Eastern Young Athletes' League Timetable 2017 for 7 club League Matches

Team to judge

11.4070mHU13 G11.45U17/U15Hammer (M + F)1

75mHU15 GU15 B Long Jump6

75mHU13 B

80mHU17 W12.00U13 BShot Put 4

80mHU15 BU13 GHigh Jump7

100mHU17 MU17/U15Polevault (M + F)2

12.30800mU13 G 12.40U13 BLong Jump (scorers) 3

800mU15 GU17 WHigh Jump6

800mU17 W

800mU13 B12.50U17 M Discus1

800mU15 BU15 GShot Put(3kg)4

800mU17 M13.00U13GJavelin5

13.20100mU13 G13.20U17 MLong Jump7

100mU15 GU15 G High Jump6

100mU17 W

100mU13 B13.30U15 BShot Put4

100mU15 BU17 WDiscus1

100mU17 M

13.40U13 BJavelin5

Track officials break

14.10U13 GLong Jump (scorers) 3

14.30400mU17 MU13 G/BNon-scoring Longjump 2(2nd pit)

14.40300mU15 G

300m U17 W14.20U17 WShot put(3kg)6

300mU15BU15 GDiscus5

U17 MHigh Jump1

15.001500mU13 G (1 race per age-group)U15 BJavclin4

1500mU15 G

1500mU17 W15.00U17 WLong Jump3

1500mU13 BU13 GShot put7

1500mU15 BU15 G Javelin(500g)2

1500mU17 MU15 BDiscus5

15.50200mU13 G15.20U15 BHigh Jump1

200mU15 G

200mU17 W15.40U15 GLong Jump4

200mU13 BU17 WJavelin(500g)2

200mU15 BU13 BDiscus3

200mU17 MU17 MShot Put 6

16.404 x 100mU15 G (note event order!)16.00U13 BHigh Jump1

4x 100mU15 B

4 x 100mU13 G16.15U17 W/M Triple Jump 5 and 7 together

4x 100mU13 BU17 MJavelin2

4 x 100mU17 WU13 GDiscus3

4x 100mU17 M

  • A and B string in each event, with the exception of the Hammer, Polevault and relays where there will be one scoring athlete/team per age group per club.
  • Non-scorers are limited to 2 per club per age-group in all field events, and 5 per club per age-group in the 100m and 200m. No limit in other track events.
  • Where A & B string races are held separately team managers arc expected to put the better runner in the A string. Failure to do this can lead to disqualification of both strings.
  • Non-scoring races for each age-group should be run immediately following the scoring races for that age-group, and may be incorporated into the scoring races where possible.
  • Where practical, 800m races for under 13’s should be run as combined A/B/non-scorers if numbers are not excessive, so as to have better races.
  • A maximum of two male and two female competitors from each club are permitted in the U13’s non-scoring long-jump. Where a host facility does not have a 2nd long-jump pit, the separate non-scoring Long-jump event will not take place and in that casethe non-scorers will jump with the appropriate

scoring eventsand the number of athletes, or attempts, may be limited at the Field Referees discretion.

  • UKA correct false start rules must be applied for each age-group. (U17 rule)

Eastern Young Athletes' League 2017 – 7 club matches



12.50DiscusU17 Men

13.30 DiscusU17 Women

14.20HighjumpU17 Men

15.20HighjumpU15 Boys

16.00HighjumpU13 Boys

Team 2


14.10LongjumpU13 G&B Non scorers

15.00JavelinU15 Girls

15.40JavelinU17 Women

16.15JavelinU17 Men

Team 3

12.40Long JumpU13 Boys scorers

14.10Long JumpU13 Girls scorers

15.00Long JumpU17 Women

15.40DiscusU13 Boys

16.15DiscusU13 Girls

Team 4

12.00Shot PutU13 Boys

12.50 Shot PutU15 Girls

13.30Shot PutU15 Boys

14.20JavelinU15 Boys

15.40Long Jump U15 Girls

Team 5

13.00JavelinU13 Girls

13.40JavelinU13 Boys

14.20DiscusU15 Girls

15.00DiscusU15 Boys

16.15Triple JumpU17 Men/Women

(Triple Jump together with team No 7)

Team 6

11.45Long JumpU15 Boys

12.40HighjumpU17 Women

13.20HighjumpU15 Girls

14.20Shot PutU17 Women

15.40Shot PutU17 Men

Team 7

12.00HighjumpU13 Girls

13.20 Long JumpU17 Men

15.00Shot PutU13 Girls

16.15Triple JumpU17 Men/Women

(Triple Jump together with team No 5)

At least two members of each clubs field team must be qualified Officials of at least level 2 (Visiting clubs should notify the host club in advance if this presents a problem. If the host club is unable to find a suitable official to lead that field team, the Referee could decide that the event(s) cannot take place.

All clubs to provide one track judge & one timekeeper to report to the referee/chief 30 mins before the first track event (ie. 11.20).5 points each are awarded for a timekeeper, track judge, and two qualified field officials – total 20 points.

Warm-ups should start well before the scheduled event time, if the area is clear, so that the event can start on time or as soon as possible after the scheduled time. The warm-ups for both Hammer and Polevault should start at 11.20 and for U15B Longjump at 11.30. The Pole vault must start on time, with a target to complete it as soon as possible.

On tracks where the javelin runway crosses the pole vault runway it may be necessary for the under 13’s javelin to be started carefully whilst the Polevault is still in progress. It is important to get the javelin events started on schedule.

Lane/competition order draw for all matches – both A and B strings using the same team number allocation as field duties from the fixture list , is as follows:

Hurdles, Shot, Longjump, Relay5-1-3-7-2-4-6

100m, 800m, Discus7-2-4-6-5-3-1

200m, 1500m, Javelin, Polevault2-6-5-3-1-7-4

300/400m, Highjump, Triplejump, Hammer3-7-1-4-6-2-5

Pole vault height progressionU17 Men1.90, 2.10, 2.30, then in 10's
(note – no lower heights to be offered)U15 Boys1.70, 1.90, 2.10, then in 10's
U17 Women 1.70, 1.90, 2.10 then in 10's

U15 Girls1.50, 1.70, 1.90 then in 10's

High jump progressionsU17 Men 1.25 then in 5’s

(note – no lower heights to be offered)U15 Boys 1.20then in 5’s

U13 Boys1.05 then in 5’s

U17 Women1.15 then in 5’s

U15 Girls 1.10 then in 5’s

U13 Girls 1.00 then in 5’s