Handy household book!

You are the Grade 11 chemistry student out to save the common folk from their household chemicals. Make a Handy-Dandy instruction manual using these situations. Show your calculations in a box at the bottom unless asked to show them within the instructions itself. Don’t forget instructions for safety!

1) Your parent brought home 2 household solutions – one to clean the floor and another, the countertop. The floor cleaner is a solid and the instructions specify that a solution of 4.0%W/V should be made before cleaning. The countertop cleaner comes in a 250 ml bottle and the instructions say to make 3.5%V/V before using it on your countertop. Your parent needs 540 ml of floor cleaner solution and 270 ml of the countertop cleaner solution. Write instructions to your parent on how to make each solution. Show your calculations. Add safety precautions.

2) The acceptable level of chlorine present in pools in your area is 1.5 ppm. Your neighbor installs a new pool that can hold 3,841,600L of water. He finds out that you are taking Grade 11 chemistry and wants to know what mass of chlorine needs to be added to his pool if he decides to fill his pool to either 2,450,000 L or 1,500,000 L. Leave instructions for him detailing how he can calculate the amount of chlorine he should add to make any volume in his pool. Do two demonstration calculations for him using the above given the pool volumes of 2,450,000 L and 1,500,000 L.

3) Your brother, Dexter, is very prone to getting motorcycle grease on his clothes that doesn’t come off by washing in water. He has heard of the dry-cleaning solvent dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) that can remove grease stains and wants to learn how dichloromethane is made but missed his favorite T.V. show ‘How it’s made’. Leave instructions for him on how to make 750 ml of 2.5 M dichloromethane in the form of a recipe (ingredients and their quantities).

CH4(g) + Cl2(g) → CH3Cl(g) + HCl(l)

CH3Cl(g) + Cl2(g) → CH2Cl2(l) + HCl(l)

This is a very dangerous and hazardous chemical that needs to be made at 400-500 OC, so make sure to leave plenty of safety instructions and loads of discouraging statements so that he doesn’t attempt it!

SCH3U0- Handy Instruction Manual Rubric Name: ______

Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Knowledge / Student demonstrates no understanding of relevant theory and fails to use the correct equations. Inaccurate safety procedures are used. / Student demonstrates a fair understanding of relevant theory and uses mostly correct equations. Somewhat accurate safety procedures are included. / Student demonstrates an understanding of relevant theory and uses the correct equations. Accurate safety procedures are included. / Student demonstrates an exceptional understanding of relevant theory and uses the correct equations. Highly accurate safety procedures included.
Communication / Incorrect units (or no units) are used and the ideas and concepts are poorly organized. The piece is not very creative. The instructions are unclear and mostly incoherent. / Fairly correct units are used and the ideas and concepts have some organization. The piece is mostly creative. The instructions are somewhat clear and coherent. / Correct units are used and the ideas and concepts are well-organized. The piece is very creative. The instructions are clear and mostly coherent. / Accurate units are used and the ideas and concepts have excellent organization. The piece is very creative. The instructions are perfectly clear and coherent.
Thinking/Inquiry / Shows a lack of substantial analysis of each situation. The solutions/calculations are mostly inaccurate and the format (recipe/manual) is not thought out and is hard to follow. / Shows acceptable analysis of each situation. The solutions/calculations are somewhat accurate and the format (recipe/manual) is mostly thought out and easy to follow. / Shows substantial analysis of each situation. The solutions/calculations are mostly accurate and the format (recipe/manual) is well-thought out and easy to follow. / Shows exceptional analysis of each situation. The solutions/calculations are very accurate and the format (recipe/manual) is well-thought out and easy to follow.
Application / Work shows incorrect application of what was learned in class to the situation. The safety procedures are not realistic and practical. There is no connection between science and technology and people. / Work shows mostly correct application of what was learned in class to the situation. The safety procedures are mostly realistic and practical. There is some connection between science and technology and people. / Work shows correct application of what was learned in class to the situation. The safety procedures are realistic and practical. There are good connections between science and technology and people. / Work shows highly accurate application of what was learned in class to the situation. The safety procedures are very realistic and practical. There are excellent connections between science and technology and people.
Total Marks / /20