Hanover County Public Schools – Ashland, Virginia

National Literacy Standard / 3.2 The student who is information literate uses information accurately and creatively by integrating new information into one’s own knowledge. / FOURTH



/ 4.6 (E) The student will collect information, using the resources of the media center.
Objective / The student will locate materials using the Dewey Decimal System.
Title / “Reviewing Dewey”
Resources / Dewey Decimal Sheet and worksheet


/ Students will review and extend their knowledge of the Dewey Decimal system.


/ Dewey Decimal System
Activity / Discuss the Dewey Decimal System with students. Give students the sheet, which details the various Dewey categories. Use actual books from the collection as a display and have students classify them as a whole group activity.
Use books from library shelves (with call numbers blocked) to have students classify them.
As an evaluative tool, use the worksheet, which contains titles and requires that students identify Dewey areas.


/ Review the students’ answers on the worksheet.

Created by the Hanover County Public Schools Elementary School Library Media Specialists (Ashland, Virginia)

Hanover County Public Schools – Ashland, Virginia

Lesson #4-3.2a – Dewey Decimal Information Sheet

Dewey Decimal System

Melvil Dewey created the Dewey Decimal System to arrange his nonfiction books in order by topic. There are 10 different groups or categories.

000-099 General Works

Books with many subjects in one book.

100-199 Philosophy and Psychology

Books about the supernatural and feelings.

200-299 Religion and Mythology

Books about religions, Greek and Roman myths.

300-399 Social Sciences

Books about government, laws, folklore and holidays.

400-499 Languages

Books about foreign languages, sign language, and grammar.

500-599 Natural Sciences

Books about math, space, and wild animals.

600-699 Technology

Books about health, cars, space flight, cooking, and domestic animals.

700-799 Arts

Books about drawing, sports, music, and jokes.

800-899 Literature

Books with poems, plays and short stories.

900-999 Geography and History

Books about countries, traveling, and historical events.

Created by the Hanover County Public Schools Elementary School Library Media Specialists (Ashland, Virginia)

Hanover County Public Schools – Ashland, Virginia

Lesson #4-3.2a - Worksheet

Name ______

Dewey Decimal System

Directions: Use the Dewey Decimal Chart to find out which Dewey category would be used for each book listed below.

Ex. Whales 500’s

1.  Famous Explorers ______

2.  Learning French ______

3.  Skateboarding ______

4.  Pet Care: Cats and Kittens ______

5.  Dinosaurs and Other Ancient Animals ______

6.  The History of India ______

7.  Religions of the World ______

8.  Short Stories for Young People ______

9.  Fairy Tales of the World ______

10. Cooking for Kids ______

11. The American Encyclopedia ______

12. How Laws Are Made ______

Created by the Hanover County Public Schools Elementary School Library Media Specialists (Ashland, Virginia)