Harlandale Independent School District Gillette Elementary School

2017-2018 Campus Improvement Plan

Table of Contents

Comprehensive Needs Assessment


Student Achievement

School Culture and Climate

Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Family and Community Involvement

School Context and Organization


Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation


Goal 1: Provide staff development programs that prepare our employees to provide an accomplished teaching and learning environment.

Goal 2: Foster a culture that prepares students for higher education and work force readiness.

Goal 3: Effectively and efficiently use all district resources to maintain sound fiscal policies and practices.

Goal 4: Create innovative instructional facilities that engage the evolving needs of our students

Goal 5: Embrace community involvement and effectively promote "The Harlandale ISD."

State System Safeguard Strategies

Comprehensive Needs Assessment


Demographics Summary

Gillette Elementary is a school of approximately 668 students. We strive to provide a quality education based on meaningful diverse learning experiences and focused-TEKS driven instruction.

Our population is made up of:

6 Pre-K classrooms--4 Kinder classrooms--5 First grade classes--5 Second grade classrooms,--5 Third grade classrooms--5 Fourth grade classrooms, 5 Fifth grade classrooms, 1 Life Skills classroom (3rd-5th grades) and 1 GT classroom that services our 3rd and 4th graders

We have 14 Dual Language classrooms included in the grade level counts above.

Demographics Strengths

Gillette is able to provide a rich Dual Language program because of our diverse language group (Spanish)

Gillette has bilingual/dual language teachers who are proficient in both English and Spanish at the Academic level and who believe in the importance of being bilingual

Instructional Staff including both Teachers and Paraprofessionals come from this community and are culturally sensitive to the needs of our students.

Staff that is not from this community seeks to understand and support our students with support from their grade level and professional development

The staff has been open and honest about grade level needs and best support systems during PLCs

New students meet administration the day they begin and expectations are set in regards to our structured and high expectations environment. Their special needs and placements are addressed and researched at the time of enrollment to support them in a timely manner

Our school is a recipient of the 21st Century ACE Grant which students may participate in during our after-school program. This

program also offers academic support as well as extensions of learning that include engineering, technology and competitive sports. Our Life Skills classroom provides structure and academic development and growth for all students. Their teacher is focused on activities outside the campus that will give them social experiences and applies for grants to fund field trips that enhance their social development and academic schema.

Student Achievement

Student Achievement Summary

We strive to improve in student achievement by focused and purposeful instruction based on:

BOY (summer 2017) discussions of data on each child and creating 3-5 interventions and actions that will guide consistent high yield strategies

Implement and reflect on a schedule that offers teachers to collaborate and explore the TEKS resource system

Using data and Michael Littlefield to interpret data and guide us through and to our high achieving goals

Studying the TEKS and implementing effective lessons that scaffold and spiral all parts of the strand

Expecting more and setting those expectations high from details that demonstrate accountability

Researching and reaching out to our RTI Interventionist and hiring tutors for focused groups to support in both schedules and lesson cycles

All assessments both informal and formal to be monitored by Principal, AD and VP for intensity, alignment and diverse opportunities for responses

Utilizing resources such as Instructional Coaches, other peer to peer observations for best practices on campus and off of campus and scheduling them for individualized team building with each grade level

Student Achievement Strengths

Our Student Achievement Strengths are:

Recognize student progress

Administration Report Card Review

RTI groups and monitoring

Student of the month recognition

Grade levels have created relationships with students that want to work for them

Leader in Me components implementation

Prescriptive Tutoring: Friday Night Lights for 5th Grade, Saturday Camp, After School Camp, Book Clubs and not more than 8 per tutoring group

School Culture and Climate

School Culture and Climate Summary

Gillette Elementary School strives to provide a healthy and well-rounded academic journey by offering diverse experiences and educational opportunities that build on life skills and problem solving.

School Culture and Climate Strengths

Events/activities/norms that create our School Culture and Climate Strengths are:

Family Nights

Attendance recognition

Robo calls to communicate with parents

Monthly Newsletters to parents

School Dances

Book Fairs and Reading Competitions

Culture Arts Fair Participation from families and students


Veterans Day Service at school honoring community veterans

School Clubs (Choir, Art Club, Patrols, Robotics, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts) Friday Feasts

Talent show



Pick Up card procedure for after school pick up


Lunch with your child on designated days on different months to accommodate work schedules Consistent support from instructional coaches

Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention

Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Summary

Gillette Elementary will continue the following norms:

Continue to strengthen positive lines of communication between administration/staff and peer/peer and vertical teams

Foster open and honest communication in grade levels to best support lesson planning and extensions for higher learning

Support the implementation of an effective academic program by utilizing staff input and setting specific expectations/goals

Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Strengths

Gillette Elementary Faculty and Staff are supported in PLCs regarding high need areas and requests to improve instructions through the aid of Instructional Coaches, PLCs and the RTI interventionist.

Family Oriented

Strong Mentors

GLC meetings

Team Work

Classroom observations

Transparent communication

Data driven meeting and conversations

Celebrations such as New Teacher Showers and other important milestone events

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Summary

Gillette Elementary’s current practices to best support curriculum, instruction and assessment are:

Purchasing materials that are justified through our CIP to enhance instruction and student achievement

Administration screens POs to make sure that there are no duplicates in materials and that they are TEK supported

Provide reflection time during our PLCs to ensure that data is being used to drive instruction through positive and constructive discussion about student progress

Seek support from ICs through monthly meetings and other communication

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Strengths

Gillette Elementary best supports CIA by:

Utilizing the format of interventions and actions as provided by the PSP as initial practice discussing best practices in TEKS and providing examples of activities for specific TEKS utilizing the math resources through our district Reading Coaches utilizing the reading resources through our district Math Coaches

Pushing authentic instruction so that lesson plans are engaging and cover entire strand/TEK Assessments on a table/T-drive are monitored and discussed with academic planning

Reflecting on feedback from CI that is left with administration with teachers during PLCS

Family and Community Involvement

Family and Community Involvement Summary

Gillette strives to create relationships with the school community by offering engaging experiences for students and their families that is academic content driven as well as strengthening family relationships.

Family and Community Involvement Strengths

After school activities that target specific family relationships

Appointments made for those who want to meet with administration, no waiting

Communication made at the end of the day for all morning concerns

Administration (including PEIMS clerk, nurse, counselor and social worker) work cohesively to address students’ issues

School Context and Organization

School Context and Organization Summary

Gillette Elementary administration and support staff work together in creating the Master schedule so that instruction/learning time is maximized.

All support staff such as Special Education and RTI gather to create a schedule that is seamless and rich in opportunities for learning.

School Context and Organization Strengths

School Context and Organization strengths are:

Monthly Faculty Meetings, Grade level meetings, Academic Meetings, Special Committee Meetings Master schedule with RTI built in

Weekly PLC meetings, Instructional Coach Meetings, Administrative Meetings

Semester family events/nights

Monthly Principal and Community Meetings

Master schedules created with the input of GLCs, ICs and Special Ed.


Technology Summary

Gillette Elementary strives to provide enriching technology curriculum for both the students and the teachers in regards to the types of technology such as overhead projectors, Mimio Teach strips and document cameras. We do need upgrades in the type of technology that our students are exposed to better enhance learning and virtual experiences such as smart boards and IPAD sets for each class.

Technology Strengths

Gillette Elementary teachers strive to use implement technology that is utilized by students for different modes of inquiry. We now have 3 computer labs that will be utilized for instruction in all content areas. Teachers are exploring different types on online support for student support and implementation for a more blended curriculum. Our Librarian is a a true instructional technologist offering extensions in lessons through technology.

Students that struggle with direct teach will also be able to discover and utilize our technology through interactive processes such as the Mimio Boards, overhead projectors for presentations and other extensions that enable them to have their learning supported through differentiated instruction such as interactive boards that ensures that all modes of learning are addressed; visual, auditory and kinestetic.

Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation

The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:

Improvement Planning Data

Campus goals

Current and/or prior year(s) campus and/or district improvement plans

Campus and/or district planning and decision making committee(s) meeting data

Accountability Data

Performance Index Framework Data: Index 1 - Student Achievement

Performance Index Framework Data: Index 2 - Student Progress

Performance Index Framework Data: Index 3 - Closing Performance Gaps

Performance Index Framework Data: Index 4 - Postsecondary Readiness

System Safeguards and Texas Accountability Intervention System (TAIS) data Community and student engagement rating data

Student Data: Assessments

STAAR ELL Progress Measure data

Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) results

Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), Tejas LEE, or other alternate early reading assessment results Student Success Initiative (SSI) data for Grades 5 and 8

Student Data: Student Groups

Number of students assigned to each special program, including analysis of academic achievement, race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Economically Disadvantaged / Non-economically disadvantaged performance and participation data

Male / Female performance and participation data

Special education population, including performance, discipline, attendance, and mobility

Migrant population, including performance, discipline, attendance, and mobility

ELL or LEP data, including academic achievement, support and accommodation needs, race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Section 504 data

Gifted and talented data

Dyslexia Data

Student Data: Behavior and Other Indicators

Attendance data

Employee Data

Professional learning communities (PLC) data

Campus department and/or faculty meeting discussions and data

Professional development needs assessment data

PDAS and/or T-TESS

Support Systems and Other Data

Processes and procedures for teaching and learning, including program implementation

Budgets/entitlements and expenditures data


Goal 1: Provide staff development programs that prepare our employees to provide an accomplished teaching and learning environment.

Performance Objective 1: Provide professional development on TEKS (including content knowledge) and alignment by peer to peer observations of effective instruction

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: Improved student progress and benchmark data monitored to best predict and support STAAR Data Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description / Title I / Monitor / Strategy's Expected Result/Impact / Reviews
Formative / Summative
Nov / Jan / Mar / June
1) Teacher knowledge will be enhanced through professional development and through campus efforts to best support, understand and utilize TEKS based knowledge, practice, application and mastery. / Principal
Academic Dean
Vice Principal
Instructional Coaches
Teachers / Observations in walk through that demonstrates knowledge of the TEKS
PLC conversations and teacher goals
Lesson plan depth, questioning and instruction
Administration fluency of TEK language / / / /
State System Safeguard Strategy
2) Provide teachers of special populations such as Bilingual/Dual Language/ESL and Special Education students with opportunities to attend professional development to attain best practices information and implementation on second language acquisition, behavioral needs, cognitive needs and academic structures. / Principal
Vice Principal
Special Education
LPAC representative / Observations in walk through that demonstrate SIOP models, implementation of IEPs and differentiated learning. Implementing strategies that are applied on assessments and are obvious in the good habits of daily work as well as assessments. / / / /
3) Will utilize the District Instructional Coaches in both our grade level and vertical planning days, including our PLCs, to best plan for instructional needs and student learning needs. / Principal
Academic Dean
Vice Principal
Special Ed Teachers
Instructional Coaches / Teachers have the end in mind when planning and are able to structure lessons for the semester rather than the two weeks. They are able to seek clarification prior to teaching as they navigate the TEKS resource system and learn the possibilities for its use. / / / /
= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

Goal 1: Provide staff development programs that prepare our employees to provide an accomplished teaching and learning environment.

Performance Objective 2: Mathematics, Reading, Writing and Science STAAR passing rates will meet or exceed Level Phase II from grades 3rd to 5th Grade.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: STAAR Spring 2017 Data

Summative Evaluation 2:

Strategy Description / Title I / Monitor / Strategy's Expected Result/Impact / Reviews
Formative / Summative
Nov / Jan / Mar / June
1) Teachers will provide after-school opportunities and Saturday through tutoring and clubs based on assessment data to address academic student areas of concern and strengths based on TEKS mastery. / Teachers Principal
Counselor / *Tutoring is a temporary state that evolves and does not involve more than 8 students per group, revisited every 3-6 weeks
*Tutoring is prescriptive and yields data that shows growth by assessment dates both mini and district assessments *Students monitor their own growth in data folders/guides *Clubs are created for students area of growth/strengths in academic, social, and behavioral areas. / / / /
= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

Goal 1: Provide staff development programs that prepare our employees to provide an accomplished teaching and learning environment.

Performance Objective 3: Provide 2 Professional Developments where teachers discuss vertical alignment and academic vocabulary to enhance student learning in specific content areas.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 3:

Summative Evaluation 3:

Strategy Description / Title I / Monitor / Strategy's Expected Result/Impact / Reviews
Formative / Summative
Nov / Jan / Mar / June
1) Provide substitutes for teachers to attend PD. / 4 / Admin / PLC / / / /
2) Provide substitutes in the FALL and Spring for vertical alignment planning and for one in Fall and Spring for grade level planning with team instructional coaches. / Instructional Coaches
Coordinator / Teachers create thematic units that build schemata across content areas
TEKS are deep and are demonstrated in various ways in instruction
Student learning is enhanced and applied with deeper knowledge and problem solving / / / /
= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

Goal 2: Foster a culture that prepares students for higher education and work force readiness.

Performance Objective 1: Create 1-4 opportunities for students to experience careers in our community by speaking to community leaders and by visiting places of higher learning that will allow them to achieve their goals. In district and out of district field trips.