PC PSA Meeting

Revised Agenda

Thursday, September18, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hearprofessional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  1. Welcome– Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer
  2. Introductions–representatives and members
  3. Discussion – All
  4. New Business
  1. PC Campus PSA
  1. Holiday Luncheon – Carolyn Worthington
  1. Officer Reports

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting

Revised Agenda

Thursday, September18, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hearprofessional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  • Co-Presidents – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer – submit written report
  • Treasurer’s report – Kelly Loucks
  • Secretary’s report – Rene’ Kuehene

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting

Revised Agenda

Thursday, September18, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hearprofessional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  1. Representatives’Updates

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting

Revised Agenda

Thursday, September18, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hearprofessional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  • Paid Education Leave (PEL Rep Alfredo Hernandez)
  • Professional Staff Development (PSDRep Mary Davison)
  • Professional Staff Internship (PSI Rep Ted Bland)
  • Summer Conference – (Carolyn Worthington)

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting


Thursday, June19, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hear professional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  1. Other Updates

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting


Thursday, June19, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hear professional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  • Webpage – Vrushti Bhatt
  • Blog – Vrushti Bhatt

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting


Thursday, June19, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hear professional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  1. Campus Committee Updates: PLEASE READ BEAR ESSENTIALS– Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer – submit written report

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting


Thursday, June19, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hear professional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  • Budget Review
  • Learning College
  • Maricopa Priorities
  • Phoenix College Leadership Council (PCLC)
  • PC Strategic Planning

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting


Thursday, June19, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hear professional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  1. District PSA
  1. Officer Reports– Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer – submit written report

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting


Thursday, June19, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hear professional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  • President (Leah Dustin-Hall)
  • President-Elect (vacant)
  • Secretary (Carmen Gonzales)
  • Policy Chair (Shannon Ridgeway Monaco)
  • Treasurer (Dennis Ellsworth)
  • Past President (Lynn Mary)

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting


Thursday, June19, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hear professional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  1. Committee Updates – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer – submit written report

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting


Thursday, June19, 2014


Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

All professional staff invited to attend.

This is our opportunity to:

  • share information with professional staff
  • celebrate professional staff achievements
  • hear professional staff ideas, concerns, recommendations, suggestions, questions, and more…

At the close of the meeting, we want professional staff to have received relevant information and to have been heard by their elected and appointed representatives.

  • Common Policy Development (CPD Chair Shannon Ridgeway Monaco)
  • Diversity Advisory Council (DAC member vacant)
  • Employee Benefits Advisory Council (EBAC members Leah Dustin-Hall / Julie Wright)
  • Financial Advisor Council (FAC member Leah Dustin-Hall)
  • Integrated Marketing, Outreach, Recruitment, and Retention Squared (IMOR2 member Leah Dustin-Hall)
  • Paid Education Leave (PEL Chair Angelica Mihailova)
  • Professional Staff Development (PSDCo-Chairs Mary Davison, Cindy Cooper)
  • Professional Staff Internship (PSI Chair Julie Wright)
  • Summer Conference (Chair vacant)

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 29/15/2014

PC PSA Meeting


Thursday, February 20, 2014



All professional staff invited to attend.

  1. Old Business
  2. PC Campus PSA
  1. Social Event
  1. Meet-up/Mixer/Happy Hour
  2. Other
  3. District PSA
  1. Next Meeting
  1. October16, 2014, 11:30A in Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

My Docs/JC/PSAPage 1 of 21/22/2014