Haldia Institute of Technology
Department of Food Technology
Course Code: CH (FT) 302
Course Name: Chemistry-2
Contacts: 4 hours (3 lectures & 1 tutorial)
Credits: 4
Ranjay Kumar Thakur Gourab Chatterjee
Contact No: 9800124504 Contact No: 7501459790
Email: Email:
At the end of this course, the incumbent will be able to:
CH (FT) 302.1 Apply principles of mathematical, natural science, and engineering science to identify, research, analyze, and formulate substantiated solution of complex practical food & chemical technology problems.
CH (FT) 302.2 Design and develop solutions for practical engineering problems related to food, chemical & biochemical industries, and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, societal, and environmental considerations.
CH (FT) 302.3 Design basic engineering processes along with products to meet societal needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, ethical, cultural, human nutrition, feasibility, and sustainability.
CH (FT) 302.4: Ability to create, select, and apply appropriate knowledge, techniques, resources with a view of modern engineering, instrumental and computational tools, including prediction and modeling to different chemical reactions, with an understanding of the limitations
CH (FT) 302.5: Ability tocommunicateeffectively on professional activities with the engineering community tofunctioneffectively as an individual or leader in diverse teams in multi-disciplinary settings
CH (FT) 302.6: Apply principles related to complex food solutions, its structural & functional stability and other parameters to ensure its safety in different processing treatments, as an industrial professional fulfilling principles of professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of engineering practice
To understand this course, the incumbentmust have idea of:
§ Basic elemental knowledge in chemistry
§ Basic understanding of structure and bonding
§ Basic understanding of periodic properties of elements
§ Basic understanding of reaction mechanism and organic structure
Module I: Dilute solutions – Colligative properties Lowering of vapor pressure of solution, elevation of boiling point, freezing point depression, definition, principles, and laws of osmotic pressure Ionic equilibrium: Solubility and solubility product, common ion effect, determination of solubility product by EMF method, ionic product of water, pH, pOH, hydrolysis of salt solutions: Strong acid and weak base, weak acid and strong base, weak acid and weak base, concepts of buffer
Module II: Instrumental methods of spectral analyses UV Spectra: Electronic transition (σ-σ*, n-σ*, π-π* and n-π*), steric effect, solvent effect, hyperchromic effect, hypochromic effect (typical examples).
IR Spectra: Modes of molecular vibrations, characteristic stretching frequencies of O-H, C-H, C=C, C=O functions
NMR Spectra: Nuclear spin, NMR active nuclei, principle of proton magnetic resonance, equivalent and nonequivalent protons
Photochemistry: Lambert’s law and Beer’s Law, Laws of photochemistry, Photochemical processes
Module III: Coordination chemistry Structures of coordination compounds corresponding to coordination number 6; types of ligands; isomerism (geometrical, optical, ionization, linkage and coordination) Colloid chemistry: Definition of colloid, principle of colloid formation, types of colloid, colloid preparation, stability of colloid, association of colloid and emulsion
Module IV:
General treatment of reaction mechanisms: Ionic and radical reactions; heterolytic and, homolytic bond cleavage;
Reactive intermediates: carbocations (cabenium and carbonium ions), carbanions, carbon radicals, carbenes – structure using orbital picture, electrophilic/nucleophilic behaviour, stability, generation and fate. Reaction kinetics: transition state theory, rate const and free energy of activation, free energy profiles for one step and two step reactions
Nucleophilic substitution reactions: SN1, SN2, SNi mechanisms. Effect of substrate structure, nucleophiles and medium on reactivity and mechanism; neighboring group participations.
Elimination Reactions: E1, E2, and E1cB mechanisms. Saytzeff and Hofmann rules. Elimination vs substitution reaction. Electrophilic and Activated Nucleophilic substitution reactions of Benzene ( Nitration, sulphonation, Halogenation and Friedel Craft reactions)
§ Complex analytical problems based on solutions
§ Advanced instrumental methods and its applications for food analysis
§ Importance of instrumental techniques for food industries
§ Case study based on stability of complex structures including basic knowledge of its stability and energy calculation
§ Relative thermodynamic stability of different aromatic structures
LectureNo. / Details of coverage / Handout, Lecture Notes, Links etc.1 / Orientation lectures: Why do the students need to study the course, what are the outcomes after studying the course and how these outcomes correlate with the expected outcome of the programmed they enrolled in / Slide Presentation
2 / Syllabus and teaching modules / Handout
3 / Basic things related to chemistry / Handout
4 / Different types of solutions and their use, Dilute solutions- Binary solution, concept of different physical and chemical units for the measurement of solute concentration / Lecture notes and book chapter
5 / Theory and problem based on Normality, Molarity, Molality and Mole fraction and relation between them / Lecture notes
6 / Titration- Laws of titration and numerical, Calculation of eq. wt, mol. wt, basicity, acidity, at. wt, valency, change in oxidation no. per mole by using titration concept / Aakash Institute material
7 / Calculation of mol. wt of O. A, R.A, strength of H2O2, water of crystallization, purity of compound composition of mixture by using titration concept / Handbook prepared from physical chemistry book
8 / Calculation of normality of mixture, Introduction of Collegative properties-Raults law Lowering of vapor pressure and numerical / Lecture notes
9 / Raults law Elevation in boiling points, Raults law Depression in Freezing point, Vant Hoff’s law of Osmotic pressure theory and numerical / Aakash Institute material
10 / Calculation of Vant Hoff’s factor and degree of dissociation and relation between them for abnormal collegetive properties / Handout from from physical chemistry book, Atkins
11 / Ionic equilibrium- introduction, concept of electrolyte, condition to attained equilibrium, dissociation and calculation of dissociation constant of monoprotic, polyprotic electrolytes and numerical / Lecture notes from Aakash Institute material
12 / Ostwald dilution law, dissociation of weak acid, dissociation of of water, Ionic product of water, calculation of concentration of H+ ion in acid and base / Lecture notes from Physical chemistry book, S.C.Lal
13 / Concept ofpH,pOH and pH scale, calculation of pH of mixture / Lecture notes
14 / Buffer solution- Basic concepts, Preparation of buffer solution by various ways, mechanism of acid and base buffer solution, / Lecture notes
15 / Calculation of pH of acid and base buffer solution by using Henderson’s equation by using Henderson’s equation, buffer capacity / Lecture notes
16 / Salt- Introduction, type of salt, hydrolysis of salt of weak acid-weak base, strong acid-strong base, weak base-strong acid and strong base- weak acid / Aakash Institute material
17 / Solubility and solubility product of salt, Common Ion Effect theory and numerical / Aakash Institute material
18 / Photochemistry- Introduction, Lambert’s law and Beer’s Law, Laws of photochemistry / Lecture notes
19 / Development of color and their absorption properties, relation between color and constitution / Lecture notes
20 / Valence bond and Molecular orbital approach to color, UV spectra –Basic concepts / Lecture notes
21 / Electronic transition (σ-σ*, n-σ*, π-π* and n-π*), Porblem / Aakash Institute material
22 / Absorption spectra steric effect, solvent effect, hyperchromic effect, hypochromic effect / Lecture notes
23 / Concept of chromophore, auxochrome, Bathochromi, Hypsochromic, Sheilding, Deshielding, chemical shift etc / Handout
24 / IR Spectra: Modes of molecular vibrations, characteristic stretching frequencies of O-H, C-H, C=C, C=O functions / Handout
25 / NMR Spectra: Magnetic susceptibility, Nuclear spin, NMR active nuclei, / Handout
26 / Principle of proton magnetic resonance, equivalent and nonequivalent protons / Lecture notes
27 / Coordination Chemistry- Introduction, Concepts of central atom, Ligands (monodentate, bidentate, polydentate), Chelates / Handout from O.P.Agrawal books
28 / Structure of corordination compound, Calculation of coordination number and oxidation number of coordination compound / Handout from O.P.Agrawal books
29 / Nomenclature of complexes- steps for nomenclature, problem for practices / Hanout from inorganic chemistry
30 / Isomerism in complexes- ionization isomerism, linkage isomerism, Hydrate isomerism, coordination isomerism / Hanout from inorganic chemistry
31 / Stereoisomerism- Geometrical isomerism with coordination number 4 and 6, practices on example / Aakash Institute material
32 / Optical isomerism, numerical / Aakash Institute material
33 / Werner’s theory- examples base on Werner’s theory like CoCl36NH3, CoCl35NH3 / Aakash Institute material
34 / Valence bond theory with examples to elaborate the concept / Lecture notes
35 / Practice with example to determine type f hybridization, geometry, number of unpaired electrons and magnetic behavior of some complexes / Lecture notes
36 / Stability of coordination compounds, application of coordination compound, Concepts of Organometallic compounds and their application / Lecture notes
37 / Colloid chemistry: Introduction, Definition of colloid / Aakash Institute material
38 / Principle of colloid formation, types of colloid, / Aakash Institute material
39 / Colloid preparation, stability of colloid, / Aakash Institute material
40 / Association of colloid and emulsion / Lecture notes
41 / Introduction to organic chemistry / Handout from organic chemistry, vol-2 by I.L.Finar
42 / General treatment of reaction mechanisms: / Handout from guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry (6th ed) by Sykes Peter
43 / Ionic and radical reactions; heterolytic and, homolytic bond cleavage; / Handout from guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry (6th ed) by Sykes Peter
44 / Carbocations (cabenium and carbonium ions), carbanions, carbon radicals, / Handout from guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry (6th ed) by Sykes Peter
45 / Stability of reaction intermediates / Lecture notes
46 / Electrophilic/nucleophilic behaviour, stability, generation and fate. / Lecture notes
47 / Reaction kinetics: transition state theory / Aakash Institute material
48 / rate const and free energy of activation, free energy profiles for one step and two step reactions / Aakash Institute material
49 / Nucleophilic substitution reactions: SN1, SN2, SNi mechanisms. / Handout from guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry (6th ed) by Sykes Peter
50 / Effect of substrate structure, nucleophiles and medium on reactivity and mechanism / Handout from guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry (6th ed) by Sykes Peter
51 / neighboring group participations / Handout from guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry (6th ed) by Sykes Peter
52 / Elimination Reactions: E1, E2, and E1cB mechanisms / Handout from guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry (6th ed) by Sykes Peter
53 / Brushup class
54 / Saytzeff and Hofmann rules. / Handout from organic chemistry by S.Lal
55 / Elimination v/s substitution reaction / Handout from organic by S.Lal
56 / Electrophilic and Activated Nucleophilic substitution reactions of Benzene ( Nitration, sulphonation, / Handout from guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry (6th ed) by Sykes Peter
57 / Halogenation and Friedel Craft reactions of benzene / Handout from organic by S.Lal
*Minimum 36 lectures for 3 contact courses and 48 lectures for 4 contact courses
1. NCERT class XII
2. Physical chemistry by S.C.Lal
3. AAkash Institute material
4. Organic chemistry by S.Lal
5. Chemistry, O.P.Agrawal
1. Organic Chemistry, Vol-2 by I.L.Finar
2. Guidebook to mechanism in organic chemistry (6th ed) by Sykes, Peter
3. Physical chemistry by Atkins