In affiliation with YBKA and BBKA


Dianne Gill

Ivy House Farm, Southowram, Halifax HX3 9TF (01422.367003)


I have decided, as almost all our members are on email, to change the format of the newsletter somewhat. If anyone wants to print it they can do so and on a double sided format to save paper!!

This year has been no less or more difficult than several years passed now. The two main features being the late spring, which led to swarms being about until the end of August and the absence of Queens in many colonies. Was it poor mating last year, the weather varying from one day to another this year, who knows but many members who had performed swarm control went back to the colonies and found no Queen at all or more Queen cells! Honey also seems to be in short supply, although some members have quite good crops, some who had full supers, are finding that when they go to put the clearer boards on the bees have beaten them to it and there is little left.

Oh well, it is a well known fact that the bees know more than the books tell us.

We had to cancel the Beginners Meet the Bees meetings due to the cold spring and unsettled weather. Hopefully all those who wanted to, got to see bees in the end, even if it was at our later meetings. These meetings were a great success and we thank all those that hosted them most sincerely.

Todmorden Show was fairly well attended although it was a little cool and showery. We were perhaps a little short of helpers and baking but otherwise I think the public enjoyed a visit to the bee tent.

August saw a beautiful day for Halifax Show and we were absolutely mowed out with people eager to learn more about bees, taste honey, roll candles and generally view and buy what we had on offer. To all those who helped, baked, and brought goods for sale, thank you, £375.00 was raised for the Association.

Our Honey Show exhibits were a little down on last year but it was still a point of interest and congratulations to all those who won cups and rosettes. Thanks to Edna Phillips and Trevor Stanley for judging the exhibits. For the first time this year we presented the John Phillips Award for Wax in remembrance of John’s tireless work for the HBKA. Full details of our winners will be announced at the AGM.

Talking of AGM’s – this will be held on Wednesday, 14th October, 2015, 7.30pm at Arden Road Social Club, Arden Road, Halifax. HX1 3AG. Please make a note in your diary and come prepared to renew your subscriptions and purchase your oxalic acid as well. Full details will be sent out within the next few days so please watch out for those.

This coming Saturday we have our Association Honey Extraction at Ivy House Farm, Southowram, starting at 2pm and whilst we mostly aim at beginners who will be extracting for the first time, or have never seen it done before, any old hands who want to come along are most welcome. Be prepared to be sticky and usually an enjoyable afternoon is had by all. Modest refreshments will be served.

Our last meeting of 2015 will be held at Arden Road Social Club, on Wednesday, 11th November, at 7.30pm. Yvonne Kilvington the YBKA Education Secretary will talk about training for Modules and Exams and our member Jackie Haigh will also talk about preparation for the General Husbandry exam, which she passed successfully within the last year or two.

This leads well into my final subject, as we must congratulate our Members Matthew Helbert, Stephen Bullock, Katrina Randle and Chris McClelland on passing their Basic Assessment tests. Katrina and Chris received a Credit too.

Last but not least, congratulations are also in order for one of our Junior Members – J.D. Martin. At the Honey Show at the Great Yorkshire Show he attained a 1st for a frame, a 1st for cutcomb, a 2nd for a Section Square and 3rd for 6 pieces of Beeswax. This against adult competition. Quite deservedly he received a Certificate of Merit. Well done JD – the next generation of beekeepers.

So, now with our honey extracted (?) we can put our bees to bed. Make sure they are fed and treat for varroa with Apiguard or a similar treatment, unite small colonies with larger ones to give them a chance through the winter. Don’t forget our list of advisers on the web site if you are unsure of the routine, they will gladly talk you through it. One of the benefits of HBKA is that you are only a phone call or email from lots of useful advice, so do ask!
