Glenville New Life Community Church

711 East 105th Street

Cleveland, OH 44108

Pastor Rick & Pastor Toby

Pastor Kellie Evangelism/Education

Lay Pastor Sylvia Outreach

8:30am & 11:15am October 10, 2010


Time For Prayer And Reflection



L. When work lays claim to us, and

busy-ness seduces,

P.Whenwe putpressure on ourselves

to be more, better, faster,

L. Jesus says to put first things first.

P. When decisions loom and choices


L. When worries wake us up at night,

P. When faith makes its claim upon

our time, ourselves, our lives,

Jesus says to put first things first.



Songs Used By Permission Of CCLI NO. 346464

Enter In

Enter in, enter in, all God's people enter in. (repeat)

Let us worship in this Holy Place, enter in, enter in.

Let us bow before God's throne of grace, enter in, enter in. (repeat)

Enter in; enter in (16x)

(Come on and enter in)

Love Is The More Excellent Way

Love is patient. Love Is Kind.

Love is humble, all of the time.

Not easily angered, enduring the test.

So never forget, "Love is the more excellent way."

Face To Face

Face to face, sisters and brothers,

Face to face, fathers and mothers,

Growing together, we're building the Kingdom of God.

Saint to saint, shoulder to shoulder

Saint to saint, serving each other,

Working together, we're building the Kingdom of God.

Sisters and brothers, we'll strengthen each other, and stand for the truth side by side. Fathers and mothers, we'll honor each other, as saints of the Kingdom on high.

Back to back, warrior to warrior,

Back to back, defending each other,

Standing together, we're building the Kingdom of God.

Sisters and brothers, we'll strengthen each other, and stand for the truth side by side. Fathers and mothers, we'll honor each other, as saints of the Kingdom on high.

Face to face, shoulder to shoulder,

Back to back, younger and older.

Growing together, we're building the Kingdom. Working together, we're building the Kingdom. Standing together, we're building the Kingdom of God.

Face to face we're building the Kingdom of God!!



I love myself so much, that I can love you somuch. That you can love you so much. That you can start loving me.


Everybody clap your hands (4x)

This is the way we praise Him, clap your hands (4x)

GCG Choir Selection


8:30am Sandra McLean

11:15am LaVerne Mason

(Scripture Readers Sit On The Front Row And Come Up Immediately)

OLD TESTAMENT: 1 Kings17:1-16

Pg. 526

NEW TESTAMENT: Mark 10:17-31

Pg. 1506




Excellence is what we want, clap 4x

Excellence is what we need, clap 4x

Excellence is our desire, clap 4x

Come on Glenville catch on fire, clap 4x

We’ll sacrifice and give with pride clap 4x

‘Cause we got Jesus on our side, clap 4x



Nursery Dismissal

SERMON: “Excellence In Giving:

How ItTouches Others”

Pastor Kellie


They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love

We are one in the Spirit,

We are one in the Lord,

We are one in the Spirit,

We are one in the Lord,

And we pray that all unity

May one day be restored

And they'll know we are Christians

By our love, by our love,

Yes, they'll know we are Christians

By our love.

We will walk with each other,

We will walk hand in hand

We will walk with each other,

We will walk hand in hand.

And together we'll spread the news

That God is in our land. (refrain)

We will work with each other

We will work side by side

We will work with each other

We will work side by side.

And we'll guard each one's dignity

And save each one's pride. (refrain)

All praise to the Father

From whom all things come

And all praise to Christ Jesus

His only Son And all praise to the Spirit

Who makes us one. (refrain)

I'm Giving My All

I take for granted, the life given to me. I take for granted, what You told me to believe. And now I'm bound by worldly things Even when You gave me everything I want to give them back to You

I wanna give all that I have for You

I wanna give all that I am for You

I want to do all the things I need to do in order to be one with You

I want to give my all to You

I'll take my wisdom, and speak the words aloud I'll take my visions, and make the whole world see

I'll take my blessings, my finances,

I'll take these feet to send the message There's Excellence In Giving to YOU

I wanna give all that I have for You

I wanna give all that I am for You

I want to do all the things I need to do in order to be one with You

I want to give my all to You...... Go Up In Key (CHORUS again then end)








Fellowship Time:

We invite all of our guests, friends and members to join outside, on the front lawn for a time of fellowship, food and fun.

ALL GUEST, please sign our guest list in the lobby so that we might thank you again for worshipping with us.

Things For Sale Today



If you would like a copy of the Sermon and Choir music, you must sign your name on the list in the back of the sanctuary. CD’s are $5, and DVD’s $5. You can give either the CD or the DVD as an evangelism tool. The youth want to help, by reducing the cost of that CD/DVD to $3. Just let us know the name of the person you are intending to reach. Caila Bacon will be selling CD/DVD’s immediately after the 11:15 service near the sign in area.

Special Offerings

1st Sunday Deacons--To help those in the church and community in times of need.

2nd Sunday Prison Ministry—To help those in prison with every day items like soap, deodorant, pens, paper & etc.

3rd Sunday African Orphanage--To help our youth in the Rotolu Home in Africa.

4th Sunday 2 Cents A Meal--To fight world and local hunger. Give per family 2 cents for each meal eaten that month. This helps to feed hungry children in Haiti also.

Above & Beyond--Give 10% of any unexpected blessing you received during the week. Your way of saying thanks to God.

Donations--This gift is given just because you want to make a special donation. It can be a large or small amount.


Frances Campbell (Eliza Bryant Village), Cleola Johnson (Ruby Davis’ aunt), Patrick Fox, (Muriel Fox Harolson’s brother), Gertrude Hargrove, Juanita Conner, Pamela Lindsey (Stephanie Simmon’s sister), Carl Webster (Vickie Grim’s grandfather), Mamie Britt, James McLean, Doris Oglesby, Juanita Conner, Michael Milan

Sharon Thomas still needs Entenmanns coupons

Last Week’s Statistics

Attendance, 8:30 (67) 11:15 (175)

Life Sharing/Pioneers/B. Study-

Amount Needed for Budget…..7,500.00

Balance After 9 Months…….. -6,999.00

Tithes & Offerings…………..10,530.30

Per Capita……...…………….…...

Above & Beyond…….…………...97.00

Two Cents A Meal………………..32.00

African/Glenville Project.………...38.00

Pastor Full Time……...…….……401.00

Pastor Kellie Fund…...……..……281.00

Life Sharing/Pioneers are on a break this week.

This Week Go M.A.D.

Go Make A Difference In Someone’s Life Invite Them To Church


Lord help me to step up to new levels in You in 2010, and use me to win at least one person as a new member of our church and in the kingdom of God.


Sunday October10, 2010


For those who come in after the offering has been taken, there is a LOCKED tithes and offering box near the door of the media room in the back of the sanctuary.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY CLASSwill meet Tuesday at 6:30-7:30pm.


Anyone wishing to have Offering Envelopes please see Pastor Rick or Lay Pastor Sylvia Fields.

TODAY Our Special Offering For the Second Sunday is for the Prison Ministry—To help those in prison with every day items like soap, deodorant, pens, paper & etc.


for the month of October:

Oct. 17 8:30am Evelyn Reese

11:15am Delois Williams

Oct. 24 8:30am Glenn Hendrix

11:15am Gerald Nevins

Oct. 31 8:30am Andrea Billups

11:15am Denise Nevins


8:30am Pastor Kellie

11:15am Gail H. Banes

Youth Worship:

2nd Sunday teachers are Kacie Armstrong, Keon Abner, and Renee Harrison.

General Maintenance & Repair:

Frank Jones is available for General Home, Building Maintenance and repairs. You may call him at 482-9443

Evangelism Opportunity: Take Home 4 Church Business Cards and pass them out where ever you are.

Need Great Day Care:—Hamilton Day Care is run by our member “Deola Hamilton” Monday – Friday from 6am to 6pm. Accepting ages 12months to 5 years. There are USDA Nutritious Hot Meals, Daily Curriculum, Field Trips, Safe Environment & Indoor/Outdoor Activities. Give Deola Hamilton a call at 541-6728.


Praise Dancers 10am, Praise Team 11am,

Praise Choir 12pm, Women’s Choir 2:30pm,

GCG choir 3:30pm

USHERS & GREETERS will meet next Sunday October 17 at 10:30am

QUESTIONS: In the back of the Sanctuary there will be a new QUESTION BOX. If you have any questions about anything like Christian Life, the Bible, Life Experiences, or anything you would like to know but didn’t get to ask. We will address these in future Life Sharing Series, and or Sermons.

Havea Special Event, Birthday Party, Shower, Meeting or any event that you want to host here at Glenville New Life Community Church? Please complete a facilities application form to reserve a date and time. Without this form your event will not be added to the church calendar. Certain fees may apply to your event. The facilities application forms are on the information stand in the back of the Sanctuary. Thank You.

Get Your Funny Life Stories ready for Betty Love. She will start collecting them NOW. These will be for her book she is writing entitled “Laugh Out Loud In Jesus’ Name.” If you have any questions see Betty Love. Thank You.

RENEE PRIDE is still receiving orders for her hand made glass jewelry. Please, when calling leave your name, phone number, and state clearly what you are ordering. Her phone number is 990-5189. Thank You.


This Week

October 10 Pearlie Denson, Mikel Minnis

October 12 Sharon Thomas

October 13 Christopher Hayes

October 14 Brian Parker

October 16 Geraldine Card, William Hamilton, Craig & Angela Atkinson*

E-Mails If you want us to forward your e-mails to an address that you use more often than your church e-mail address please let us know. Send us an e-mail at or simply call the office with the information. Thanks. To get to your church e-mail go to and put in your e-mail address and password. Normally your e-mail address is the first three letters of your first name and the last 4 letters of your last name. Your initial password is 12345. You can reset your password after you go to it for the first time. If you’re not sure you have a church e-mail address, speak to Pastor Rick.

CLASSIFIED TREE: Got a special job that you need done. Want to work to earn extra cash. Well we are starting something new. We will have what we call the Classified Tree. Those of you that have a job will be able to post a job that you need done (For example cutting your grass, taking down those old Christmas lights, moving furniture, etc) Those of you that need to earn extra cash will be able to post a job that you can do. We will form a match and try to match the jobs to

the abilities. You must see Karen Hoagland to get a job or to post a job. There will be a small, but reasonable fee, expected for the service done. Turn in your jobs or your job request today. This is for all ages teen and up, that are able to work and do a responsible job.

FOR ORDERING FOOD BOXES: We have completed the application process to become an Angel Food Ministry partner site. You may now order your food box. There are pictures of the food that is being ordered near the sign in table. You are getting a larger amount of food for your order. Deborah Chambers and Pastor Rick will be taking orders from you from now until October 17th. You may still use your food stamp card if you like. The food will be distributed on the 23rd from 10 to 12. The only difference is that there will be a $1 charge for each order that is put in. If you order 1 box, 2 boxes, or more, the charge is still only $1 per person’s order. This will allow us to put money back into the fund for outreach ministry.

Grief Bereavement Sessions

If you have suffered a loss in your life and want to grow through your grief, you are invited to attend the first of six grief support group session. Contact LaVerne Mason at 216-544-9034.

ATTENTION SENIORS & DISABLED ADULTS The Cleveland Department of Aging is offering Access Your Benefits to Cleveland residents 55 years of age and older and adults with disabilities. Access Your Benefits is a free confidential service that provides one-on-one guidance to seniors and adults with disabilities to help them determine if they are eligible for numerous federal, state, and local assistance programs. These assistance programs include; but are not limited to financial assistance for health care costs, utilities, prescription drugs, and other essential items of service. You may contact Theresa Merriweather at 216-664-3418 for more information.

I-Phone App, Live Broadcasting On Your Phone & Podcasts You may now watch our TV services live on another channel. You may either go to the bottom of our home page at or you may go to our new page At that site you can get the information to watch the program on your i-phone by clicking on the phone. You may also get the information to listen to the live broadcast on your phone if it is a smart phone but does not view I-APPs. You can also send a copy of the audio message to your friends on facebook, my space, twitter and a host of others. We are now in the i-tunes store, and you can automatically receive our sermons as a podcast by signing up at i-tunes. You can search for Glenville New Life and all the information you need at the i-tunes store will come up. There is no charge for the podcasts.

If you want to listen to messages on your internet capable cell phone, the address is If you want the address for our podcasts to automatically send messages to your computer it is . If you go to the website, you can get these things automatically sent to your device.

BEHIND IN YOUR GIVING Thank you for your giving this month for the work of Christ at Glenville. We did not have enough money to pay our bills, and we came up short by $3500. We currently are in the hole by $6999.66. This means we are actually borrowing the money from groups in the church to keep from bouncing checks. Although some of you have been very faithful in your giving, others are not. Currently we are $29,000.00 dollars behind in what was pledged to give. Even though we have a sizeable deficit of nearly $7000.00, if everyone simply gave what he or she pledged to give over the next 3 months, we could make up for the deficit and end the year in the black. For those of you who can catch up on some of the money you are behind, it would be very helpful. But if your financial situation is to difficult to do so, then just start fresh and give what you said from here forward. We are a loving and caring church, and we do not want anyone feeling guilty over money. We still want you no matter what. Together we can get ourselves back on track.