Dear HARC Parents and Students,

Welcome to the Homeschool Academic Resource Center at Colonial Baptist Church. We are so excited to have you here and have been praying for you all summer. Please make sure you have received communication from your instructors and have your materials as given by them ready for your first class. Your instructors contact information is on the website in case you have not received an email. All instructors should have given you a syllabus with expected assignments.

The first day of class can be a bit overwhelming for everyone! Please enter through door number 10. I have included a map of the building. That door will be accessible only for the first two weeks. After that you will have to use your access card. If you have an access card from last year, have that number updated with Mr. Maness at the welcome desk. IF you do not do this for this school year, your card will expire. While at the Welcome desk, please check in and make sure all your contact information is correct.

For those of you who are new, Mr. Maness will issue you an access card. These cards are to be used ONLY by you. If you lose your card, you may get a new one at a $5 fee. Mr. Maness is our security officer and does a wonderful job to make you all safe.

Along with safety, if your student has specific medical concerns, please fill out the attached medical release form and turn that in to Mr. Maness. You and your family take full responsibility for the well being of your student while on campus. We are here to meet whatever needs we can and will work with you to provide the best care possible.

Your room assignments are on the website. Please refer to the class registration page to see the times and room number for your classes. All HARC classes are on the second floor of the Children's Center or Family Center. Study Hall is in CC201. This is where you are to be unless you are in a class or heading home. Speaking of Study Hall, it has come to my attention that there are some children who attend Colonial who are deathly allergic to nuts. We ask that no nut products be allowed in the building to protect the health of these children.

This year, I am asking that a parent attend the first class with their student to be familiar with what the instructor is expecting. That way you the parent and the instructor will have a unified front for that course. I also want to add to double check to make sure you have paid your fees in full or are on a payment plan. If there is a balance due, access to grades will be denied till the account is current. This year each instructor will be using Coursesites or something similar to better serve in the area of communication and access to grades. We hope this helps your year go more smoothly.

As a reminder, I have included the HARC policies which you have all agreed to upon registration with our program. Please take time to review the dress code and homework/test requirements.

I hope that your first week goes well. Say hi to old friends and meet some new ones. We are so happy to have you with us!

Gratefully, Beth Grose (Director)