Venice Neighborhood Council
PO Box 550, Venice, CA 90294 /
Email: / Phone or Fax: 310.606.2015
Administrative Committee Meeting Minutes
Extra Space Storage, Presidents Row Room
658 South Venice Blvd, Venice, 90291
Monday, March 8, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Note: (i) The Administrative Committee does not address or consider the merits of proposed agenda items. Its function is to determine whether a proposed agenda item will be placed on the next Board meeting agenda, postponed, referred to a specific committee for review and recommendation, treated as an announcement, or considered and resolved as a non-Board administrative matter. (ii) The Administrative Committee has the discretion to reorder consideration of matters on the agenda to accommodate stakeholders or for other reasons. (iii) Unless otherwise noted, the President abstains on all votes.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Present: Mike Newhouse, Chair; Linda Lucks; Karen Wolfe; Joe Murphy; Ira Koslow; Stewart Oscars; Hugh Harrison. Absent: Kristopher Valentine. Also Attending: Marc Saltzberg; Carolyn Rios; Peter Thotham.
2. Approval of the Administrative Committee Agenda [Approved with changes noted]
3. Approval of any outstanding Administrative Committee minutes submitted by the Secretary [IK abstained; Approved]
February 8, 2010 Administrative Committee Meeting Minutes
4. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[15 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no Administrative Committee member announcements permitted]
5. Old Administrative Committee Business
A James Murez () & Jed Pauker (310-839-9209; ): Presentation of a case tracking system for LUPC (15 min) – See AdCom Exhibit A [Removed]
6. New Administrative Committee Business
A Administrative matters:
i. MarcS budget materials – place on board agenda? [JDM to update 7/2008 & 6/2008 Minutes per MarcS]
ii. JimM re: Farmer’s Market Fridays – Can I suggest that each of the standing sub committees post their REGULAR hours at the table, example LUPC from 7-9 am; Neighborhoods from 9-11. Of course this would not preclude overlapping hours or others from helping. It also might relieve your weekly task of getting bodies by shifting the task to the committees. I think by setting regular hours by committee, people that really have questions will know when you find the right person in the "office". This would also give communications a chance to announce office hours in all mailings and at meetings. NO reply needed, just a thought.—Jim
[Postpone to 6/2010 AdCom]
iii. LindaL Neighborhood Committee: Discussion and possible adoption (or forwarding to LUPC) of a recommendation by the Neighborhood Committee to work with Petal Patch to locate a Venice site and identify local charities to work on and receive vegetables grown.
[Postpone to 4/2010 AdCom]
iv. Candidate emails & phone numbers? [Removed]
B Consideration of DRAFT March 16, 2010 Board Agenda (see below)
7. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[15 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no Administrative Committee member announcements permitted]
8. Adjourn
Draft – Board of Officers Meeting Agenda
Westminster Elementary School (Auditorium)
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, 90291
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 7:00 PM
BOARD MEETINGS: The Venice Neighborhood Council holds its regular meetings on the third Tuesday of the month and may also call any additional required special meetings in accordance with its Bylaws and the Brown Act. All are welcome to attend.
TRANSLATION Services: Si requiere servicios de traducción, favor de notificar a la oficina 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) antes del evento. Si necesita asistencia con esta notificación, por favor llame a nuestra oficina 213.473.5391.
POSTING: The agenda and non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board members in advance of regular and special meetings may be viewed at Groundworks Coffee (671 Rose Ave Venice, CA 90291), Abbots Habit (1401 Abbot Kinney Blvd. Venice, CA 90291), the Venice Library (501 South Venice Boulevard, Venice, CA 90291), Oakwood Recreation Center (767 California St. Venice, CA 90291), the VNC website (, or at the scheduled meeting.For a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact the VNC secretary at .
PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any Old or New Business item on the agenda and the Treasurer’s Report. Comments from the public on these agenda items will be heard only when that item is being considered. Comments from the public on other agenda matters or on matters not appearing on the agenda but within the Board's subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public comment is limited to two (2) minutes per speaker, unless modified by the presiding officer of the Board.
DISABILITY POLICY: The Venice Neighborhood Council complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and does not discriminate on the basis of any disability. Upon request, the Venice Neighborhood Council will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Approval of outstanding minutes submitted by Secretary
February 16, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
[Committee Reports are provided in written form when available]
4. Consent Calendar [None]
A LUPC De Minimis Projects See Exhibit A [Placeholder for future meetings]
Challis Macpherson () on behalf of LUPC: Challis Macpherson moves that VNC Board of Officers send the VNC Standing Rule 5A Form Letter, stating No Opinion & No Recommendation Without Prejudice, regarding entitlement applications listed in Exhibit A.
5. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[15 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no board member announcements permitted]
6. Treasurers Report accept report as presented See Exhibit A
A Hugh Harrison (310-487-2533; ) on behalf of the Budget Committee
i. BBQ Funding: The Budget Committee recommends that the Venice Neighborhood Council seek partners to be sponsors of the Venice Community Barbeque established and held annually by the Venice Neighborhood Council. [Placed on agenda]
ii. Announcement: Due to the funding crisis with the City of Los Angeles, the Budget Committee is creating a Task Force to explore other funding avenues, including creation of a 501(c)(3) corporation. [Placed on agenda]
B Letter to City Council re: Roll Over Funds and Freeze [Removed]
Linda Lucks: (): I move that the VNC board discuss and take action on a possible resolution rejecting the sweeping of the rollover accounts, unfreezing of such accounts per the September freeze, allow total access to accounts until the City Attorney rules on the legality of DONE's past actions and the current recommendation of the CAO. In addition, I urge the board to reiterate the importance of maintaining NC funding at not more than a 10% cut (at $40,000 per year)
7. Scheduled Announcements (no more than 1 minute per report unless otherwise stated)
A Commendations & Announcements Mike Newhouse ()
· Deanna Stevenson: For many years of dedication to furthering the goals of the Neighborhood Councils.
· Elizabeth Jolley: Retiring after serving for over 20 years as the school crossing guard at Abbot Kinney & Coeur d' Alene, she has provided exemplary service to the children of the two elementary schools located on Coeur d' Alene.
· Liz Wright For single-handedly getting approval for VNC stakeholders to work on VNC polls and to vote.
B Governmental Reports
· DONE: Deanna Stevenson ()
· LAPD: Officer Peggy Thusing, Senior Lead Officer (310-622-3968; )
· State Assemblyperson Ted Lieu: Jennifer Zivkovic, Field Representative (310-615-3515; )
· Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa: Jennifer Badger, West Area Representatives (310-479-3823; )
· City Councilperson Bill Rosendahl: Arturo Piña, Field Deputy (310-568-8772; )
· PlancheckLA: Challis Macpherson ()
· LADWP/MOU: VNC Representatives DeDe Audet ()
C Report on visit to S. Barbara to view the Safe Parking Program (15 min)
David Ewing (310- 392-1365; ) & Stewart Oscars (310- 392-1365; ): Report on Santa Barbara safe parking program, as a result of the field trip they took with Rosendahl and members of his office and lead officers Thusing & Skinner.
D State of the Venice Library (5 min)
Ivan Spiegel (310-821-9556; ) on behalf of Lucille Cappas, librarian: Lucille Cappas, librarian, would like to inform the community about the current state of the library.
E Introduction to NIXLE by LAPD Officer Kristan Delatori (15-20 min)
Stewart Oscars (310- 392-1365; ) on behalf of LAPD Officer Kristan Delatori: I am requesting in the name of LAPD Officer Kristan Delatori that she be allowed to introduce NIXLE to our community.
Nixle is a free service to the public. It allows LAPD and any authorized public safety agency to send critical information to registered users en masse. There are various levels of information sent depending on urgency. The registered user decides upon the level of urgency s/he wants to receive. The service is free.
F LAPD Pacific Division invites you to our Annual Spring Carnival
Kristan Delatori (310-202-2890; ) or Pacific Community Relations (310-202-4524; LAPD Pacific Division invites you to our Annual Spring Carnival at Pacific Station, 12312 Culver Bl., Los Angeles, Ca, 90066. We are currently offering presale ride tickets for a 50% discounted price. To purchase the tickets come to our front desk. Bring your family & friends for Food, Fun rides & Games! All Proceeds Benefit the LAPD Pacific Area Youth Programs & Station Fund
MARCH 19 5:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. MARCH 20 2:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. MARCH 21 1:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M.
G VNC Green Film Series - Part 1 - Fuel 2/28/2010
Kristopher Valentine (805-341-4577; ) on behalf of the Environmental Committee: Sunday, March 21st, 2010; 7:00pm - 10:00pm @ The Electric Lodge, 1416 Electric Avenue. The Venice Green Film Series is a three part Sunday series on February 28th, March 21st, and April 25th. The event is sponsored by the Venice Neighborhood Council and the Electric Lodge. Part two of the Venice Green Film Series will feature a screening of TAPPED presented by Surfrider. This series is free and open to the public.
H Report on Post Office Mainentance Contract
Linda Lucks (): Current status per letter from PO (see )
I Community Improvement Projects Report
Ivan Spiegel (310-821-9556; ): Report and announcement of upcoming CIP events.
8. Old Business
Challis Macpherson, LUPC Chair, moves as follows regarding Original Case Number: CASE # APCW 200207626 CDP SPP SPR MEL. Original Council File 04-0939; Jefferson at the Marina, 3221 Carter Avenue, Venice, California 90292, Oxford Triangle Commercial Zone, C4(OX)-2-D:
WHEREAS: The Oxford Triangle Specific Plan, Ordinance #170,155 effective January 14, 1995, was promulgated to protect the R1 residential zone against light, noise, traffic and shadow encroachments of the C4(OX)-2-D commercial zone into the residential zone (refer to Section 2, items E and F, page 2, and Section 5, B, page 3, at the web site for the City of Los Angeles Planning Department -
WHEREAS: The community questions whether or not Los Angeles City Planning Department fully considered the Oxford Triangle Specific Plan, Section 9, C, 4 as follows:
“To the extent feasible as determined by the Director of Planning, access restrictions shall be implemented such that vehicular and pedestrian traffic will not be permitted from buildings and development within the C4(OX)-2-D Zone to the existing single-family areas.”
WHEREAS: Absent full consideration and appropriate due process ( including public input and publication of findings) by City of Los Angeles Director of Planning, the Oxford Triangle Specific Plan may have been violated;
WHEREAS: If appropriate consideration of plan is honored, all community issues or problems brought before the Venice Neighborhood Council and its Land Use and Planning Committee may be resolved;
BE IT RESOLVED: That the Venice Neighborhood Council Board of Officers strongly recommends that the City of Los Angeles Director of Planning review and reconsider the revocation of Condition 17, Public Improvements, paragraphs 17.c.2, “Each of these gates will maintain existing pedestrian access. To the extent feasible, the pedestrian access portion at each location will incorporate physical design elements to deter motorcycles or other vehicles from using the pedestrian sidewalks to circumvent the gates” at 3221 Carter. NOTE: Full sixteen page document re this condition available on VNC/LUPC web site under 3221 Carter.
LUPC motion made by Jed Pauker, seconded by Susan Papadakis, vote 6-0-1 passed.
9. New Business
A Oppose Exemption of 125 Projects from Environmental Review [Placed on agenda]
Kristopher Valentine (805-341-4577; ) on behalf of Environmental Committee:
Four identical bills in California's Assembly and Senate (ABX8 37, AB 1805, SBX8 42, SB 1010) will provide the Secretary of Business, Transportation, and Housing Administration with the authority to exempt 25 public or private projects per year, for five years, from having to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Since 1970, the environmental review process has contained new development within important environmental parameters. These parameters have protected Californians from dangerous pollution and profligate development, and have preserved precious habitats.
Exempting 125 development projects from CEQA guidelines will undoubtedly risk community health and natural resources, while exacerbating socioeconomic issues.
Furthermore, such a program diminishes an open and honest process, and disregards the input of local governments and constituents.
For these reasons, the Venice Neighborhood Council strongly disapproves of the proposed bills.
B Restaurant at 1305 Abbot Kinney Boulevard & Santa Clara See Exhibit B [Placed on agenda]
Challis Macpherson (310-822-1729; ) & Robert Aronson (310-278-8018; ) on behalf of LUPC: The LUPC recommends that the VNC Board recommend approval of the application for the proposed new construction of a restaurant as requested by the applicant, at 1305 Abbot Kinney Boulevard, with interior and outdoor seating, and hours of operation from 10 A.M. to 12 midnight, and for a Condition Use Beverage permit to serve beer and wine, subject to the attached Exhibit B conditions.