Lakewood Rotary Board Minutes
December 15, 2010, 6pm, TC&GC
Present: Mick Johnson, Astrid Arola, Greg Horn, Sally Smith, Dave Reames, Lowell Johnson, Stephanie Walsh, Mark Blanchard
Not present: Ben Sclair, Tony Robinson, Andrew Neiditz
1. Call to Order at 6:02pm
2. Secretary’s Report
Minutes: Approved by Board.
November Membership Month End Report: 122
Attendance: 65%
Gain/Loss: -2
Dues Report: 1 paid, 1 pending, 3 to drop by December 31, 2010
Bottom of Form
3. Treasurer’s Report
· Astrid Arola reviewed budget documents.
· Stephanie Walsh asked about 990 changes. Stephanie would be glad to do a presentation for the Club regarding nonprofit oversight. Astrid discussed how a committee could be formed to review financial reporting. Bill Potter, Paul Wulfesteig, Greg Horn and Tony Robinson will be asked to follow up on this process.
4. President’s Announcements
President Johnson reported that Ed Shannon will lead the Military Appreciation Committee.
Directors’ Reports:
1. Membership & Fellowship (Stephanie Walsh)
· Stephanie Walsh reported on Christmas baskets.
· Stephanie also discussed two possible new members and one transfer from another Club.
· Cindy Thompson will host the next Fireside at the end of January.
2. Community Service–General (Lowell Johnson)
· Sportsman Dinner preparation is progressing well. Vault is the caterer at a cost of $38.50 per dinner. Board briefly discussed raffle, with 285 tickets being sold for a chance at the prize of $10,000.
3. Community Service–Youth (Andrew Neiditz)
No report.
4. Public Relations & Communications (Mark Blanchard)
Mark Blanchard reported that all is going well.
5. Rotary Foundation & Rotary International (Dave Reames)
Mark Blanchard reported on two international projects; the microeconomics grant in Tiruchiripalli, India. Rose Stevens has $1,000. toward the grant. Astrid Arola reported that within the Club budget $2,000 for this project is in reserves and $3,000. was allocated in this year’s budget. A total of $5,000. Has been allocated for the grant.
Mark described another grant opportunity for building stoves in Guatemala.
Mark also described a possible pancake breakfast fund raiser that could be held at Carr’s on a Sunday.
6. Club Administration (Tony Robinson)
No report.
Old Business
· Review of books and the timing of the review were discussed. Mick Johnson and Greg Horn will pursue a plan for doing this to be done in the time period between May and August.
· The above discussion evolved into a related discussion by the Board to form a Budget/Financial Advisory Committee to assist the incoming President in the development of the next year’s Club budget. The Committee would be comprised of the President Elect, current President and Past President. Discussion to continue at next Board’s meeting when Ben Sclair could take part in the discussion.
New Business
Next Meeting: January 19th, 6pm, TC&GC
Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned by President Johnson.