Seattle United Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2014
Seattle United Headquarters, 605 S. Orcas St.
Name / Title/Function / AttendanceBoard Members
Warren Ratliff / President / Present
Dori Karjian / Vice President / Present
David Hennes / Treasurer / Present
Steven Caplow / Secretary / Present
David Bowerman / Director-at-Large / Present
Vance Clipson / West ROC / Present
Amy Gaffney / Director-at-Large / Present
Kurt Hanson / Director-at-Large / Present
Alex Johnson / SYSA Representative / Present
Amy Marsh / Director-at-Large / Present
Cyndy Masada / Shoreline ROC/Compliance Officer / Absent
Stephen Morrissey / Director-at-Large / Absent
Jennifer Price / Director-at-Large / Present
Cam Ragen / Director-at-Large / Present
Robert Sheppard / Director-at-Large / Present (by telephone)
Theresa Tanoury / NE ROC / Present
Debra Webb / Director-at-Large / Present
Ben Wilson / South ROC / Present
Other Participants
Kevin Long / Executive Director / Present
Jimmy McAlister / Director of Coaching / Present
Chuck Porter / Financial consultant / Present (by telephone second order of business)
Carlos Enriquez / Community Outreach Director / Present (fourth order of business)
I.Call to Order
A quorum of the members of the voting Board being present, a regular meeting of the Seattle United Board of Directors was called to order at 7:04 p.m.
President Warren Ratliff made some introductory remarks.
II.Regular Business
The FIRST order of business was approval of the October 2014 minutes.
The SECOND order of business wasthe monthly financial report by Messrs. Long and Porter. They reported on income and cash flow year-over-year and the fiscal year-end projections. Mr. Porter excused himself after the conclusion of the monthly financial report.
The THIRD order of businesswas an explanation of the annual budget process by the Treasurer, Dave Hennes. Mr. Hennes explained the model the Club uses to budget revenue and expenses. The members of the board discussed the Club’s budget priorities and funding for working capital, professional development and COLA increases.
The FOURTH order of business was a presentation by the Community Outreach Director, Carlos Enriquez. Mr. Enriquez discussed the Soccer in the Schools program sponsored jointly by the Club and SYSA. The Soccer in the Schools program focuses on sportsmanship, fun and raising awareness of the game of soccer among elementary school children. Mr. Enriquez also discussed expanding an after-school program that was successfully piloted at a Beacon Hill school.
The FIFTH order of business was a presentation by the Financial Aid Subcommittee Chair, Jennifer Price. Ms. Price explained the resources available to fund financial aid and the process used to allocate aid among players. Ms. Price then led a detailed discussion of financial aid matters currently under consideration by the Subcommittee so the board could weigh the alternatives and provideinput on priorities for the Club’s funding and administration of financial aid.
The SIXTH order of businesswas an executive session by the board.
The SEVENTH order of businesswas the approval of board committees for the 2014/15 season. The committees will include: Executive (Warren Ratliff), Finance (Dave Hennes), Development (Robert Sheppard), Soccer Operations (Parker Mason), Uniforms (Stephen Morrissey), Medical Advisory (Cam Ragen and Jonathan Drezner) and Governance (Steven Caplow). The board unanimously voted to approve the committees, chairs, and membership for each committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Minutes taken by Steven Caplow, Secretary
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