Hampton High School Baseball


Each TEAM player assumes a certain amount of responsibility when he agrees to become a member of the Hampton High School Baseball Program. This Code of Conduct has been established to clarify our team policies and rules. It assures that they are understood by all, and guarantees that no player will be treated differently from another.

If you do not feel that you can handle these responsibilities and rules, than you should not be a part of the HAMPTON BASEBALL TRADITION.


We feel it is essential that 3 groups of people understand and support the following rules and procedures:

1. Players

2. Coaches

3. Parents & Guardians


We also feel that it is essential that each person associated with the program set the following 4 PRIORITIES for the baseball season.

1. Family

2. Academics

3. Baseball

4. Social Life


I. Personal Appearance: Team members must wear clothes that are neat, clean, and appropriate with that of school policy. No jewelry on field for practice or games. Hair must be neat and above collar. Any facial hair must be neatly trimmed.

II. School Behavior & Class Attendance: Good school behavior and class attendance is a must. Players are expected to present interim reports and report card grades to their coaches.

NOTE: Baseball players should lead by example within the school. Those players disciplined by school officials and as a result are late for or miss practice, will also face disciplinary action by the coaching staff. Continual disciplinary problems in school will result in the player being dismissed from the program!

Please refer to the school handbook as to what constitutes a student-athlete being eligible to participate on school athletic teams.

II. Locker Room/Equipment: Each player will be adequately equipped with a game uniform. It is expected that it will be clean and complete for each game. Players will be appropriately dressed for practice: baseball pants, baseball hat, shirts tucked in, socks and weather appropriate outerwear. Each Player should obtain a LOCK at the start of the season. Each player is responsible for his equipment and personal belongings. Loss of any equipment or personal items should be reported to the coaching staff immediately.

Each player is to treat his equipment with respect, no player will be allowed to throw or misuse team equipment and personal belongings (disciplinary actions will follow) each player will be financially obligated to return all issued equipment to the Hampton High School Athletic Department at the conclusion of the season.

IV. Team Respect: This is an important emphasis placed on our program. Two major areas of concern are the following:

A. Interaction between teammates: Each member of the Hampton Baseball Team is equal. Hazing or treating the younger players as rookies will not be tolerated. NO ONE PLAYER IS GREATER THAN THE WHOLE. We are a family and need to protect and stick up for one another the entire year. No player will be allowed to disrespect a teammate. This policy includes opponents and players on other teams.

B. Interaction between players and coaches: Coaches are to be addressed as “Coach”. When a coach is talking no other player should be talking at the same time. When we take the field as coaches or enter a meeting, all conversation outside of baseball will stop.

NOTE: If you do not want to concentrate on baseball while you are at practice you are wasting your time, your teammates’ time and your coaches’ time.

V. ATTENDANCE & TARDINESS: It is the obligation of each player to attend and be on time (Coach time; 10 minutes early dressed and starting to stretch) for practice, games, scrimmages or team meetings. The only reason a player should miss practice are a family obligation, academic extra help after school help, injury or illness. You are expected to notify the coach in person, by phone or email. If you work part-time please schedule work around practices accordingly. In order to keep all lines of communication open between players and coaches note the following procedures:

A. (Unexpected) Absence from Practice: If you are absent from school a call or email MUST be placed to Coach Huffman 910-527-6912. If he is not available a message MUST be left with a proper explanation.

B. (Expected) Absence or Tardiness: If you are going to be late or miss practice (Example: extra help, doctors appointment, college visit) the coaching staff MUST be notified in writing by the player’s parents a minimum of 48 hours prior to the absence.

C. (Unexpected) Tardiness: If you are late for practice for an unforeseeable reason, a note from either teacher or parent must accompany your return to practice.

VI. PROFANITY: The use of profanity will not be allowed by the players. This applies to any area including the locker room, bus, and baseball field. Should an incident occur during a game or practice that embarrasses the program drastic measures will be taken!

VII. SHOWBOATING/TAUNTING/OBSCENE GESTURES: No player on our team will be allowed to personally “highlight” or “taunt” any opponent in practice, scrimmages or games.

EXAMPLES: finger pointing, staring, waving, dancing, etc.

NOTE: If you make a big play: “act like you have done it before!” Again NO PLAYER WILL EMBARRESS THE HAMPTON HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL PROGRAM!

VIII. ALCOHOL, DRUGS & TOBACCO USE: this program will not tolerate the use of any of these items. Athletic Department & school policies will be followed in the event that any player is caught using these substances during the season.

IX. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS: The following are the disciplinary procedures in the event that the Code of Conduct is broken. At ANYTIME if any Team Rule or policy is broken the Head Coach reserves the right to dismiss the player from the team. Examples of typical scenarios are listed below; however these are subject to change:

1st Offense: Explanation & Apology to Team, Coaching Staff, or Opponent.

Disciplinary Action during practice (extra conditioning; sent home for day)

2nd Offense: Explanation & Apology to Team, Coaching Staff, or Opponent. Dismissal from practice or game (sent home for day and benched next game)

3rd Offense: Dismissal from the team!


X. PLAYERS LEAVING THE TEAM: Players who cannot maintain the Code of Conduct will be required to leave the team. Players who decide to leave the team for personal reasons may leave at any time with the CONSENT (must individually report their decision) of the coaching staff. In all cases it is the responsibility of the player to return all school equipment to the Hampton Athletic Department.

XI. End of Practice or Game Day Responsibilities

A. Injuries: It is the responsibility of each player to report to the coaching staff any injury no matter how slight they may be. Players that are injured are REQUIRED to attend see the trainer and or attend practice even if they are physically unable to participate.

B. Personal Problems: Please talk problems out with the coaching staff. Each player is looked at far beyond baseball; we regard each member as an important part of our baseball family years after your playing days are over.

C. Playing Time: the coaches will address issues involving playing time with the player only. Players; NOT PARENTS should ask to speak with the coach about their individual playing time. We have and open door policy with players; they should not be afraid to speak up and ask on how they can improve their performance. Parents should only contact the coach in cases in which the players may be having a difficult time. (Academics, problems at home, family commitment) Please do not talk to us about your son’s playing time.

D. Playing or Practicing during the season: Each player should review the commitments list before making a decision on participating in another sport during the high school season. You are committed to our team 1st and foremost. If this presents a problem please don’t waste our time or take another committed players spot in the program.

E. Vacations- It is impossible to complete the schedule without games during spring vacation. Please attempt to schedule them to either prior to or after the season. Varsity Players are expected to be present during the spring vacation.

XII. Players & Parents Signature: As a member of the Hampton Baseball Program, I fully understand the conditions of the Code of Conduct administered by the players and coaches in the program.

Player Signature______Date______

Parent’s Signature______Date______