Halifax Community Investment Fund (HCIF)

HCIF Bursary Application Form – 2015 – 2016

  • HCIF Bursary awards are available for students in Grade 12, who

will graduate from high school; hold the General Education Diploma (GED);

and/or mature students that have been accepted into a Post- Secondary

Program and whose permanent residence is on the streets or in the

area of Halifax bounded by Cogswell, North Park/Agricola, North and

Barrington Streets.

  • HCIF Bursaries are awarded on the basis of financial need, community volunteer work and leadership activities, and educational achievement and awards.
  • Completed applications and reference letters must be received by the HCIF or postmarked by Monday, May 04, 2015 and addressed to:

HCIF Bursary Program

PO Box 47001

2151 Gottingen Street

Halifax, NS B3K 5Y2

  • Incomplete or late applications will not be considered by the selection committee.
  • You must provide the following documents with your bursary application:
  1. A short essay (1 page maximum) explaining your financial situation and the importance of the bursary for you.
  1. At least one letter of reference or support written by non-family.
  1. Information on any tuition or financial assistance that you have received or have been awarded or applied for, for the 2015-16 school year.
  1. Your latest report card or transcript.
  1. Your letter of acceptance from the post-secondary institution you will be attending.
  1. Proof of residency requires a copy of an item such as: Government ID; driver’s license; letter from school, and/or other acceptable items with your address on it to be sent with your application.

Halifax Community Investment Fund (HCIF)

Community Bursaries - Application Form – 2015 – 2016

  1. Name:______
  1. Address:______Postal Code:______
  1. Telephone Number(s):______
  1. Email Address(es):______
  1. Social Insurance No:______
  1. Post-Secondary Student ID No.:______School:______
  1. When did or will you complete grade 12?______
  1. Are you enrolled at university/college now?______
  1. If so, what University/College?______
  1. In what program are you enrolled?______Year:______
  1. Did you receive any scholarships or bursaries in 2015-16?______
  1. University/College you wish to attend? ______
  1. What degree or diploma do you wish to study for?______
  1. Outline community activities, leadership roles and volunteer work you have undertaken:______
  1. Will you live with your parents or close relatives while taking your courses: Yes:____

No: ____

  1. Estimated expenses for the 2015 – 16 academic year:
  1. Tuition and student fees$______
  2. Books and school supplies$______
  3. Residence fees – if applicable$______
  4. Rent $_____per month – if applicable$______
  5. Food – meal plans – other if applicable$______
  6. Transportation/local/return home $______
  7. Child care per month $_____ if applicable$______
  8. Other expenses$______


Use the space below to explain items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8:


  1. Estimated Revenue – Income for the 2015 – 2016 academic year:
  1. Other bursaries, scholarships or athletic assistance$______
  2. Personal funds from savings, summer or other employment$______
  3. Income from government including family allowance,

social assistance$______

  1. Expected part-time income while attending program$______
  2. Student loan$______
  3. Financial assistance from family$______


  1. Are you required to pay tuition in proposed program?______
  1. Have you received other scholarships or bursaries? Yes: ___

No: ___

If yes, name and amount______

  1. I am willing to be interviewed by the Bursary Selection Committee: Yes:___

No: ___

  1. I give permission to the Bursary Selection Committee to have access to my academic records: Yes:_____

No: _____

  1. I agree that the Bursary Selection Committee may announce my name in announcing the successful candidates for HCIF bursaries: Yes:_____

No: _____

The following documents are required to complete the application for the HCIF Bursary:

  • Attach your most recent report card or transcript.
  • Attach your letter of acceptance to a post-secondary institution
  • Attach at least one letter of reference/recommendation.
  • Attach a one page essay on your planned education program and your financial need. Include information on any tuition waiver, other scholarships or bursaries or other financial assistance you may receive for next year.
  • Proof of residency requires a copy of an item such as: Government ID; driver’s license; letter from school, and/or other acceptable items with your address on it to be sent with your application.

The information submitted in support of my application is true to the best of my knowledge at this time.


Signature of ApplicantDate


Halifax Community Investment Fund (HCIF)

Community Bursaries

HCIF Bursary awards are available for students in Grade 12, who have completed high school, and those who hold the General Education Diploma (GED)and/or mature students that have been accepted into a Post- Secondary Program and who reside on the streets or in the area of Halifax bounded by Cogswell, North Park/Agricola, North and Barrington Streets.

  • Bursaries awarded for the 2015 –2016 academic year will be $2,500 and will be paid directly to the educational institution in two installments: $1,250 in August 2015 and $1,250 in December 2015.
  • The bursaries will be awarded to students accepted for degree or diploma programs at a University, Community College, or a licensed Career College.
  • The selection criteria will include: financial requirements of candidates, community volunteer work and leadership activities, and education achievement and awards.
  • Applications are available at the George Dixon Centre, Community Y, North End Library, Citadel High School and website:
  • Applications for the 2015 – 2016 bursaries must be postmarked no later than Monday, May 04, 2015 and addressed to:

HCIF Bursary Program

PO Box 47001

2151 Gottingen Street

Halifax, NS B3K 5Y2

  • Inquires/questions can be directed to: Carl Gannon, Chair of the Bursary Committee at 902-452-0682.
  • The HCIF will contact the successful bursary recipients by June 15, 2015.
  • Applications may be completed online at and e-mailed along with the required documents to the following e-mail: Emailed applciationsmust be submitted no later than 11:59pm on Monday, 4 May 2015 and must be fully completed.