Disability Day Services Review

Terms of Reference: Eligibility Criteria and Assessment of Need Workstream


The Southern Health and Social Care Trust is currently reviewing day care services for adults with a disability.

The aim of this review is to design and implement a Modernised Disability Day Service which is fit for purpose into the future.

A Project Structure has been established to take forward the Review

Project Steering Group

Project Team

Purpose of Group

To review access criteria and eligibility criteria for Day Services and undertake current and future needs assessments for future service provision.


·  Bronagh McKeown, Head of Physical and Sensory Disability Services

·  John McEntee, Head of Service Learning Disability Services

·  Melvin Purdy, Day Services Manager

·  Claire Byrne, Physiotherapist

·  Valerie Berry, Social Worker

·  Gavin Crilly, Learning Disability Nurse

·  Tracey Rodgers, Occupational Therapists

·  Noreen McComiskey, Learning Disability Specialist Manager

·  Tommy Mitchell, Carer

·  Carmel McGrath, Day Care Manager

·  Lisa Polland-O’Hare, Day Opportunity Manager

·  Amanda Skillen, Occupational Therapist

·  Deidre Tominey, Clinical Psychology

·  Tony Black, Clinical and Social Care Governance (apologies noted)

·  Sinead Campbell, Disability Action Advocate

·  Janet McConville, Head of Planning for Mental Health and Disability (apologies noted) represented by Paula Vennard.

Responsibilities and Activities of the Group

This sub-group will take forward the following tasks and be responsible for delivering these:

·  Review access criteria for day services including day care and day opportunities.

·  Report findings.

·  Explore and highlight operational challenges within current services and future services.

·  Review eligibility criteria.

·  Provide definitions of each eligibility criteria.

·  Agree proposed new criteria.

·  Examine unmet need and capacity issues.

·  Interface with other sub-groups involved in the review.

Frequency of meetings

·  Initially meetings will take place monthly.

·  Duration of meeting max 2 hours

·  Venues to be accessible to everyone

·  All phones to be turned off during meetings

Quality and Reporting

·  The minutes of the meeting will be formally recorded and shared.

·  Minutes to be disseminated by members to colleagues.

Work Packages to be taken forward

Two sub groups have been formed to complete the following tasks:

To develop a report detailing current and future access and eligibility

criteria for learning disability (sub group 1) and physical disability (subgroup 2). The sub groups will:

·  Map current service provision and record register of requirements following assessment of need.

·  Profile of current Service Users.

·  Document assessment of future need.

LD sub-group to be led by Gavin Crilly.

PD sub-group to be led by Valerie Berry