Hannah, you mean more to me than anybody else. When I first met you, you were always making me laugh. You always knew how to make someone feel special. I'm sorry I ever broke your heart. When you met Caleb, I thought my life was over. I was just about to end it. But Caleb is better than me, everyone knows that. Well when you started dating him, I was going to kill myself, but then you helped me. When you broke up with Caleb, I was so happy, but also in tears. I was in tears because I knew your heart was broken another time, and I knew how bad Caleb felt. I even sent Caleb some of the songs and poems I wrote for you to give you. I told him to tell you to say he wrote them for you, so you would go back out with him, so he would be happy again, but that didn't happen. Later you asked me out, and I said yes, but we had to break up because your Gmail was blocked. Well I got to tell you this: My whole computer was filtered with CYBERsitter11, and I couldn’t go on any site besides connexus (my school website). But I missed you so much that I couldn't bear it. I begged and begged my parents to unlock Gmail, but they wouldn't, so I had to compete destroy my laptop, and hacked it. I would do anything to talk to you. And that's the real reason I went to jail was because I destroyed school property. The laptop belongs to my school. But what they don't know is that my hack worked and here I am talking to you. I would spend a thousand years in jail just to speak to you. I want to be with you Hannah. I guess all I want to say is I love you Hannah. I love you so much. And if you don't want to be with me well I guess I'm just going to have to face that, but I can't live without you, and I would destroy a million computers just to speak to you. I know I'm typing a lot. I should probably quit typing. Sorry I'm just typing my thoughts. Should I even send this message, I might hurt your feelings. I hope I don't. All I wanted to say is I love you Hannah. Maybe I should have just said that. Okay I'll quit typing now. I'll just hit send. I love you Hannah. Always and forever.