Name: Date: / /

Put a check next to the best answer for each question.

Introduction - Meal Benefit Issuance

1. USDA requires a carryover of the previous year’s eligibility. Up to how many operating days, from the

3. Which students among the student population do not need to go through the application process for Free and Reduced price meals?

beginning of the first day of school, can you issue meal International students

benefits to eligible students? Transfer students

10 days Categorically Eligible and Other Source Categorically

30 days

14 days

2. What is the only item that may be pre-filled on a household application for Free and Reduced price meals?

Eligible children

Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals

1. Up to how many days do districts have to process an application for Free and Reduced price meals upon receipt?

School ID 10 calendar days

Parent’s name 14 operating days

Child’s name 10 operating days

Direct Certification and Categorical Eligibility

1. Direct certification is optional in Massachusetts.

2. Free eligibility can automatically be extended to other children in a household with a foster child.

True False True False

2. What is the secure website established by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services used to conduct direct certification called?

The Virtual Gateway portal

Determining and Confirming Eligibility, and Appeals

1. Error prone applications are those whose total monthly income is up tohigher or lower than the threshold amount for the corresponding household size.

The Massachusetts School Authority $50.00 $100.00



This project, School Meals Accountability and Responsibility Training Tools (SMARTTs) has been funded in part with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services, under this Cooperative Agreement. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the view or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement of the U.S. Government. March 2017

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

2. A Point of Service system can be used as the Select all three error prone application and select

Determining official AND the Confirming official.

eight applications from remaining applications.

True False Randomly select eight non error prone applications.

The Verification Process

C. Zero error prone applications; sample size of three

1. By what date must districts complete the process of Verification is not required.

verification? Select the first three applications.

October 15 Select three “suspicious” applications.

November 15 Randomly select three applications.

January 15

2. The sample pool is based on the total number of approved applications the district has on file on which date?

October 1

December 15

School Food Authority Verification Collection Report

1. The due date to submit the School Food Authority Verification Collection Report (FORM FNS 742) to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education usually occurs in what month?

January 1 March


3. Partial matches in the Virtual Gateway are considered June

“verified” and do not require any further action. January

True False

4. Using the information provided, determine how you would select your verification sample. Select one answer in each grouping.

A. 26 error prone applications; sample size of 16

Select the first 16 error prone applications.

Select all 26 error prone applications.

Sharing Eligibility Information

1. Aggregate data, such as participation rates and/or the total number of Free or Reduced price students in the district can be freely disclosed.

True False

2. Outside organizations can access individual student eligibility information without prior parental consent.

Randomly select 16 error prone applications. True False

Randomly select 16 non error prone applications.

B. Three error prone applications; sample size of eight

Select all three error prone applications.

Select all three error prone applications and randomly select eight applications from the remaining applications in your sample pool.