Handling animations in C++

In this post we’re going to re-create the Third Person’s Template project animations in C++.Before reading on, create a Blueprint a Third Person Template project!Since we’re going to use the assets provided with the specific template you don’t need to include the starter content.

In order to handle the animations of ourcharacter we need to create an Animation Blueprint. In our case, this Blueprint is going to be based in a C++ class which provides the basic “structure” for the animation blueprint that we’re going to create. Even though this post intends to show you how to handle animations using C++, you will notice that after we type the logic in our code, we will spend the rest of the time tweaking values in Blueprints. This is because using C++ we will be able to achieve the basefunctionality quite easy,however we do need to tweak some values inside the blueprint in order to have smooth animation transitions, otherwiseour animations will look “raw”!

This post assumes you’re somewhat familiar with thePersona Editorand the followingterms:animation sequence,blend spacesandstate machines.

You could say that thispostis divided into threeparts:

  1. Writing the base C++ code
  2. Wiring everything in the Animation Blueprint which is based on the above class
  3. Tweaking values in the Animation Blueprint to achieve smooth animation transitions.

So, let’s get started!

Part 1: Creating the logic inC++ class

When your template is loaded, create a new c++ class which inherits theAnimInstanceclass (I named my class MyAnimInstance – we will need that name later!), like the following screenshot:

When the process of adding the class is finished, inside theheader file of your class, type in the following properties and function:

12 / protected:
/*True means that we're currently in air - or falling*/
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly)
bool bIsFalling;
/*Holds the current speed of our character*/
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly)
float MovementSpeed;
/*Updates the above properties*/
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "UpdateAnimationProperties")
void UpdateAnimationProperties();

When you’re done with that, switch to yoursource fileand add the following implementation of the UpdateAnimationProperties:

14 / void UMyAnimInstance::UpdateAnimationProperties()
//Get the pawn which is affected by our anim instance
APawn* Pawn = TryGetPawnOwner();
if (Pawn)
//Update our falling property
bIsFalling = Pawn->GetMovementComponent()->IsFalling();
//Update our movement speed
MovementSpeed = Pawn->GetVelocity().Size();

That’s it…That’s all the code required for this tutorial. Everything else is handled inside the Animation Blueprint!Compile your codeand switch to your editor.

Part 2: Creating the Animation Blueprint

Somewhere inside your content browser, right click and create an Animation Blueprint:

When you choose the above option, a menu will pop up. You need to select the parentclass and the target skeleton for yourAnimation Blueprint.In the parentclass option make sure to enter the C++ class we created above. Remember that I named my class MyAnimInstace so your select your equivalent option. For the target skeleton, select the skeleton of the Third Person Template Project.

Name your animation blueprint anything you want (I named it Cpp_AnimBP – we will need that later!).

When you create your Blueprint, open it up and inside it’s Event Graph add a call to the Update Animation Properties function we created above, like the following screenshot:


  1. Switch to yourAnim Graph
  2. Create a new State Machine
  3. Wire it with the final animation pose (like the following screenshot suggests)

Compile your Blueprint and jump inside your state machine! Since we’re recreating the Third Person’s Tempate project animation, our state machine will contain the same logic. So, create the following states (they are identical to the default AnimBP which comes with the template):

Now that we’re done with that, we need to provide the logic for the transitions.

This is thetransition rulefromtheIdle/RuntoJumpStartstate:

This is thetransition rulefrom theJumpStarttoJumpLoopstate:

I copied the value 0.1 from the default blueprint logic. In a real scenario, you may want to expose that from C++ and tinker with its value, depending on your animations!

This is thetransition rulefromJumpLoopto JumpEndstate:

And the last transition rule fromJumpEnd to Idle/Runstate is the following one:

Again, I copied the 0.1 value from the default animation BP. You may need to tinker with that in a real world scenario.

Now that we have all the transition rules, we need toenterthecorresponding animation ineach state.

Inside theIdle/Run statewe’ll use ablendspaceand provide theMovementSpeed property from our C++ file(the blendspace I used comes in with the Third Person Template Project):

Inside theJumpStartstart just play the Jump_Start animation sequence like the following screenshot suggests (Make sure to uncheck the Loop animation Pin in the settings panel):

Inside theJumpLoopstate just play the Jump_Loop animation sequence:

Inside theJumpEndstate play the Jump_End animation sequence:

Save and compile your Animation Blueprint.

Go to your Character’s Blueprint andin the Animation category in the Anim Blueprint Generated Class select the Animation Blueprint we created above like the following screenshot suggests:

Save and compile your Character’s Blueprint. When you press the play button and play around a bit you will notice that the correct animations play, however their transition are a bit “clumsy”. This is where the 3rd Part of this post comes into play!

Part 3: Achieving Smooth Animation Transitions

In order to achieve smooth Animation Transitions, we will tweak a bit the values for each transition.

  • Select theTransition RulefromIdle/RuntoJumpStartand copy the values from the screenshot below:
  • Select theTransition RulefromJumpStarttoJumpLoopand copy the values from the screenshot below:
  • Select theTransition RulefromJumpLoop to JumpEndand copy the values from the screenshot below:
  • Select theTransition RulefromJumpEnd to Idle/Runand copy the values from the screenshot below:

Save and compile your Blueprint. Now you’re animations are identical to the 3rd Person Templates and you know how to handle animations using C++!

PS: In case you want to handle animation montages using C++, inside the AnimInstance C++ class you have the ability to call functions like Montage_Play / Montage_IsPlaying / Montage_Stop and provide a UAnimMontage* parameter.