Table of Contents
Introductory Letter...... 3
Life Coach Application and Training Process...... 4
Statement of Faith...... 9
Commitment to Care...... 10
Statement of Principle...... 11
Explanation of the Statement of Faith...... 12
Dear Friend of the Preborn,
Thank you for taking the first step in saving lives at Hand of Hope Pregnancy Centers! Let me first encourage you to continue taking one step at a time as God leads you to defend our most helpless citizens while speaking Truth to the mothers and fathers who daily take their own first steps toward finding help during a very difficult time.
Please read your Life Coach Information Packet carefully as you will find pertinent information about the center’s beliefs, operations and goals within the packet. Should you decide to pursue a Life Coach position at the center, please call to set up a telephone or in-person introductory meeting. Or, if you like, you can email Alicia Barrese in the Fuquay center at or Dana Kiefer for the Raleigh center at . After this meeting, you should send in the Life Coachinformation and application forms. HOH requires three references for Life Coaches. Your three references, one being your pastor, should mail their forms to the appropriate center with their signature across the back flap of the sealed envelope.
Life Coaches are always in high demand and needed and we always appreciate your willingness to be used for God’s Kingdom. We could not operate if it were not for people like you! You will truly be blessed by obeying the call of the Lord in this venture. I sincerely appreciate your willingness to consider this life-saving and affirming ministry.
Until He returns or calls me home,
Tonya Baker Nelson
Founder & CEO
Life Coach Application and Training Process
Stage One
- Complete Life Coach Information Form
- Read CareNet’s Commitment to Care, Statement of Faith and Statement of Principle
- Complete formal Application with references
- Return to Alicia in Fuquay or Dana in Raleigh
- They will call to schedule an interview
- Schedule and attend a Life Coach Interview and Tour
Stage Two (for those Life Coaches interested in phone/admin duties)
- Complete Receptionist Training, a 3-5 hour training course to complete phone training and administrative procedures
- Sign up for a weekly 3-hour weekly shift as a Receptionist
Stage Three (for those Life Coaches interested in counseling)
- Complete AACC Crisis Pregnancy Coaching, a 24-hour dvd based training course to equip Life Coaches to coach women in unexpected pregnancy
- $50 cost for certification in Crisis Pregnancy Coaching
- Complete Counseling Apprenticeship, 5-7 weeks of practical learning including reviewing literature and shadowing counseling sessions
- Sign up for a permanent 3- to 5-hour weekly shift as a Life Coach Counselor
Life Coach Volunteer Opportunities:
Receptionist– Administrative Volunteer, Requires Stages One and Two, Serves 3-6 hours weekly.
Life Coach – Requires Stages One, Two and Three, Serves 3-6 hours weekly
“On Call” Administrative Volunteer – Requires Stage One and Two, but serves only “on call” to cover when weekly volunteers cannot serve or when a staff person is out of the office.
Special Event/Project Volunteer – Requires Stage One, Service times vary with fundraising events or when various projects come up that require extra hands.
Public Relations/Marketing Outreach – Requires Stage One, Requires special training by the CEO
Sexual Risk Avoidance Presenter – Requires Stage One and Three, Requires special training by the CEO
Life Coach Information Hand of Hope Pregnancy CentersFirst Name / Last Name / MI
City / State / Zip
Phone (_____) ______-______/ Work
Phone (_____) ______-______/ Cell
Phone (_____) ______-______
Telephone (_____) ______-______
How did you find out about HOH?
What is your reason for seeking to Life Coach?
Personal and Family HistoryBirth Date______-______-______
/ GenderFemale
Male / Ethnicity
Asian / Black / Caucasian
East Indian / Haitian / Hispanic
Jewish / Native American / Other
Marital Status Married (Spouse’s Name ______) Separated
Single (includes currently divorced or widowed)
If single, what are your living arrangements?
/ parents roommate(s) campus boyfriend girlfriendother ______
Do you have children? Yes No If yes, how many? ______
Do you have any children living at home? Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Yes No
If yes, explain:
Do you give HOH permission to perform a background check before your Life Coach status is approved?
Yes No
Church Involvement
Church Name
AddressPastor’s Name: / Phone #: (_____) ______-______
Ministry position(s) in which you are currently serving:
Will you be able to provide current or previous ministry reference? Yes No
Do you have 2 – 5 people that can provide you with ongoing prayer support? Yes No
All questions on this form are designed to help us prepare you for areas of ministry in where you may best serve.
Significant LossesHave you personally experienced a loss through Abortion? Miscarriage? Loss of a child or other loved one?
Have you received counseling for the situation listed above? Yes No
Have you personally experienced an unplanned pregnancy? Yes No Outcome:
Have you walked through one or more of the above with a friend or family member? Yes No
Crisis Pregnancy ExperienceHave you ever counseled a woman who was considering an abortion? Yes No
(Explanation) Use additional paper if necessary.
Have you had any traumatic experiences related to abortion? Yes No
Under what circumstances would you consider abortion as an alternative for a woman with an unexpected pregnancy?
Never an option / In cases of extreme psychological distressIn cases of rape or incest / In cases of where the mother’s life was in extreme peril
Other (specify)
When do you think sexual activity is morally permissible?
(Explanation) Use additional paper if necessary.
Core BeliefsHave you read and agree with CareNet’s* Statement of Faith? Yes No
Have you read and agree with CareNet’s* Statement of Principle? Yes No
Have you read and agree with CareNet’s* Commitment to Care? Yes No
If no, explain:
Life Coach OpportunitiesArea(s) of Interest: Please check appropriate areas and list any areas not mentioned below.
Life Coach Special Event/Special Project Volunteer (“on call”)
Administrative Volunteer/Receptionist Public Relations/Marketing Volunteer
“On Call” Administrative Volunteer Sexual Risk Avoidance Presenter
Administrative Use OnlyReviewed by:
TBN____/____/____ / AB ____/____/____ / DK ____/____/____
Life Coach Job Description:
Objective of position: To reach out to those in the midst of unplanned, unexpected pregnancies and to those involved in premature sexual activity with unconditional physical, emotional and spiritual support.
1.A commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
2.Full agreement with Care Net’s Statement of Faith and Principle & Commitment of Care
3.Dependable, stable and capable of following through on commitments
4.A sincere desire to reach out with the love of Jesus to people in distress
5.A basic understanding of human nature
6.An ability to recognize extra-Biblical values and not allow them to become a barrier in relating to a client
7.The ability to adjust to a client’s pace of progress and growth
8.Knowledge of Scripture, especially pertaining to the sanctity of human life, sexual purity inaside and outside marriage, forgiveness and salvation
9.Ability to respect confidentiality
10.Completion of the HOH Life Coach training
11.Willingness to attend Life Coach meetings
Most in-center Life Coach positions require a commitment of 3 hours per week. Some variations on time may be negotiated with the CEO, Client Services Director or Nurse Manager. Training for all positions will be provided as well as continuing education through bi-monthly in-services and annual evaluations.
Do you wish to receive our mailings or newsletters? Yes No *HOH’s umbrella organization
Statement of Faith
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible and authoritative Word of God.
- We believe that there is one God, externally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
- We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential, and that this salvation is received through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and not as a result of good works.
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life and to perform good works.
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
(Adapted from the National Association of Evangelicals’ statement of faith.)
Commitment to Care
- Clients are served without regard to age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability or other arbitrary circumstances.
- Clients are treated with kindness, compassion and in a caring manner.
- Clients always receive honest and open answers.
- Client pregnancy testingis distributed and administered in accordance with all applicable laws.
- Client information is held in strict and absolute confidence. Client information is only disclosed as required by law and when necessary to protect the client or others against imminent harm.
- Clients receive accurate education about pregnancy, fetal development, lifestyle issues and related concerns.
- We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but we are committed to offering accurate education about abortion procedures and risks.
- All of our advertising and communications are truthful and honest and accurately describe the services we offer.
- All of our staff and Life Coaches receive proper training to uphold these standards.
Statement of Principle
- The pregnancy center is an outreach ministry of Jesus Christ through His church. Therefore, the pregnancy center, embodied in its Life Coachs, is committed to presenting the gospel of our Lord to women with crisis pregnancies – both in word and in deed. Commensurate with this purpose, those who labor as pregnancy center board members, directors and Life Coachs are expected to know Christ as their Savior and Lord.
- The pregnancy center is committed to providing its clients with accurate and complete education about both prenatal development and abortion.
- The pregnancy center is committed to adopting and enforcing internal procedures to assure that abortion education is performed in a caring and compassionate manner with due respect for the emotional sensibilities of each client. Prior to usage by the center, client materials containing descriptions or depictions of abortion will be reviewed by a qualified medical professional (e.g.: physician, nurse) and determined to be medically accurate. Materials with graphic depictions of abortion or its results are not content-appropriate when the primary effect of such materials is to shock rather than to educate. When using approved abortion education materials with clients, center personnel will always give specific warnings and obtain written client permission before showing any videos, brochures, or diagrams that contain any visual depictions of abortions or its results. No client will ever be asked, pressured or coerced to view abortion education materials that she or he has indicated a desire not to see.
- The pregnancy center is committed to integrity in dealing with clients, earning their trust, and providing promised information and services. The pregnancy center denounces any form of deception in its corporate advertising or individual conversations with its clients.
- The pregnancy center is committed to assisting women carry to term by providing emotional support and practical assistance. Through the provision of God’s people and the community at large, women may face the future with hope and plan constructively for themselves and their babies.
- The pregnancy center does not discriminate in providing services because of race, creed, color, national origin, age or marital status of its clients.
- The pregnancy center does not recommend, provide or refer for abortion or abortifacients.
- The pregnancy center offers assistance free of charge at all times.
- The pregnancy center is committed to creating awareness within the local community of the needs of pregnant women, and of the fact that abortion only compounds human need rather than resolving it.
- The pregnancy center does not recommend, provide or refer single women for contraceptives. (Married women seeking contraceptive information should be urged to seek counsel, along with their husbands, from their pastor and/or physician.)
- The pregnancy center recognizes the validity of adoption as an alternative to abortion, but is not biased toward adoption when compared to the other life-saving alternatives. Pregnancy centers interacting with independent adoption agencies shall assure that referrals are made in a manner that fully protects the interests of clients and avoids any conflict of interest. Adoption agencies may only be established under the auspices of centers if they meet strict standards to assure that pregnancy clients shall be served without any conflicts of interest.
- The pregnancy center otherwise upholds all of the principles and requirements set forth in our Commitment of Care.
Explanation of the Statement of Faith
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
The Bible is altogether true because it is revelation from God (II Tim. 3:16). Therefore, it is fully authoritative over the life of the believer and the conduct of the ministry. All legitimate authority in ministry is derived from the Scriptures and subordinate to them.
Different churches make special claims for their leaders or in some cases the leaders make special claims for their own authority over others, but claims of personal spiritual authority are irrelevant to the governance of HOH’s ministry. Immediate leadership of the ministry rests with the board of directors and their authority must be the Scriptures. Therefore, their authority is not unfettered. It is defined foremost by the obligations laid upon all Christians by the Bible (Rom.13:1-6). These include obeying the laws of the state and honoring agreements they have made including the affiliation agreement and any contractual arrangement with personnel, landlords, etc.
- We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential and that this salvation is received through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and not as a result of good works.
The apostle Paul reserved his harshest warning for those who abandon or distort the gospel he preached (Gal.1:8-10). The warnings were necessary because of the tendency within men to deny that their condition before God is so wretched, so hopeless and futile that they can do nothing to please God or earn His favor (Eph.2:1-3; Rom.1:18-32; Gen.6:5). Denying their hopeless position they distort the gospel into a “faith plus” proposition in which God provides a measure of mercy, but it is up to man to complete what is necessary for salvation by his works. The Bible rejects this understanding (Rom.11:6; Gal.3:10), insisting instead that “a man is justified by faith apart from works of the law” (Rom.3:28; Gal.2:16). This salvation is solely the result of God’s mercy or grace, human endeavor playing no part whatsoever (Eph.2:8-9). Paul told the Galatians that attempts to add their works to God’s mercy as a kind of insurance of salvation severed one from Christ and caused him to fall from grace (Gal.5:1-4).
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life and to perform good works.
Although good works are not a means of salvation they are the fruit, or result, of salvation. After stating that salvation is by grace through faith, the apostle Paul immediately went on to admonish the Ephesians, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which He prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Gal.5:6). Genuine faith always is accompanied by works of faith and love. Even so, James could say, “Faith without works is dead” (Jas.2:17).
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
Heaven and Hell alike are realities taught by our Lord (Matt.25:31-46). Understanding the eternal consequences of unbelief is especially important in the ministry of HOH because of its commitment to evangelism. We are concerned not only with the life and death of unborn children but with the eternal destiny of our clients. HOPE – helping others prepare eternally.
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
While there are many local expressions of the body of Christ, the church is one (Eph.4:1-7). As a result of this spiritual unity of believers, the Christian Action Council and its affiliate centers are inclusive in allowing Bible believing Christians from different denominations and church traditions to serve. Working together with believers from many different backgrounds is an especially gratifying aspect of the HOHministry.
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
Heaven and Hell alike are realities taught by our Lord (Matt.25:31-46). Understanding the eternal consequences of unbelief is especially important in the ministry of HOH because of its commitment to evangelism. We are concerned not only with the life and death of unborn children but with the eternal destiny of our clients. HOPE – helping others prepare eternally.