StudentHandbook 2016-2017
Dedicated toExcellence
Halls HighSchool
This handbook belongsto:
Table of Contents
Mission Statement – Student Code of Ethics – Bell Schedules5
Quick List of Things to Know – Dress Code – School Day Defined6
Student Behavior – Early Dismissal……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………. 7
Disciplinary Action Chart……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………… 8
Guidelines for Athletics, Clubs and Organizations –
HHS Professional Learning Communities and Late Start Wednesday…………………………………………….……………. 9
ISS – School Lunches – Student Fees/Fines – Textbooks – Library – Student IDs
– Academic Make-up Sessions………………………………………………………………………….………………….………..………… 10
Valuables – Lockers – Visitors – Hall Passes – Vending Machines – Fundraiser Activities
– Field Trips – Computer Usage – Parking on Campus………………………………………...... ………... 11
Driver’s Permit – Tutorials – Senior Requirements – College Visitation……………………………………………..…………. 12
Dual-Credit Possibilities – Guidance - Disciplinary Terms and Definitions …………………………………………..……….. 13
Zero Tolerance Policy – Restricted Areas –
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying or Cyber-Bullying…………………………………………………………..….………… 14
Bus Information and Expectations – Guidelines for Medication……………………………………………………………………. 15
Student Dress Code – Attendance Policies …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Guidelines for Student Messages, Packages, Flowers, Balloons, Etc.
Cafeteria Rules and Food and Drink - Personal Communication Devices and/or Electronic Devices………….. 17
Graduation Requirements – Grading Scale……………………………………………….…………………………………..………...….. 18
End-of-Course Tests – High School Testing Dates.………………………………………...... …….…………….. 19
Equal Opportunity Notice – Unsafe Schools Choice Notice
– Knox County Schools’ Statement of Compliance…………………………..……………………………………..…………….…. 20
Knox County Schools Civility Code………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 21
2015-2016 Knox County Schools Calendar……………………………………………….……………………………..……………………. 22
Counseling Handbook……………………………………………………………………….………………………………..……………………….. 23
Requirements for National Honor Society Membership…………………………………………………………………………………36
Halls HighSchool4321 EmoryRoad
Knoxville, TN37938
Dear Students andParents:
I want to take this opportunity to extend a welcome to you as we begin another year at HallsHighSchool. As we do each year, the Administration and Faculty are prepared to do our very besttoprovide a safe, academically challenging environment in order for you to pursue a goal thatweboth share--your graduation from high school. This is our goal for you, and it begins the daythatyou walk into the doors of this school. Along the way we will provide you with a qualityeducation,with multiple extracurricular opportunities, and with the collective wisdom of a faculty thatcanimpart “real world” knowledge into each day’s lessonplans.
This school family is committed to raising the academic standard of this school each year.Wewill work to help more students succeed this year than succeeded last year. We hope thatmorescholarships will be awarded this year than last year and that more of our seniors willpursuesome type of post-secondary education. We believe in making your education relevant, andweseek to do this by providing career education opportunities through our North Knox CareerandTechnical Center and its co-op and intern programs. We want Halls High not only to be asourceof pride for the community, but also a school that Knox County recognizes as one of itsbest.
This will require continued commitment from our Faculty and Administration and fromourstudents and from their parents. In order to accomplish our collective goals, each of thesethreeentities will have to work together toward a common goal: the well-being of eachstudent.
This student handbook has been issued to assist all parties in our educational journey. Ourhopeis that it will provide a source of information for students and parents that will be relevant tothehigh school experience. While it does provide a framework of desired behaviors andschoolpolicies, it does not, however, include all necessary information. Our goal is to provideyouwith as much assistance as we can and that includes this handbook. Please feel free tocontactthe school with any concerns or questions. Let’s all have a great schoolyear!
Meagan Miller, Assistant Principal
Our goal is to prepare each student to be thoughtful, confident and self-reliant, equippedwithknowledge and integrity to face the challenges of his/her complexworld.
I am a Halls High Red Devil. I proudly wear my red and white. Being a Red Devil means Iampart of a school that represents years of academic excellence. I can say with pride that Iattendthe top academic school in Knox County. I am part of a community that stands behind myschoolwith pride, support and enthusiasm for what is happening in the classrooms, hallways andathleticfields. I walk the same hallways, set in the same classrooms and play on the same athleticfieldsthat generations before me learned and played upon. I am part of a tradition. However, I ampartof a new generation. I face new challenges and greater academic expectations thananygeneration before me. I will meet these challenges and expectations by reaching within,andrising to the name of Halls High Red Devil. A Red Devil strives for academic excellence andwillpersevere when faced with difficulty. A Red Devil respects those around them, whileremainingtrue to their personal convictions and codes of conduct. A Halls High Red Devil looksforopportunities to help others and serve their community. A Red Devil takes pride in theirschool.
AsaHallsHighRedDevilIwillstandonmyown,acceptpersonalresponsibilityformyactionsand achieve great things now and in the future. I am a Halls High RedDevil!
Late StartBell Schedule / Wednesday
Period / Time
Period / Time / 1st / 8:50 - 10:09
1st / 8:30 - 9:51 / 2nd / 10:14 - 11:32
2nd / 9:57 - 11:17 / 3rd / 11:37 - 12:22
3rd / 11:23 - 12:08 / 4th / 12:27 - 2:07
4th / 12:14 - 2:04 / Lunches
Lunches / 1st / 12:22 - 12:52
1st / 12:14 - 12:44 / 2nd / 12:52 - 1:22
2nd / 12:39 - 1:09 / 3rd / 1:17 - 1:47
3rd / 1:04 - 1:34 / 4th / 1:42 - 2:12
4th / 1:34 - 2:04
5th / 2:12 - 3:30
5th / 2:10 - 3:30
One Hour Delay
Period / Time
1st / 9:30 - 10:48
2nd / 10:54 - 12:12
No 3rd Period
4th / 12:18 - 2:06
1st / 12:12 - 12:42
2nd / 12:37 - 1:07
3rd / 1:07 - 1:37
4th / 1:36 - 2:06
5th / 2:12 - 3:30
Off LimitAreas (See Disciplinary Action Chart for consequences on p. 8)
- Outdoor Classroom requires teacher supervision at ALLtimes. No loitering before or after school.
- All parking lots including BeaverDam
- Automobiles/vehicles parked on campus unless student has permission from anadministrator
- All athletic fields/concessions/storage areas without teacher supervision.
- Halls Middle School
- Staff-only rooms such as workrooms, teachers’ lounges, conference rooms, andrestrooms
- Stage area inCommons
- Stage area inCafeteria
Before 8:15 a.m. and after 3:45p.m.:
- Upstairs area (unless you have a 7:00 a.m. class) is restricted until8:15
- Hallways to downstairs classrooms in business and social studieswings
- Students will not be allowed in hallways, classrooms, or lockers until 8:15 unless they haveanote from a teacher.
- Front Walkway and Lobby is offlimits
- Students who choose to go to the cafeteria in the morning may not leave that area until8:15.
- Students must remain in the commons and cafeteria duringlunch. Students may eat in the outdoor area when it is open at the discretion of the administration.
DRESS CODESTANDARDS (See Knox County’s more extensive policy on p. 16)
- Nosagging, pants must be worn at the waist
- Skirts, dresses and shorts must beno shorter than a student’s finger tips with relaxed shoulders.
- No head coverings (including hats) in the building (boys orgirls) except for religious reasons.
- No “runningshorts”
- Leggings/yoga pants must be worn with a shirt which covers the posterior and anterior of a student.
- Hosiery/tights are not substitutes for leggings/yogapants
- Sleepwear, pajamas, and/or blankets cannot be worn in school.
- Parking on campus is a privilege. Excessive absences and/or tardies (determined bytheAdministration) will result in loss of parkingprivileges. Students parking illegally will be fined $10 per violation.
- All students must enter the building upon arrival atschool.
- The outside eating area will be available for juniors and seniors only.Student IDs willberequired to eat outdoors.
- Skipping class will not betolerated.
- Tobacco products or any form of smoke free products are not allowed atschool.
- The school provides secure areas for your valuables. We strongly advise thatstudentsdo not bring valuable items or large amounts of money to school. The school isnotresponsible for stolen or lost items. Our investigative abilities arelimited.
- Sleep a little later on Wednesdays. Classes will begin at 8:50 a.m. onWednesdays.
- Take advantage of our snack machines during the first 4 minutes of class change aswellas before and afterschool.
- Microwaves are available for student use in the commons and thecafeteria.
- Electronic Devices can be used betweenclasses.
The school day begins when a student arrives on campus or a bus rider arrives at his/herbusstop and ends when a student leaves campus or exits the bus in the afternoon.
If a student arrives after 8:45, he/she must check in at the attendance office. Failure to do sowillconstitute disciplinary action.
Students must clear the building by 3:45 in the afternoon except in extremely inclementweather.
The Board of Education believes that acceptable behavior is essential to create aneffectiveschool program. In order to promote desirable behavior, employees and students shallexerciseresponsibilities including but not necessarily limited to those enumerated in thispolicy.
1.Teachers, administrators, and other school employees shall strive to create aschoolenvironment favorable to the development of self-discipline andself-direction.
2.The principal is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective discipline withtheschool. Principals have the right to expect the cooperation of all teachers. It is the duty ofallteachers to assist in the discipline of the totalschool.
3.Each teacher is responsible for and shall have such authority as is necessaryformaintaining good order in the classroom for the promotion of an environment conducivetolearning.
4.The authority to control pupil conduct shall extend to all activities of the school includingallgames and pupil performance on athletic teams, excursions, and other school activitiesandgroups.
5.Teachers will observe and uphold the code of ethics of the Board of Education and theethicsof their profession in the establishment of relationships withstudents.
6.Students shall comply with all school rules and the regulations of the school systems.Failureto comply with such rules and regulations shall result in appropriate correctivemeasures.
7.Students are responsible for satisfying all graduation requirements, which includeamongother things, an approved record of attendance andconduct.
8.In cases of offenses committed on school buses, it is the bus operator’s responsibilitytonotify the principal immediately of any misconduct of pupils. The bus operatormayrecommend to the principal that a pupil be suspended from riding the bus but onlytheprincipal may suspend a student from riding the bus. The principal and/or bus drivermayassign seats on the bus when deemednecessary.
9.Principals of schools where pupils from other schools wait for the bus shallhaveresponsibility for their supervision. In case of student misconduct, the principal shalltakeappropriate disciplinary action. Notice of such action shall be sent to the superintendentandto the principal of the school where the student isenrolled.
10.Students are prohibited from taking unauthorized photographs or makingunauthorizedrecordings of others at school, on school transportation or school sponsoredevents.—KnoxCounty LawDepartment.
Students will not be permitted to leave school without administrative and parentalpermission.Parental permission must be verified by a note signed by the parent or by the parent inperson.Permission by school officials must be given. Appointments with doctors, dentists, orothermedical support groups should be scheduled after school hours. A note must be brought totheoffice between 8:00 and 8:25 a.m. The note should include the time for dismissal, the reasonfordismissal, the telephone number of the parent, the name of the student, and the student’sgradelevel. Faxed Early Dismissal notes are accepted and should contain thissameinformation asahandwritten note. Forged notes and forged official school documents are illegaldocuments. Students using such documents are subject tosuspension.
If a parent or guardian cannot be reached, the student may not be given permission to signoutearly. Halls High School reserves the right to confirm all specified appointments withtherespective doctor, dentists,etc.
Students must never leave campus without checking out properly through the attendanceoffice.Leaving campus without permission will result in two days ofsuspension.
Students may not check out of school for lunch, even with a parent’snote.
Student Offense / 1st / 2nd / 3rdConduct prejudicial to good order / W to OSS / SLD to OSS / OSS
Insubordination to staff
(Including refusing to turn over the device
to a school employee) / 2 OSS / 4 OSS / DH + LTS
Cheating / ZG + ISS / ZG + DH / ZG + DH
Horseplay / SLD to ISS / 1 OSS / 2 OSS
Dress Code violation / Change of Clothes
+ W / Change of Clothes + ISS / OSS
Possession/Use of unauthorized electronics / 5 days SLD + COD / 2 ISS + COD/PPU / 3rd – OSS + COD/PPU
4th - DH
Parking infractions / W / Booted + $10 fine / Towed + Loss of Permit
Tardy to School / SLD/Call Parent / SLD/Call Parent / SLD/Call Parent
Tardy to Class
(Cumulative tarides to 2nd, 3rd and 4th Periods) / W / Call Parent / 3rd- 1 SLD 4th- 2SLD
5th- 1 ISS 6th- 2 ISS
7th+ - Admin Discretion
Failure to Check in/out Properly / 1 ISS / 2 ISS / 4 ISS
Unauthorized Area / 1 ISS to OSS / 2 ISS to OSS / OSS to DH
Bus Misconduct (severity based) / ISS, BUS 5 / OSS, BUS 10 / DH, BUS
Failure to serve lunch detention / 1 ISS / 1 ISS / 1 ISS
Threatening another student / W – DH / DH / DH
Physical harassment of another student / W – DH / DH / LTS
Class cut / 2 ISS / 2 OSS / LTS+ DH
Possession of obscene material / DH / DH / DH
Possession/Use of tobacco or E-Cig/Vape Pen / 2 OSS / 4 OSS / DH
Leaving campus without permission / 2 OSS / 4 OSS / DH
Fighting / DH + 10 OSS / DH + 20 OSS / DH + LTS
Violation of Discipline Contract / W – DH / DH + LTS / LTS
Bullying / W – DH / LTS / LTS
Profanity / W to 1 OSS / ISS to 2 OSS / 2 ISS to 4 OSS
Profanity, threat, or action toward employee / DH + LTS / DH + LTS / DH + LTS
Theft / DH + CIT + Restitution / DH + CIT + Restitution / DH + CIT + Restitution
Possession or use of pyrotechnics / LTS / LTS / LTS
Possession or use of alcohol / LTS + CIT / LTS + CIT / LTS + CIT
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / DH / DH / DH
Possession or use of controlled substances / LTS + CIT, / LTS + CIT / LTS + CIT
Illegal drugs possession or use / ZT / ZT / ZT
Assault and battery of school personnel / ZT / ZT / ZT
Possession of a projectile weapon / ZT / ZT / ZT
Halls High School encourages participation in athletics, the arts and other organizations as extracurricular activities,andsuch participation is a privilege. No one is guaranteed a place with a team/organization. In order to be an active participant, the student must be ready to meet the standards established by the school, coaches and sponsors. A student’s academic performance and their behavior at Halls High School and in the community can impact their ability to participate.
Attendance for Athletes
Student athletes are expected to be in class at all times. An athlete must be in school 3hoursand 16 minutes to participate that day in a game or practice. Student athletes who are on outofschool suspension may not participate or be oncampus.
TSSAA Eligibility and Requirements
Halls High School is a member of the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association.OurSchool is assigned to District 3, Class 3A for allsports.
TSSAA requires that a student meet the following criteria foreligibility:
1.A student must earn six credits the preceding school year to be eligible to participateinathletics. All credits must be earned by the first day of the beginning of the schoolyear.
2.A student must be enrolled before the 20thschool day of the semester, in regularattendance,and carrying a full classload.
3.A student who engages in three or more days of practice, including spring practice, withahigh school in which he or she is enrolled shall be ineligible in that sport for 12 months ifthestudent enrolls in another school without a corresponding change in the residence of hisorherparents.
4.A student shall be ineligible in high school if he or she becomes 19 years of age on orbeforeSeptember 1.
5.A student is permitted eight semesters of eligibility beginning with the ninthgrade.
6.In order for a transfer student with an athletic record to be eligible at another school,theremust be a bona fide change of residence by the athlete’sparents.
7.The Executive Director of TSSAA must approve all transfer students before participatinginanygame.
8.A student whose name is listed on the school eligibility report cannot participate inanindependent game or meet until the season has closed in that particular sport. (This doesnotinclude golf ortennis.)
9.A registered athlete cannot accept any money for athletic skills in any TSSAAsponsoredsport.
10.The athlete or his parents must pay all expenses to an athletic camp wherespecifiedinstruction is offered.
None of the above rules may be set aside by mutual agreement of theschool.Information about TSSAA rules and regulations can be found at
Halls High School encourages you to become involved in the followingsports:
Baseball, Basketball (boys and girls), Cheerleading, Cross Country, Dance Team, Football,Golf(boys and girls), Soccer (boys and girls), Softball, Swimming, Tennis (boys and girls), Track(boysand girls), Volleyball,Wrestling.
Professional LearningCommunities
Halls High School will participate in Professional Learning Communities onWednesdaymornings from 8:00-8:50. Professional Learning Communities are seen as an effectivestaffdevelopment team approach and a powerful strategy for school change and improvement.TheHigh School will be locked until 8:40. Students are not to be in any part of the campus,exceptdesignated areas until 8:50. Upon arriving on campus students will report either to thecafeteria(accessed through side door) or gym (accessed through lobby door).They may not gobetweenthe two areas. All students, both car and bus riders, must be dropped off in front of the gym.Atthis time students must select either the gym orcafeteria.
Students must report on the assigned day at 8:30 a.m. to Room 130 with all books, paper,pen,and pencil. Students must follow rules of ISS failure to do so is insubordination and will result in 2 days OSS. Students must turn in their phone to the ISS teacher @ 8:30. Failure to do sowillresult in 2 daysOSS.
The cafeteria provides lunch in a self-serve atmosphere. Students must pay for foodbeforeeating. Students should clean off their own tables and dispose of waste properly. No traysareallowed out of the cafeteria without permission.No food or drink can be consumed inthehallway or the peripheral wall of the Commons. Parents who bring food during the schooldaymust report to the office. No student may have food delivered from commercialestablishments.NO FOOD from commercial establishments is allowed incafeteria.