Hargrove, Jesse J., Ph.D. P.O. Box 30674, Little Rock, AR 72260

Chair, Division of Education (501) 370-5286 Work; (501) 562-4218 Home

Associate Professor

Appointed 1999-Tenure Track


Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1983 Bilingual/Multicultural Educ

M.A. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1977 Spanish and Spanish-Am Lit

B.A. Dillard University 1975 Spanish Education


Instituto Cultural Guadalajara, University of Washington, Seattle, Summer 1972

Escuela de Artes Plásticas, Guadalajara, University of San Francisco, Summer 1973

University of California at Berkeley, Crown Zellerbach’s Junior Year Exchange Program, Honor Student at Cal Berkeley, 1973-1974


2007-2012 Chair, Division of Education, Teacher Licensure, Philander Smith College

And Assistant to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

2006-2007 Chair, Division of Arts and Humanities, Philander Smith College, 2005 – July 2006 Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

2002-July 2005 Philander Smith College, Associate Dean of Instruction (Promoted from Assistant Dean of Instruction in Summer 2002); Interim Dean of Students (Summer 2003-Spring 2004)

2000-2002Philander Smith College, Chair, Division of Education

1999-2000Philander Smith College, Associate Professor of Education

1998-1999Broward County (Florida) Public Schools, William Dandy Middle School (6-8), Spanish Teacher

1997-1998Friends of Children, School of Academic and Social Excellence (6-8), Provost/Director of Awesome Dads, Awesome Men Fatherhood Curriculum/Program, Broward County, Florida

1989-1997University of Arizona, Assistant Dean for African American Students; Director, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Student Center; Faculty, Transfer Summer Institute

1988-1989 Hargrove & Associates in Education, President and Chief Education Consultant

1985-1988University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor/Dean of the Faculty; Visiting Assistant Professor, Education Division and Spanish; Project Director, Educational Opportunity Center

1983-1985University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Project Director, Special Services for Disadvantaged Students; Director, Educational Opportunity Programs

1982-1983University of Illinois, Program Coordinator, Quantitative Tutorial Program;

1981-1982University of Illinois, Language Tutor, English as a Second Language; Research Assistant, Midwest Office for Materials Development (1977-78); Teaching Assistant, Department of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese (1976-77)


FALLEDUC 203 Introduction to Education3 Credits

EDUC 213 Introduction to Research 3 Credits

ELEM 303 Teaching Culturally Diverse Children 3 Credits

ELEM 423 Teaching Elementary Social Studies3 Credits

SPAN 113 Elementary Spanish I 3 Credits

SPAN 213 Intermediate Spanish I 3 Credits

SPRINGEDUC 203 Introduction to Education3 Credits

ELEM 303 Teaching Elementary Economics3 Credits

ELEM 353 Teaching Elementary Science3 Credits

EDUC 363 Behavioral Management3 Credits

SPAN 123 Elementary Spanish II 3 Credits

SPAN 223 Intermediate Spanish II 3 Credits


Arkansas Education Association

Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Board, Elected 2010-2013

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society

HBCU Deans of Teacher Education Network, Treasurer, Elected 2010

National Middle School Association


Chair, Teacher Education Committee/Board, 2007-2012

Accreditation, Association for Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, 2008-2012

Licensure/Certifying Officer, Teacher Education, Arkansas Department of Education, 2000-2012

Appointed by Governors Huckabee and Beebe, Chair, Statewide Commission on Closing the Academic Achievement Gap in Arkansas, Inaugural Chair, Summer 2004-2013

Member, President Kimbrough’s Commission on Black Male Initiative, 2007-2012

Senior Class Adviser, Philander Smith College, Class of 2012

Member, Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee, 2007-2012

Oversight Administrator, NCATE Focused Visit 2007-2008

Chair, Re-Structuring Academic Divisions and Majors, Academic Affairs, 2005-2007

Chair, North Central Association, Criterion One, Mission and Integrity, 2005-2007

Member, North Central Association, PSC Accreditation Steering Committee, 2005-2007

Coordinator, Freshman Orientation Curriculum, 2005-2006

Administrator, Developmental Studies Program, Re-Structuring Curriculum, 2005-2006

Dual Interim Chief Academic Affairs Officer (CAO), March 1, 2005- July 31, 2005

Oversight Administrator, NCATE Accreditation Process, 2004-2005

Chair, AAUP Ad Hoc Committee to Review Faculty Handbook and Contracts, 2005

Coordinator, Philander Smith College Strategic Plans and Initiatives, 2003-2004

North Central Association, Higher Learning Commission 2003, Annual Meeting Representative

President, Philander Smith College Faculty Senate (Elected Position for 2001-2002; Re-Elected for 2002-03 But Resigned After Being Promoted Assistant Dean of Instruction in Summer 2002

Interim Dean of Students, Summer 2003-Spring 2004

Chair, Dean of Students Search and Screen Committee, Spring 2001

Mentor, Freshman Students, 2000-2004

Chair, Philander Smith College Commencement Committee, 2001-2006

Chair, Philander Smith College Multicultural/Diversity Committee, 2000-2002

Chair, Teacher Education Committee (NCATE Policies), 2000-2003

Member, Teagle Grant Project Team (Freshman Experience), 2000-2003

Chair, Teacher Education Recruitment Committee, 2000-2002

Chair, Teacher Education Scholarship Committee, 2000-2005

Member, Philander Smith College Staff Grievance Committee, 2000-2001

Director, Walton Delta Scholars Program, 2001-2002

Adviser, Walton Delta Scholars, 2000-2001

Member, Academic Dean’s Council, 2001-2005

Mentor, Vital Links Program, North Little Rock School District, 2000-2002

Member, Philander Smith College Curriculum Committee, 2000-2003

Advisor, Senior Class of 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008-2012

Chair, Standard I NCATE, 1999-2000

Faculty, College Disciplinary Committee Member, 1999-2002

Chair, Division of Education Recruitment Committee, 1999-2003

Member, Teacher Education Committee, 1999-2005


Hargrove, J., Student Success in the 21st Century: Overcoming 20th Century Barriers, Manuscript in Progress, Fall 2013.

Hargrove, J., Closing the Achievement Gap in America: A National Imperative for A Super Man, A Super Woman, and A Superintendent, AuthorHouse, Bloomington, Indiana, July 2011.

Hargrove, J., The Best Poetry in America: Volume 1, AuthorHouse, Bloomington, Indiana, February 2010.

Hargrove, J., “The Politics of Public Education,” Letters to a Young Teacher in Jonathan Kozol Education Action! Network, Fall 2008.

Hargrove, J., “Friends for Life”, Howard Ely, Editor, Forever Spoken, The International Library of Poetry, Owings Mills, MD, 2007.

Hargrove, J., “Genesee”, Howard Ely, Editor, Timeless Voices, The International Library of Poetry, Owings Mills, MD, 2006.

Hargrove, J., “The Role of the Poet”, Howard Ely, Editor, Twilight Musings, The International Library of Poetry, Owings Mills, MD, 2005.

Hargrove, J., “Memories of 9/11”, Howard Ely, Editor, Touch of Tomorrow, The International Library of Poetry, Owings Mills, MD, 2004.

Hargrove, J. And Suzanne Gamble, Video Production, “Training Early Childhood Educators to Teach: Classroom Techniques for Early Learners”, Fall 2002.

Grant Award, Arkansas Teacher Quality Enhancements Grant, Associate of Arts in Teaching Articulation Grant for Four Year Institutions, 2002.

Hargrove, J. and Mitchell, K. A Proposal for ESL Endorsement Program for Teachers in the Little Rock School District, Written for Philander Smith College, February 2000.

Hargrove, J., “Above the Norm”, Russell Hall, Editor, Cherished Moments in Time, The International Library of Photography, Owings Mills, MD, 1998.

Hargrove, J., “Plan for Our Youth Now,” The Journal Times, Racine, Wisconsin,

November 8, 1988.

Hargrove J., America’s Changing Population of Students,” The Communicator News,

Racine, Wisconsin, August 1, 1988.

Hargrove J., “Involvement Needed in Teaching Our Youth Resistance Skills,” The

Communicator News, Racine, Wisconsin, July 15, 1988.

Hargrove J., “Barriers Must Be Addressed for Move into 21st Century,” The

Communicator News, Racine, Wisconsin, November 8, 1988.

Hargrove J., “Education: Key Factor in the Civil Rights Movement,” The

Communicator News, Racine, Wisconsin, May 16, 1988.

Hargrove J., “The Impact of Institutional Climate on Student Retention and

Graduation,.” The Journal of Educational Opportunity, November 1987,

2 (1), 1-9.

Deputy Publisher and Executive Editor, The Communicator News, Racine,

Wisconsin, 1986-87

Editorial Review Board Reader, Journal of Educational Opportunity, Fall


Co-Editor, The Drum, a publication of the Wisconsin Association of Black

State Employees, 1986-87.

Authored, “One, Five and Ten Year Plans for Educational Opportunity Programs

At University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (1985 – 95); This 76 page document

Was submitted to Campus Administration and Operationalized at

Registrar’s Office, October 12, 1984.

Hargrove J., “An Overview of EOP at UW-Whitewater,” The WAEOPP Newsletter,

May 1984.

Authored, “Special Services for Disadvantaged Students Proposal,” Grant

Was awarded by U. S. Department of Education in the amount of $125,000

for 1984-85, 1985-86 and 1986-87.

Editor (and Founder) Grad News, a publication of the Black Graduate Student

Association, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1981-82.

Hargrove J., “Graduate Student Leaders Favor Teaching Assistant’s

Association,” Daily Illini News, April 11, 1980.

Co-Editor, BMESA Newsletter, Bilingual, Multicultural Education Student

Association (Graduate) Publication, 1979-80.

Hargrove J., Evaluation of Self –Concept Component at Martin Luther King

(Multicultural) Elementary School in Urbana, Illinois, (unpublished

Proposal presented to Illinois Office of Education for Funding), 1978.


This author has created the following websites to facilitate scholarship:

Some of Hargrove’s scholarship has been displayed by the following sites:

“How Can the Division of Education Close Gaps in Education Achievement,” HBCU-ETS Assessment Conference, Princeton, New Jersey, Opening Doors to the Classroom, February 1-4, 2010.

“What States Must Do to Close Gaps in Reading and Math,” Arkansas State Senate and House Committees on Education, State Room of the Capitol, January 22, 2009.

“Thomas Jefferson’s View of Public Schools Should be an Inspiration to All,” Dean’s Spring Retreat, Mt. Magazine, Arkansas, May 21, 2008.

“Reading Can Close Education Achievement Gaps,” Tucson Read-In Chain, Tucson Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English, February 10-12, 2007.

“The Importance of Public Service on A College Campus,” National Pan-Hellenic Council Conference, Philander Smith College, January 21, 2006.

“Class Reunions and Father Time: Before and After the Era of Segregation,” Chicot County Public School Banquet, Dermott, Arkansas, July 3, 2005.

“Closing the Academic Achievement Gap: Factors to Consider,” 2nd Annual Student Conference, Philander Smith College, April 10, 2004.

“Preparing Student Teachers to teach the Deuce Millennium Generation,” Arkansas Student Teachers’ Conference, PSC Reynolds Conference Center, April 10, 2003.

“Remembering Our History through Dance”, University Mall, Little Rock, Arkansas, February 26, 2000.

“Overcoming 400 Hundred Years of Slavery and Oppression”, First Baptist Church of Higgins, Higgins, Arkansas, February 27, 2000.


Academic and Scholarship areas include: Teacher Training; Retention Management; Ethnographic Research; Assessment and Educational Policy Influences; Bilingual Education and Multiculturalism; Achievement Gap; and Modern Language Education.

Pre K-12 Impact Variables on Students’ Learning; Ethnographic Research for Implementing Policy for Schools and Communities; Competulation Theory; Diversity in Higher Education


Dr. Frank James, Vice President, Academic Affairs, Philander Smith College

900 Daisey Bates Drive, Little Rock, AR 72202

(501) 370-5216;

Dr. Annie Williams, Associate Vice President, Academics, Philander Smith College

900 Daisey Bates Drive, Little Rock, AR 72202

(501) 370-5216;

Dr. Lia Steele, Past Chair, Division of Arts and Humanities, Philander Smith College,

900 Daisey Bates Drive, Little Rock, AR 72202

(501) 975-8500;