Friday12th January 2018

Dear Parents

Happy New Year! We hope you had a relaxing Christmas break. Thank you very much for all of the thoughtful gifts that you bought for us and our wonderful Teaching Assistants, we really appreciated them.

This term is relatively short and will therefore be busy as there is a still lot of exciting learning to be done. The timetable remains unchanged from Autumn term but we are starting many new topics so we are attaching a brief outline of what your child will be learning this term as well as their topic homework grid. Please take particular notice of when your child is doing PE as they will require their full kit in school for these lessons.

We would really appreciate your support this term to ensure that all of the children are confident on their times tables up to 12x12. This forms the basis of most of the Maths work they complete in Year 5 and can really hold them back if they do not know them well. Ipad/computer games are a good way to learn them and there are lots of free apps available. Regular practise is the key and any work you can do at home to support their in-school learning would be gratefully appreciated.


Your child will require their PE kits in school at all times. They will take part in formal lessons on a Monday and Thursday in 5R and Tuesday and Thursday in 5J. However, there maybe other occasions when their kit is required.

We would appreciate your support in ensuring they have the appropriate labelled clothing in school for their lessons. As part of our school policy, children may continue to wear tracksuit and trainers for outdoor lessons, during the cold months. However, please ensure your child has the correct indoor PE kit, including black plimsolls as trainers and tracksuits are not permitted inside. If your child has pierced ears, please either remove the earrings at home before the PE lesson or provide plasters to cover them.

Guided Reading

Your child will continue to take part in guided reading sessions throughout the school week. They will also be issued with a Home Guided Reading Book and Reading Record every fortnight and a piece of corresponding homework. This will be issued every otherFriday and must be returned by the following Thursday. We have noticed over the Autumn term that some children are not completing their reading homework to the required standard. We will be strict on this from now onwards and it will be returned for re-completion if it is not acceptable. Over the next week we will be showing children exactly what we expect.

Your child will also access the library where they can choose a reading book of their choice. They may also bring a book from home for use during any free reading opportunities.


Topic Homework is designed to creatively support the curriculum being delivered. Your child shouldtry to complete all tasks, in any order, throughout the term.

As well as the topical homework grid which your child has received, they will also receive a piece of English/Spagand Mathematics homeworkeach Friday to be completed and returned the following Thursday. This will be in the form of a written based task and should be completed to the very best of their ability. If they do not understand the task that has been set, please ask them to discuss it with the teacher as soon as possible.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Mr Raynes & Mrs Johnson