Recognizing 2007-2008 Honors

District 28 Awards Ceremony

(Presented by District 28’s 2007-2008 Leadership Team)


Excellence in Marketing Award

Nancy Zychowicz, DTM

Excellence in Education and Training Award

Kevin Olmstead, DTM

Select Distinguished District Plaque

Karen Holland, DTM

Excellence in Leadership Award

District 28

2007-08 District Executive Committee Members and Committee Chairs

Al Albee

Paul Anderson

Larry Beggs

Stephanie Coleman

Mary Comfort

Mike Comfort

Robynn Diamond

Don Gatewood

Chuck Kressbach
Gayle Lawson

Roger Leemis

Scott Lockhart
Larisa Makuch


Miguel Pope
Arlene Rahm-Scherf
Bob Russell

Tom Schlack

Mayna Schumacher

Kathy Varga
Mercedes Vromant

Committee Chairs:

Todd Brockdorf

Joni Dewan

Pam Jones


Stephanie Power

Tone Ross

Dulce Renaud

Thomas Scherf

Cliff Suttle

Jolene B. Weaver

Pam Williams

Keith Wilson







Carhartt Toastmasters (club # 1043835)

Fry Toastmasters (club # 1142199)

Lawton Leadership Devt. Club (club # 1107556)

MOPAR Toastmasters (club # 1124488)

Professionally Speaking (club # 1113929)

Speak OUT! (club # 1069519)

Toast of the Town (club # 1033242)

Toastmasters on Greenfield (club # 1160440)

West Side Professionals (club # 1142333)


Sponsors Mentors

Carhartt Toastmasters Karen Holland Ray Metz

Vera Johnson Kate Pepin

Fry Toastmasters David Haslam Lori Harris

Max Kohr Mayna Schumacher

Lawton Leadership Serja Ann Goram Robynnn Diamond

Nancy Zychowicz Jesse Robert Brown

MOPAR Toastmasters John M. Voymas Paul Anderson

Marianne E. Govan Jennifer Heinfling

Professionally Speaking Pam Jones Michele R. Pierrie

Pam Williams Tone Ross

Speak OUT! Karen Holland Don B. Gatewood

Kevin Olmstead

Toast of the Town Cathy Howard-Lindemann Cathy Howard-Lindemann

Will Wilson

Toastmasters on Greenfield Cathy Howard-Lindemann Robynn Diamond

Barbara Weems Pam Jones

West Side Professionals David Shevrin Sheryl Kubiak

Mercedes Vromant Jorge Broggio


Vera S. Johnson (for Frankly Speaking)

Max A. Kohr (for Toastmasters of Lenawee)

Roger H. Leemis (for Frankly Speaking)

Clubs at “Charter Strength” (20+ Members) on June 30, 2008

Ann Arbor TM & Friends - 6563

Barton Malow – 786827

BCBSM Metro Masters - 9197

Birmingham - 957

Bloomfield Toastmasters - 5395

Bosch Igniters - 4740

C Notes Advanced - 6600

Canton Communicators - 788368

Compucators - 861229

Dearborn Dynamic - 726

DTE Energy Speechmasters - 760415

First Center Speakeasy - 1574

Ford Toastmasters - 8085

Fry Toastmasters - 1142199

Great Eastern - 3879

Great Lakes Real Orators - 647634

Hi-Nooners - 5689

Huron Valley - 1909

Innovators - 8163

iTalk - 6075

Kahn We Talk – 4929

Lawton Leadership Devt - 1107556

Laff Out Loud - 694771

MOPAR Toastmasters - 1124488

New Center - 7667

Northeastern - 573

Northern - 664

Northwood - 1329

NOVI Toastmasters - 3733

Optimistic Orators - 5890

Oak Park - 1547

Odette School of Business - 922017

Powertalkers - 4506

Rochester - 4890

Saturday Sunrisers - 6556

Shores - 4442

Skillmasters - 7236

Smooth Talkers - 7884

Tecumseh - 873087

The Toast of Dearborn - 8637

The Toast of Masco - 953235

Toast of the Town - 1033242

Toastaholics – 813773

Toastmasters on Greenfield –


Toledo - 6801

Top of Troy - 864753

Troy - 2357

Unity IV - 6838

Washtenaw - 3054

West Side Professionals –


Windbaggers - 1535

Windsor - 6416


Competent Communicator Awards

(number indicates multiple awards)

Abboud, Amy E.
Ackley, Judy
Agarwala, Deeksha
Agostinelli, John P
Ahsmann, Aad
Albee, Ellwyn L.
Albee, Marilyn S. (2)
Anderson, Paul
Arogundade, Linda Jaye
Atkins, Elizabeth A
Bacarro, Glen
Bannerman, Louise
Baumbick, James J
Bettie, Ronald N.
Blake, Erica Marie
Borgerson, Barry
Briggs, Michael Allan
Bryant, Diane
Bulmanski, Karen M.
Burton, Hugh
Calder, James D.
Carter, Clarice G
Chen, HK
Cho, Brian Y
Christie, Gary D
Cohoe, Julie A.
Cooper, Francis E.
Cooper, Frank (2)
Corritore, Mark William
Darbyshire, James Jules
Dean, Richard E
Delosh, Jeff D.
Depinet, Linda J.
Diamond, Robynn M.
Diederich, Ray P.
Dirul-Islam, Chevon
Donley, Rhonda
Dunn, Ann E.
Elder, Laura
Emersberger, Hans F.
Fernelius, Scott Alan
Fisher, William B.
Flannery, Michael
Fortier, Kimberly
Foubert, Shawn P.
Gamble, Anjali
Glasscock, Sandra Lee
Golke, Amy
Gonze, Rita R.
Gorham, Stephen M.
Griesmer, Stacey
Grindatti, Carmen M.
Haddox, Tom
Hammer, Joy D.
Harris, Lori M.
Harrison, Lori S.
Haslam, David Richard
Hayes, Janice
Hayes-Taylor, Kimberly
Hendrix, Tracie
Hepburn, Wellington O.
Hilberer, Bonnie D.
Hill, Marilyn McManus
Hoar, Allen D.
Hoar, Lewis R.
Holland, Karen L.
Hopper, Elisa Lora
Hughes, Richard L.
Husaini, Firasat
Igoe, Kathy
Ingratta, Margaretta
James, Corey L.
Jankowski, Diana
Jappar, Dilara
Johnson, Vera S. (3)
Jones, Pamela D.
Kacorzyk, Arek P.
Kalaja, Ardita
Kame, Shreyash
Kaplan, Stephen C.
Kelbley, Christine L
Kim, Y.S. (2)
Kirsch, Paula
Kociba, Eric M
Koppala, Srinivas
Kramer, Marc S.
Kubiak, Sheryl E.
Kucharuk, Rose Marie
Kumar, Devyani
Kwiecien, Janine M
Lang, Philip V.
Langham, Kay F.
List, Todd J
Liu, Manlan
Lomas, Timothy E. (2)
Loy, En Yun
Luckett, Shauna Marie
Machetti, Surya P.
Macino, David P.
MacLean, Kenneth J
Maisonville, Lori
Major, Mark F.
Mann, James T. (3)
Marsaw, Natasha R.
Mbaga, Rose Fadhil
McCall, Ernestine
Mccullum, Andrea K.
McDavid, Rosalind R.
McKenzie, Robert A
McKerreghan, Pamela L. (2)
Meininger, Charles Edward
Mejia, Jesse A
Meller, Brenda L.
Metz, Ray E.
Miller, Andrew
Miller, Steven
Millu, Chanpreet
Mims, Creflo R.
Mitchell, Shirley A.
Morrison, Bill
Moylan, Bill
Navarre, Russell
Odom, Emanuel M.
Ogg, Jeffery P.
Oliver, Sharon Anice
Olmstead, Kevin P. (3)
Orlandi, Cynthia A.
Page, Porsche Marie
Parker, Cleo
Pettit, Jeffery A.
Podnar, Kristen B.
Poltorak, Anne-Marie
Power, Stephanie
Pridemore, David W.
Rangel, Carlos E.
Raymond, Edward
Reilly, Constance Joan
Rembert, Kesia
Renaud, Dulce Maria V.
Richter, Stefanie Anna
Roberts, Jerome William (2)
Rodriguez, John A.
Rodriquez, Susan M
Ross, Anthony B.
Rovere, Giacomo
Russell, Robert A.
Salalila, John Koh
Salgia, Gunjan
Sarver, Stewart L.
Scharich, Joanne M
Schlack, Tom
Schmidt, Dorothy
Scholz, Steve
Schubert, Erik
Schultz, Kathy C
Scott, Claudia M.
Sidlar, Kristy
Simpson, Joseph
Skipworth, Sheila L
Slawinski, Anthony E. (2)
Smith, Collyer A.
Smith, Denisa G
Smith, Patti
Sobetski, Jim
Stallaert, Louise
Stefanescu, Laura Lavinia
Stillman, Susan Elaine
Suttle, Cliff W. (2)
Szawala, Kevin Edward
Thompson, Jim
Thompson, PhD, Velonda
Thueme, Karen M.
Todd, Suzanne L.
Tolbert, Zebedee A
Uriel, Monika Renate
Varga, Kathleen Ann
Vernier, Tracy R.
Waldo, Martin A
Warner, Mary Ellen
Washington, Lillian L.
Wiazowski, Ralph
Wigley, John R.
Williams, Ivory D.
Williams, Pamela D.
Williams, Stephanie Ann
Wilson, Calista M
Wilson, Scott A
Wood, Martin Scott
Xin, Cindy
Yaffe, Ellen S.
Zhang, Zhenfang J.
Zychowicz, Nancy

Advanced Communicator-Bronze Award

Allen, Arthur N.
Beauvais, Jeanne M.
Boers, Bruce
Brown, Jesse Robert
Church, Pat
Clatterbaugh, Jeff J.
Coleman, Stephanie D.
Daniels, Sheila M
Dean, Linda I.
Diep, Tho T.
Douthett, Barbara
Drake, Delphine A.
Eason, Christine Anne
Forman, Mariann
Geiermann, James R.
Heinfling, Jennifer
Hibbard, G. Jane
Holland, Karen L.
Jackson, Amy
Johnson, Vera S.
Jones, Pamela D.
Kim, Y.S.
Lomas, Timothy E.
Mach, Gary E.
Mackiewicz, Laura A.
Marshall, Jo Ann
Metz, Ray E.
Miller, Steven
Misewicz, Sharon
O'Neil, Christopher A
Pathak, Sonali K.
Pepin, Kathleen M.
Pierrie, Michele R.
Pryor, Michelle L.
Roessner, Mike W.
Rourke, Wayne E.
Salata, Lynn
Schweihofer, Shelee
Shorter, William M.K.
Singh, Manisha M.
Spratt, Betsy
St Louis, Jackie Jm
Turos, Jessica M.
Vance, Ida
Wiazowski, Joyce N
Zielinski, Timothy Andrew

Advanced Communicator-Silver Award

Anderson, Paul
Barvinok, Rita
Blessing, Jennie L.
Bulmanski, Karen M.
Church, Pat
Coleman, Stephanie D.
Comfort, Mary A.
Daniels, Sheila M
Demarest, Paula J.
Farnsworth, Rodney B.
Hilberer, Bonnie D.
Howard-Lindemann, Cathy
Johnson, Vera S.
Leemis, Roger H.
Middents, John
Mogg, Chuck H.
Moylan, Bill
Nakamura, Dawn R.
Olmstead, Kevin P.
Roberts, Jerome William
Toffanetti, Mary Clare

Advanced Communicator-Gold Award

Abramson, Mark C.
Albee, Marilyn S.
Bowers-Bates, LaShon M.
Bustria, Mienraddo M.
Cankovic, Milena
Davis, Melvin L.
Gottlieb, Curt P.
Kachaturoff, Tara A.
Ladha, Amin
Lomas, Timothy E.
Olmstead, Kevin P.
Webb, Scena B.
Zychowicz, Nancy

Competent Leader Award

(number indicates multiple awards)

Abboud, Amy E.
Albee, Ellwyn L.
Albee, Marilyn S. (3)
Anderson, Paul
Barvinok, Rita
Beggs, Larry Andrew
Berriz, Andrew Alexander
Cankovic, Milena
Church, Pat
Comfort, Mary A.
Comfort, Michael J.
Daniels, Sheila M
De Sterke, Marjolein
Diamond, Robynn M.
Dirul-Islam, Chevon
Dunn, Ann E
Egervari, Ken J
Farkas, Theresa M.
Gamble, Anjali
Hendrix, Tracie
Holland, Karen L. (2)
Jackson, Amy
Jankowski, Diana
Johnson, Vera S. (3)
Jones, Pamela D.
Kim, Y.S. (2)
Kirsch, Paula
Kressbach, Charles P.
Kubiak, Sheryl E.
Lomas, Timothy E. (2)
Luckett, Shauna Marie
Mann, James T.
Miller, Ruth G.
Miller, Steven
Millu, Chanpreet
Renaud, Dulce Maria V.
Ross, Anthony B.
Schroeder, Susan M.
Schultz, Kathy C
Shaw, Beatrice B.
Smith, Collyer A.
Stefanescu, Laura Lavinia
Stillman, Susan Elaine
Teegen, Bonnie G
Uriel, Monika Renate
Whitcum, Debra Lynn
Wiazowski, Joyce N
Wood, Mary C.
Zielinski, Timothy Andrew

“Old” Competent Leader Award

Antos, John Michael
Bloodworth, Christopher
Cerveny, William J.
Cooper, John J.
Danaj, Kevin Michael
Depinet, Linda J.
Diehl, David Jefferson
Diller, John C.
Douthett, Barbara
Drake, Delphine A.
Gatewood, Don B.
Hampton, Jeff J.
Heinfling, Jeff H.
Hibbard, Jena Gale
Hurley, Maureen A.
Jones, Pamela D.
Kociba, Eric M
Lawrence, Julius A.
Odom, Emanuel M.
Page, Porsche Marie
Pittman, Davette C.
Roberts, Jerome William
Rubel, Sandra Kay
Schoen, Darryl K.
Smith, Donald Ray
Song, Guangtian
Ureel, James A
Vance, Ida
Wagle, Emmet W.
Webb, Scena B.
Wills, Joan
Wilson, Calista M
Woloson, Susana I.
Zimmer, Pat

Advanced Leader-Bronze Award

(number indicates multiple awards)

Carvalho, Carlyle A.
Comfort, Michael J.
Holland, Karen L.
Kim, Y.S. (4)
Kirsch, Jeffery
Kirsch, Paula
Lomas, Timothy E.
Moylan, Bill
Olmstead, Kevin P.
Warner, Mary Ellen
Wiazowski, Joyce N.
Williams, Ivory D.

Advanced Leader-Silver Award

Brannon, Vicki A.
Cooper, Francis E.
Gatewood, Don B.
Holland, Karen L.
Kim, Y.S.
Ladha, Amin
Matlock, Mildred C.
Olmstead, Kevin P.
Schoen, Kathleen M.
Shevrin, David J.
VanKirk, Donald J.
Webb, Scena B.
Zychowicz, Nancy

Distinguished Toastmasters 2007-2008

Albee, Marilyn S.
Cooper, Francis E.
Gatewood, Don B.
Kim, Y.S.
Ladha, Amin
Matlock, Mildred C.
McKerreghan, Pamela L.
Olmstead, Kevin P.
Shevrin, David J.
Webb, Scena B.
Zychowicz, Nancy

Distinguished Toastmasters 2008-2009 (to date)

Kohr, Max

Schlack, Tom


Distinguished Clubs

Barton Malow - 786827

Bloomfield – 5395

Bosch Igniters - 4740

Cadtower Hour of Power - 749488

DTE Energy Speechmasters - 760415

Innovators - 8163

Frankly Speaking - 8320

Rochester - 4890

Smooth Talkers - 7884

Toastmasters of Lenawee - 3371

Select Distinguished Clubs

Credible Communicators - 643490

C Notes Advanced - 6600

Hi Nooners - 5689

Laff Out Loud – 694771

Northeastern - 573

Northern - 664

Odette School of Business - 922017

Saturday Sunrisers - 6556

Shores - 4442

Skillmasters - 7236

Troy - 2357

Windbaggers - 1535

President’s Distinguished Clubs

Ann Arbor TM & Friends - 6563

Birmingham - 957

Canton Communicators - 788368

Compucators - 861229

Dearborn Dynamic - 726

Ford Toastmasters - 8085

Great Eastern - 3879

Great Lakes Real Orators - 647634

Huron Valley – 1909

iTalk - 6075

Kahn We Talk – 4929

New Center Toastmasters - 7667

Northern - 664

NOVI Toastmasters - 3733

Oak Park - 1547

Optimistic Orators - 5890

Powertalkers - 4506

Tecumseh - 863087

The Toast of Dearborn - 8637

Toastaholics - 813773

Top of Troy - 864753

Unity IV - 6838

Washtenaw - 3054

Windsor - 6416

Distinguished Areas

Area 3: Scott Lockhart, CL

Area 7: Ellen Drake, DTM

Area 8: Kathy Varga, CC

Area 9: Charles Kressbach, CTM/CL

Area 26: Don Gatewood, DTM

Area 29: Miguel Pope, CTM

Area 32: Marilyn Albee, DTM/PDG

Area 33: Larry Beggs, AC-B/CL

Select Distinguished Areas

Area 11: Stephanie Coleman, AC-S/CL

Area 23: Tom Schlack, DTM

Area 25: Jennifer Heinfling, AC-B/CL

Area 27: Larisa Makuch, CTM/AL-B

President’s Distinguished Areas

Area 13: Lori Harris, CTM/CL

Area 17: Roger Leemis, AC-S

Area 22: Mary Comfort, AC-S/CL

Area 28: Robynn Diamond, CC/CL

Area 31: Al Albee, DTM/PDG

Area 34: Paula Kirsch, CC/AL-B

Select Distinguished Divisions

Division B: Gayle Lawson, ATM-S/CL

President’s Distinguished Divisions

Division C: Stephen Gorham, ATM-B/CL

Division E: Paul Anderson, DTM

Division F: Gerry Molnar, DTM

Division G: Vera Johnson, DTM

2007-2008 Area Governor of the Year


2007-2008 Division Governor of the Year


2007-2008 Toastmaster of the Year