St. Marys BIA Board Meeting

January 5, 2015, 6 p.m.

Town Hall Council Chambers

CALL TO ORDER AND CONFIRMATION OF QUORUM, CHAIR’S REMARKS - Meeting was called to order by Kevin McLlwain, Town CAO at 6 p.m. It was acknowledged that the new members of the BIA were present.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES – does not apply


  1. Introduction of all members

Name / Work# / Cell# / Email address
Nigel Howard / 519-814-6801 / 519-274-2908 /
Kevin McLlwain / 519-284-2340 x216 / 519-441-1711 /
Andrew Hodges / 519-284-2820 / 519-520-0478 /
Carey Pope / 519-284-0059 / 519-949-3057 /
Sherry Cookson / 519-284-2559 / 519-636-7349 /
Julie Docker Johnson / 519-284-1391 / 226-921-5401 /
Mary Jane Ball / 519-284-1541 / 519-859-1541 /
Sue Griffiths / 519-284-9900 / 519-949-3844 /

Andrew Hodges – Member of Kinsmen club, resident since 2003, owns Hodges Funeral Home

Carey Pope, council rep, business for 11 years, resident and property owner

Sherry Cookson – St. Marys, BMO, life time resident.

Julie Docker Johnson- Flower Shop and More owner, property owner and resident.

Mary Jane Ball- retired 2 years, 45 yr resident, property owner, previous owner of LA Ball Funeral Home.

Sue Griffiths – owner of Village Craft and Candle, 13 years in St. Marys, previous BIA board member, resident.

Nigel Howard, employed by Stratford Perth Centre for Business, Community Futures, interest in businesses in St. Marys, Chamber connection.

Kevin McLlwain – Town of St. Marys CAO for 3 years.

  1. Clarification of Mandate of BIA – the mandate according to the Constitution is “To provide effective leadership in order to beautify and promote St. Marys’ downtown as a unique and vibrant entertainment, social, cultural and economically viable business center.”

The full constitution is available at

  • Everyone received a copy of the Constitution, should be reviewed over the term. Runs under the Section 361 of the Municipal Act (RSO 1970.284). The Constitution ensures that boundaries are not crossed –eg promotions- must promote area, not specific businesses.
  1. Election of Officers - Nigel Howard– Chair, Julie Docker Johnson – Vice Chair, Sue Griffiths- Secretary, Sherry Cookson- Treasurer
  2. Schedule of Meetings for year 2015
  • One per month… town hall, 6-8 pm, 2nd Monday of each Month

Some members attend EDAC before Feb 9?
Monday, February 9 / Budget
Monday, March 9 / AGM? (requires budget 10 days prior and 14 days notice, is supposed to coincide with Town budget schedule).. Associate Members discussion.
Monday, April 13 / Communication Improvements/website
Monday, May 11 / Constitution review
Monday, June 8 4-8pm Facilitation Meeting / 4 year planning session
Monday, July 13 / Budget to date and levy review
Monday, August 10
Monday, September 14
Tuesday, October 13
Monday, November 9 / EDAC join us?
Monday, December 14
  • Roberts rules – we would have to vote to extend past 8pm
  • is a great tool for scheduling meetings
  • Nigel, Sue and Sherry to meet asap to create a starting point for the budget process. Sherry to contact Dave in accounting to get latest financial documents.
  1. Look at quarterly meetings with EdDev (They meet now at 7:30 am weds). Beautification (no set times), and downtown revite (which is a defined sub-committee of BIA). Kevin to arrange two meetings with EDAC where we join them, and 2 meetings with them coming to join us. Networking with service clubs, PCVA, Chamber.
  2. Preparation of 2015 budget and review of process

Discussion followed on how the levy is now calculated: min, max and how the remainder is raised. Reserves were discussed. Dave has all of the financials forwarded from the last board, Nigel, Sherry and Susan will meet to get financials in place for 2015. Municipal act has more clarification (Get copies)

How long has the levy been $45,000? Possible levy increases or dip in to reserve to fund initiatives with other groups. Other funds can be raised through Associate Members and fundraising.

Bills were collected by Sherry and will be paid.

  1. Identify 4 Key Issues for 2015
  • Communications improvements within BIA members – resurrect paper copies of a Newsletter and deliver. Have Block Captain contacts.
  • Website/ email
  • Levy increase? Long term projects, reserves –discussion, goals and timelines
  • Strengthen partnerships and networking- chamber, PCVA service clubs, EDAC, Downtown revitalization, beautification.
  • Associate Member benefits (who were our past members?)
  • Reviewing the Constitution.
  • Road Reconstruction
  1. Billboard Suggestion by Stephen McCotter–cost will be investigated, is it in a good position? Another offer of billboard by Wildwood roundabout. Will be investigated during the budget process.
  2. Strategic Plan for the next 4 years. Can we set goals and measurable on items we want to accomplish, can we see planning in to the future? Setting an organized schedule. Possible May facilitated meeting 4-8pm with light supper to lay out a plan.
  3. Chamber and Business After 5’s networking. Stratford and St. Marys District Chamber of Commerce offers events such as Mayors Breakfast, After 5. Nigel is wanting St. Marys BIA to embrace this, and get involved in networking. Guidelines for the Business After 5 were available. It was mentioned that there are limited venues within BIA boundaries. May need to investigate Associate Members for this.
  4. Role of Retail Retention and Recruitment coordinator –had been ran through the Downtown Revitalization in the past, position ends shortly. The Town budget has not passed, so funds are not available to carry on, same goes for BIA. Discussion followed on how the groups of EDAC ,Chamber,BIA can work effectively together without overlap… BIA needs to be supportive to fulfil our mandate. We have to be knowledgeable of what is currently in play in order to form an educated decision on how to carry forward.
  5. AOB
  6. Bills to Sherry – lots of Downtown Christmas Dollars in for redemption. Sue to call on businesses suspected to have some. Sherry to document certificate numbers and store names who redeemed.
  7. Co-op advertising requests are coming in. PCVA booklet commitment is confirmed ($2800 as in past years), time sensitive. Hotel booklet ads to run at no cost to BIA, Town may be called upon for photo material for header.
  8. Signing authority letter to be completed by Sue as soon as possible.
  9. OBIAA conference April 19-21. Discussed, will pass on it this year. We can access for information on Ontario BIA’s. Sue has access code to member sections if interested.

FINANCIAL UPDATE – Sherry to speak to Dave and prepare for next meeting.

NEXT MEETING – Monday, February 9, Town Hall, 6-8pm

Meeting Adjourned at 8:35p.m.