Walmsley / Parish Councillor
Lesley Caro / Clerk to the Parish Council
Laura Conway / District Councillor
3 Members of the Public


14/02/05 / OPEN FORUM
Mrs Rosemary King was present to update the Meeting on the second phase of renovations to the Memorial Hall.
Mr Barry Smith was present to address the Council about his concern regarding increased traffic movement on Church Lane due to the runway works at RAF Waddington.
Mrs Gail Dixon was present as a nominee for the position of Clerk.
The Chair welcomed those present, the Open Forum commenced at 7.30pm.
The Council had received a request from the Memorial Hall to supply a letter of support to assist in their grant funding applications. Mrs King explained about the proposed second phase of works that were necessary, not only to comply with Health and Safety but to enhance the works already completed. She left the Meeting at 7.36pm.
Mr Smith addressed those present and queried whether there were any measures in place to prevent HGVs from using Church Lane during the course of runway works at RAF Waddington. The Meeting was informed that due to inclement weather there had been a delay to the start of the works.
The Meeting was not currently aware of a build up of traffic and Cllr Wylie pointed out that RAF Waddington had stated that most of the rubble from digging up the old runway would be recycled on site, thereby reducing the need for a continual flow of traffic. Although the air base had offered to advise on the route the contractor should use, unfortunately it was not enforceable.
Mr Smith left the Meeting at 7.40pm.
There were no Declarations of Interest and the Chair opened the Meeting at 7.40pm.
Apologies received from Cllr. Baldam; due to work commitments he would be unable to attend.
District and County Councillor Mrs Overton also forwarded apologies.
PC Hanson dropped in prior to commencement of the Meeting but was unable to stay. He delivered the crime report. The Clerk informed him of the current problems regarding parking in the Village; PC Hanson will monitor the situation.
District and County Councillor Mrs Overton’s December newsletter had been distributed to Councillors and is available to view on her website.
District Councillor Mrs Laura Conway delivered her report which contained information relating to:
The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – Preliminary Draft Local Plan Consultation which ended on November 11th.
The Local Plan team were pleased with the level of responses received, with 500 individual respondents, and over 3000 individual representations. All representations can be viewed at
During the consultation 100 new sites were suggested for allocation in the Local Plan, and an updated Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) are due for publication later this month.
There were mixed views expressed on the loss of settlement boundaries, including some very strong objections. However some were more relaxed provided that LP24 (threshold to growth) was maintained. Overall, there was not an overwhelming swell of opinion to amend this principle. There were some objections to the 25 homes or above threshold for site allocations, but again, there was not an overwhelming swell of opinion against the size of the threshold.
The next stage in the preparation of the Local Plan is the preparing of the Draft Local Plan, which will take into account responses made to the Preliminary Draft. It will also include the proposed level and distribution of growth, including the Site Allocations for the delivery of the housing growth. The Draft Local Plan will be published mid-2015, and there will be a further six week consultation period.
Further information on the development of the Local Plan can be found at

Cllr. Conway then went on to report thatthe application for 157 homes at Top Farm has still not been resubmitted with amended layout and design of dwellings. Plans are available to view at Navenby Local Access Point at the Venue or NKDC’s Planning-on-line portal.
NDC held a drop-in session at the Venue on Friday 12th December regarding development at Winton Road and Headland Way in Navenby, totalling 79 homes, but plans have not yet been submitted to NKDC. The plans displayed at the drop-in session are on display at Navenby Local Access Point at the Venue.
NKDC, in conjunction with LCC, are holding an annual budget consultation event on Wednesday 21st January 7pm at the Venue Navenby.
District Councillor Mrs Conway left the Meeting at 7.55pm.
The Police reported that there had been no crime committed since the last Meeting.
The Notes taken by the Clerk of the previous Meeting held on 10th November 2014 had been distributed. It was proposed by Cllr. Wylie, seconded by Cllr. Edgar and resolvedthat the Notes were an accurate record of the Meeting and so should be retitled as the Minutes of the Meeting. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chair
All Members had been provided with a list of actions undertaken since the last Meeting. The following was noted:
  • Parking on the verges along Vicarage Lane was destroying the verges, particularly during inclement weather. The cars were causing an obstruction for the mowers and Cllr. Martin-Hoyes informed the Meeting that if parking on the verges continues, he will no longer cut the grass.
  • Despite letters to residents, parking at the top of School Lane and along the High Street continued to be a problem especially when cars are parked directly opposite the step from The Old School, or too close to the junction.
The Clerk had received a similar complaint regarding parking at the junction of Chapel Lane and the High Street.
Members agreed that a general flyer would be issued to residents along Vicarage Lane, the High Street and School Lane. The Chair undertook to speak to residents in the vicinity of the junction of Chapel Lane and the High Street.
  • Thanks were extended to Cllr. Wylie for attending Planning Committee Meetings, at both NKDC and LCC, to speak on our behalf with regards to the application to extend opening hours at the Quarry until 6.00pm.
Although the Council submitted an objection to the proposal, supported by NKDC, the application was granted by LCC by a very narrow margin
  • Further to a request to remove the telephone kiosk on Vicarage Lane, negotiations were at an impasse with both BT and NKDC.
/ Clerk/
a) The current Statement of Account was distributed to the meeting along with the Bank Reconciliation.
b) The Petty Cash report for the period 10.11.14 to 12.01.15 was presented to the meeting. The payments notified were as follows:-
Date / Payable to / Reason for Payment / Amount
10.11.14 L Caro Stamps 6.98
26.11.14 Refreshments for Xmas Switch On 90.37
04.11.14 Cllr. Mannsåker Purchase of two warning signs – 25.98
(Danger to cattle from plastic bags) for Viking Way
Total: £123.33
A cheque for the sum of £123.33 was raised to bring Petty Cash back to £350.00.
c) A schedule of outstanding paymentswas presented:
DatePayable toReason for PaymentAmount
19.11.14JMH Ltd Colour photocopying of the Gleanings 176.57
(SECTION 137 Payment)
26.11.14E.On Street Light repair (Vicarage Lane) 65.69
12.01.15 Hodgson Elkington Annual Donation towards general 500.00
Maintenance of Harmston Park. 12.01.15 All Saints Church Annual Donation for Churchyard Grass cutting. 420.0012.01.15 L. Caro Clerks salary/expenses for December 279.37
07.01.15Doddington Farms Supply & Delivery of Xmas Tree 175.00
(SECTION 137 Payment) 12.01.15 L. Caro To bring Petty Cash back to £350.00 123.33 01.12.14 E.On Street Lighting Maintenance to 31.12.14 142.13 02.01.15 E.On Street Light Supply to 31.12.14 203.57 06.01.15 E.On Street Light repair (Church Lane) 28.16
Total: £ 2,113.82
Payments issued since last Meeting.
06.12.14 Salvation Army Annual Donation for provision of ensemble£100
at Christmas Lights Switch On. (S137 payment)
As per Meeting 10th November.
Proposed by Cllr. Wylie, seconded by Cllr. Walmsley and resolved that invoices to Doddington Hall and JMH Ltd be paid under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, and all other invoices be paid. All agreed.
ITEM 14/04/05 /


a) Maintenance Contract Standing Order.
Proposed by Cllr Wylie, seconded by Cllr. Chaplin and resolved that payment to the maintenance contractor, Acorn Maintenance Services, will be paid quarterly, by Standing Order, in the sum of £392.50. Commencing 28th March 2015 with final payment being 28th December 2015.
All agreed.
b) Report on Xmas Switch On.
All agreed it was well attended. Grateful thanks go to:
  • Brian and Ben Wray for erecting and removing the tree.
  • Jim Brian for PAT testing the lights.
  • Cllr. Edgar for putting up the lights and removing.
  • Cllr. Baldam for purchasing the refreshments and erecting the gazebo.
  • Paul Evans for being Santa Claus.
  • Kate Sell and Suzanne Evans for kindly warming the mince pies.
  • Kate Walmsley and Mike Caro for being ‘mine host’ and distributing the mulled wine.
  • Alan Humphries for leading us all in song.
The Chair also thanked Members for their time and effort into organising the event.
c) Cost of root ball trees.
Cllr. Edgar confirmed that the cost of three root ball Christmas Trees would be £75.00.
Proposed by Cllr. Martin-Hoyes, seconded by Cllr. Walmsley and resolved that three root ball Christmas Trees would be purchased. All agreed.
Cllr. Edgar would plant near the power supply used for the Christmas lights.
d) Finalise Budget for the financial year 2015/2016.
Members were issued with the budget figures to date and proposed precept budget for 15-16.
The anticipated expenditure for 2015/16 is £11,815.44, which would necessitate anincrease in the Council Tax element; however, Members were of the opinion that the Council Tax element, currently £39.93, should remain unchanged.
This will generate a precept of £11,238.10 and together with the redistributed grant from NKDC of £128.60, total £11,366.70. £8.30 down on the current year.
Other anticipated income will generate a further £350.00, giving a total of £11,716.70.
The shortfall in income against expenditure will be met from contingency funds.
It was agreed that any surplus funds from this financial year (14/15), would be earmarked for provision of a new Play Area.
Proposed by Cllr. Wylie, seconded by Cllr. Edgar and resolved that the precept be set at £11,366.70. All agreed.
The Clerk will request this sum from NKDC. / Clerk
a) Annual review of effectiveness of Internal Audit.
The Council is required to annually review the effectiveness of both its systems of internal control and internal audit. Following discussion and assessment of the current internal control systems and the introduction of the extended audit programme in 2010, members are satisfied that the systems in place are effective and meet requirements.
b) Elections 2015.
The current Councillor’s term of office will expire in May 2015 and elections for local council members will take place on May 7th 2015.
The possibility of raising the profile of the Parish Council in order to encourage more people to vote or perhaps stand for election was discussed. It was agreed that information would be placed on the notice boards, Graffoe Link and in the Gleanings if a Spring edition was published.
c) Future of the Gleanings.
The Gleanings was originally published four times a year, however the editor has reported that it is becoming increasingly difficult to meet this target due to lack of contributions, and publication has been reduced to twice a year.
Members considered whether publication should cease but it was agreed that, for the time being, two editions per year would be produced. The editor will decide on publication dates, although it is hoped a Spring edition will be forthcoming.
d) Replacement of Litter Bin at Bus Stop, Vicarage Lane.
The litter bin at the bus stop at the top of Vicarage Lane has been vandalised and requires replacing.
It was agreed that the litter bin, currently at the top of School Lane, would be removed and reinstated at the bus stop.
Cllr. Chaplin and Cllr. Martin-Hoyes kindly agreed to carry out the works. / Clerk
14/06/04 / PLANNING
The following applications had been received during the period 10.11.14 to 12.01.15:
a) Application by Harmston Quarry to increase opening hours to 6.00pm Monday to Friday.
Note: This application has now been granted.
b) Application to erect single storey rear extension to No. 1 The Walled Garden.
No objection submitted.
c) Application to erect 2x 46.3m high wind turbines at Lowfields Farm, Somerton Gate Lane, Waddington.
Note: An objection was submitted. This application has since been withdrawn.
d) Planning Appeal has been submitted regarding refusal of application to erect 2x 42m high wind turbines at Lincoln Lane Farm, Harmston Lowfields.
Tree Works.
There are no applications at present.
A schedule of correspondence received from 10.11.14 had been distributed to Councillors; the following were noted:
a) Request from Memorial Hall to provide a letter of support by 16th January, to assist with their grant funding applications for the second phase of renovations.
Councillors praised the success of HMH fund-raising activities and fully supported the Committee in its re-establishment of the Hall as a flourishing community amenity.Some doubts were expressed with regard to priorities, costs and finish, but it was recognised that these were only of concern to the Council where public funds may have been involved.
It was agreed that the Chair would draft a letter of support and issue to Members for approval.
b) Request from Citizens Advice Bureau for a donation.
Although Members were of the opinion it was not our responsibility to fund the CAB, they did agree that it was a necessary service for those who cannot get help elsewhere.
It was proposed by Cllr. Edgar, seconded by Cllr. Walmsley and resolvedthat under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, to make a donation of £50.00 tothe Sleaford Citizens Advice Bureau.
c) Request from Lincolnshire Police to promote benefitsof Restorative Justice.
An invitation to address the Meeting was declined. All agreed that the information would be placed on the website.
d) Notice of Enforcement investigation against Harmston Quarryfor operating outside of permitted hours has been closed dueto successful application to vary operating hours.
Cllr. Wylie had queried this decision as the breach took place prior to granting extended opening hours. He was informed that it had been closed as there had not been enough evidence to pursue the matter at that time.
e) Request from NK Community Safety Partnership to collateany data regarding substance misuse.
The Council does not collect this type of information and has no evidence that substance misuse is taking place in public areas.
f) Consultation on ‘Pre-submission Core Strategy and DevelopmentManagement Policies’ for inclusion in the Minerals and Waste LocalPlan.
The Chair undertook to view the policy and circulate any response for approval. / FM
(Should this resolution be passed the Public and Press will be required to leave the Meeting at this stage.)
Proposed by Cllr. Wylie, seconded by Cllr. Chaplin and resolved that the Council would move into Closed Session to discuss this Item.
Mrs Gail Dixon left the room whilst the appointment of a New Clerk was discussed.
The Chair moved the following item to be discussed first so that Mrs Dixon could rejoin the Meeting.
c) Appointment of New Clerk.
Since the last Meeting, the New Clerk who was initially appointed to start as of 1stDecember had withdrawn. The Chair thanked the Clerk for extending her notice period a further two months in order for a replacement to be found.
A flyer advertising the vacant post had been issued to all residents in December. Several expressions of interest had been received but only one person submitted an application.
Following a successful interview and excellent references, the Chair nominated Mrs Dixon to be appointed as the New Clerk.
Proposed by Cllr. Wylie, seconded by Cllr. Walmsley and resolved that Mrs Gail Dixon be appointed as Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the Council.
Remuneration would commence as of 26th January at theagreed national scale SCP15.
Following a handover period, Mrs Dixon would commence duties as of 1st February 2015.
Mrs Dixon rejoined the Meeting.
a) Acceptance of new salary scales and one off non-conditional payment.
The National Joint Council had announced an increase in the base rate salary scales as of 01.01.15 and a one off non-conditional payment award for December 2014.
The new rates meant an increase of £1.33 per week for the current Clerk, the non-conditional award, pro-rated, amounted to £16.22.
Proposed by Cllr. Martin-Hoyes, seconded by Cllr. Edgar and resolved that the new salary scales and non-conditional pay award for the Clerk be accepted.
b) Automatic enrolment for workplace pensions.
Although the Council does not have any employees that qualify for automatic enrolment, Members were informed that as of August 2016 they will be required to have in place policies and procedures for handling a request from an employee who wishes to enrol in a pension scheme.
The Council will not incur any financial obligations.
The Clerk had already carried out the initial registration process.
The following matters were noted for discussion at the next meeting:
  • Contract of employment for the New Clerk.
  • Election
  • Play Area

The next Meeting will take place on Monday 9th March 2015 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall.
The Chair thanked all for attending. Grateful thanks were extended to the Clerk for her help and support during her time with the Council.
The Meeting was closed at 9.10pm.

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