Student Handbook



Dear Parents and Guardians:

Welcome to Hager Elementary. We are proud of our dedicated, experienced staff and enthusiastic learners!

As the demands of teaching children increase, it becomes more evident that we all need to work together to ensure that our children reach their full potential. We believe that all of us - the school and the community - must work together as a team to ensure success for all our students. We believe it is everyone's responsibility to empower children with the creativity and decision-making skills necessary for them to become academically, socially, physically and emotionally successful and responsible.

With that in mind, you are invited to be an active participant at Hager Elementary. Whether you are a classroom volunteer, a member of the Hager PTO, School Site-Based Council or a member of one of our school committees, you are encouraged to be involved! Research on schools clearly demonstrates that parent participation in a child's educational experience coincides with a greater likelihood of academic success for their child.

It is our desire to keep you informed of all that is taking place at school. Up-to-date and additional information will be sent to you through the weekly "Monday Folder" and will appear on our school web page. If you have questions or concerns that arise at any time, please do not hesitate to give your child's teacher or me a call. I look forward to having a long and rewarding relationship with you and your family.

Where Everyone Counts!


Phillip Caudill, Principal


Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.


7:00 am


Doors unlocked for Safety Patrol only

7:25 am


Safety Patrol begins duty-Doors unlocked for students

7:15-7:50 am


Breakfast served

7:50 am


First Bell

7:55 am


Tardy Bell-Instructional day begins

10:40-12:45 pm



2:55 pm


Dismissal Bell-Instructional Day ends


Program Description: The Accelerated Reader program allows students to select a book from the library based on their grade, interest level and reading level. When the child finishes a book, he/she will take a test on the book. Each test is prepared by Renaissance Learning, owner of the Accelerated Reader program, or by the librarian or a teacher. Students in grades 2 – 3 receive a progress report that shows the number of points they have accumulated and their average grade after each test. Students in grades 4-6 receive a progress report each time they take a test.

Participation: Students in grades K-1 will participate in the Accelerated Reader Program at their teacher’s discretion. Students in grades 2-5 will participate in the Accelerated Reader program.

End of the Year Eligibility: Awards will be given to the top 5 primary and top 5 intermediate readers that have maintained the following criteria:

Primary: Earned the highest number of points while maintaining an average reading level of 3.0 or better AND maintaining an average grade of 80% or better for K -2nd grade and 85% or better for 3rd grade. NOTE: A primary student may accumulate a high number of points, but not maintain the appropriate average reading level and average grade. Therefore, he/she would not be eligible for an award.

Intermediate: Earned the highest number of points while maintaining an average reading level of 4.5 or better AND maintaining an average grade of 85% or better for 4th-5th grade. NOTE: An intermediate student may accumulate a high number of points, but not maintain the appropriate average reading level and average grade. Therefore, he/she would not be eligible for an award.

Tests are to be taken during the instructional day. It is extremely important for students to read AR books and AR test questions carefully. Poor test scores will not be deleted from a student’s record.


Research shows that one way for students to be successful at school is to attend regularly and on time. Classroom instruction provided by teachers is a key element in making your child’s educational experiences a success. Although make-up work may be provided, it does not serve as a substitute for knowledge gained from a classroom atmosphere. Occasionally there are circumstances where students are absent or tardy. Please review the school calendar when scheduling appointments and vacations to avoid unnecessary absences and tardies.


159.150 Definitions of truant, habitual truant and being tardy; adoption of truancy policies by local school boards.

Any child who has been absent from school without valid excuse for three (3) or more days, or tardy without valid excuse on three (3) or more days, is truant. Any child who has been reported as truant two (2) or more times is a habitual truant.

In the event of an absence, please follow the procedure below:

  1. Notify the school by phone. Please note that this does not serve as a written excuse for the absence. Signing a student in/out of the office does not serveas an excused absence and/or tardy.
  2. Upon returning to school, provide a doctor’s excuse or parent note for the day(s) absent. Parents will have five (5) days upon returning to school to provide a written excuse. Parent notes may be hand written or supplied via email. E-mails regarding absences should be sent to homeroom teachers.

*As per board policy, students shall be granted two (2) days for each excused absence during which to make up assignments. Work will be provided to students in a timely manner.


Absences beyond five (5) absences per school year without a physician’s statement, which are not excused by an emergency absence extension, shall be unexcused. Students who have unexcused absences shall be permitted to make up missed class requirements. Students who are absent as a result of their first out-of-school suspension shall be permitted to make up missed class requirements. No make-up work shall be permitted for unexcused absences due to additional out-of-school suspensions.



Students who have accumulated zero (0) absences and no more than two (2) excused tardies during a nine-week grading period will receive a perfect attendance award. Students who have accumulated zero (0) absences and no more than two (2) excused tardies during the school year will receive a perfect attendance award at the end of the year.


Students accumulating unexcused absences and/or tardies during a nine-week grading period will not be eligible for the faithful attendance award. Students who have accumulated four (4) or less excused absences and/or tardies for the school year will be eligible for the Faithful Attendance Award at the end of the school year.


Students should not arrive earlier than 7:00 a.m. because no one is available to supervise. Doors will not open until 7:00a.m. Theinstructional day begins at 7:55 a.m. and is dismissed at 2:55 p.m. Students who walk home must go directly home at dismissal time. Students may not play on the school playground after dismissal without parental supervision.

Parents will complete a form at the beginning of the school year, indicating how their children will get home from school each day. Students may NOT cross 13th Street without an adult present. Anytime a child’s after-school routine changes, written instructions from the parent must be sent to school. Telephone calls are not adequate for changes in after-school plans.

Tardy bell rings at 7:55 am. A student must be in his/her room before the tardy bell rings. If a student enters school after the tardy bell rings the parent must come to the office and sign the student in noting the reason for being tardy. If the reason a student is tardy is not documented it will automatically be unexcused. Therefore, we do need a documented record of why a student is tardy.


Every person at Hager Elementary School is expected to treat every other person with dignity and respect. Staff, students and parents will work together to provide a wholesome, safe and academically sound environment at Hager Elementary School.

Every student is expected to actively work on the following goals:

1. Be Respectful:

a)Be respectful of everyone’s right to learn.

b)Be respectful of your property and personal space as well as that of others.

c)Be respectful by keeping hands, feet and objects to yourself.

d)Treat people with respect and dignity through word, action and deed.

e)Treat with respect those who have the responsibility for your educational experience, i.e. Principal, Teachers, Instructional Aides, Secretary, Custodian, Cafeteria Workers, and Parents/Guardians.

2. Be Honest:

a)Always tell the truth.

b)Always do your own work.

3. Be Responsible:

a)Be responsible with your work and supplies as well as those of others.

b)Be responsible to always try.

c)Be responsible to always do your best.

d)Be responsible for your behavior.

e)Be responsible to always do your homework.


The following steps will be followed when a student fails to be respectful, honest or responsible:

The Student will:

1st time - Be given a warning.

2nd time - Sign the conduct book and receive a consequence as determined by the grade level teachers.

3rd time - Sign the conduct book, receive a consequence as determined by the grade level teachers and a phone call will be made to the parent/guardian describing the inappropriate behavior.

4th time - Sign the conduct book, be sent to the office, parent/guardian will be contacted (by phone or letter), and a parent/guardian conference will be requested.

5th time - Sign the conduct book, be sent to the office, have parent/ guardian contacted (by phone or letter), request a parent/guardian conference, receive one day in the Alternative Educational Room as described below in note 2.

Severity Clause: Immediate disciplinary actions will be taken by the teacher and/or principal as a result of severe negative or disruptive behavior by the student. Parents or guardians will be notified.


  1. After the 3rd time a student has been placed in the Alternative Educational Room for disciplinary measures, he or she may receive a five day in school suspension, or a one day out-of-school suspension as described in the Ashland Independent Schools Student Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline. An official letter will be sent to: 1) the parent/guardian, 2) superintendent and 3) a copy will be placed in the student’s permanent file.
  2. An Alternative Educational Room is established for students who fail to conform to the rules and regulations of Hager Elementary School. The Alternative Educational Room provides close supervision with structured study and provides educational experiences for students, which should prevent their falling irretrievably behind their classmates. The students will be given class work that is to be counted as daily credit. A student may be assigned to the Alternative Educational Room for a period specified by the principal, depending on the violation.

Harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated at Hager Elementary School. Harassment is defined as intimidation by threats or of actual physical violence, the creation of a climate of hostility or intimidation, or the use of language, conduct or symbols in such a manner as to be commonly used to convey hatred, contempt, or prejudice, or to have the effect of insulting or stigmatizing any person.

Students engaging in harassment or discrimination of an employee or another student shall be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension and expulsion.


Bicycles, scooters, and skateboards may not be ridden on the school premises. Bicycles, scooters, and skateboards must be walked across all streets. The safety and security of bicycles, scooters, and skateboards are the student’s responsibility. Bicycles must be parked in the bike rack located at the rear of the building and securely locked.


Any parent wishing to express an educational concern or grievance shall observe the following chain of command/order of appeal:

1. Teacher

2. Principal

3. School Council (if relevant to council authority)

4. Superintendent

5. Board of Education


It is each student’s responsibility to display qualities of good citizenship. Appropriate conduct is expected in the halls, in the cafeteria, on the playground, in the classrooms, and on field trips. Hager teachers want students to become good citizens. Teachers will give special emphasis to honesty, morality, and courtesy. Obedience to law, respect of our country’s flag, appreciation of the Constitution of the United States, respect for parent and home, and recognition of the dignity and necessity of honest labor are characteristics desired and expected of all our students. Owners of property adjacent to the school and adjoining streets have a right to expect no trespassing on their property. Students must respect the rights of our neighbors.


School closings and delays associated with inclement weather will be announced using the SHOUT Infinite Campus Message Notification Service along with local radio stations such as WRVC, WKEE, and WTCR and local TV stations such as Channels 3, 8, and 13. Please do not call the school. These stations will carry the announcements as soon as the decision is made. Remember we are the Ashland Independent School System. In addition, cancellations or delays are posted to our district website at Should school be dismissed early, please have a plan in place for your child. Your child and his/her teacher must be informed of this emergency plan at the beginning of each school year. The telephone is not adequate for messages telling students what to do. Please do not call the school.


  1. All students are expected to be clean and well groomed. Appearance that is disruptive or distracting will not be permitted.
  2. Dress should vary with the season and be appropriate for health and safety requirements and class work.
  3. Students may have outdoor recess when the temperature is above 40 degrees. Students who do not wear appropriate coats during cool weather will not be permitted to go outside for recess.
  4. Athletic shoes must be worn to physical education class.
  5. Sandals are permissible in appropriate weather.
  6. Students who wear shoes that will not stay securely on their feet may be restricted in their outdoor recess activities.
  7. No “Heelies” or skates.
  8. Excessive tightness or exposure in any garment will not be accepted. The following clothing items are NOTpermitted:
  • Basketball or cheerleading uniforms, except for approved activities
  • Pants with tears above the knee
  • Spandex garments
  • Mini skirts (skirts/shorts must reach the end of fingertips when student is standing and hands are at the side)
  • Low-cut tops (tops should not be revealing in any manner)
  • Low-rise bottoms (jeans/pants must have a rise long enough to prohibit others from viewing undergarments or body; when student is sitting, jeans/pants should not dip down and expose undergarments or body)
  1. Tank shirts, muscle shirts, spaghetti straps and undershirts are not permissible attire unless worn over or under another shirt. All clothing must extend to the shoulder and cover the midriff.
  2. Students may not wear garments that display obscenely suggestive behavior, violence, disrespect, profane language, illegal activities (i.e., alcohol, tobacco, or drug related), or symbols of such manner as to be commonly understood to convey hatred.
  3. The following accessories may not be worn without permission of the principal:
  • Wallet chains
  • Hair paint
  1. Offensive fake tattoos are not permissible.
  2. The following items may not be worn in the building without permission of the principal:
  • Hats or caps
  • Sweat band
  • Bandanas/Head Scarves
  • Sunglasses
  1. Cult or gang-related attire is not permitted.
  2. Pierced body jewelry (nose ring, eyebrow ring, etc.) may not be worn.
  3. Permanent tattoos must be covered.

A pupil who is in violation of the dress code is to be sent by any member of the faculty that observes the violation to the principal or designee who will:

  1. Call the parent/guardian so that the necessary changes can be made or send the student home to correct the violation and return to school. All missed class time will be unexcused.
  2. A student may be placed in an Alternative Educational Placement if he/she violates the dress code.
  3. Second offense may necessitate suspension.
  4. Third offense may necessitate a hearing with the Board of Education. The provision for this procedure is KRS 158.150.


After a student has passed the appropriate digital driver’s license course and returned Acceptable Use Agreement they will adhere to the following:

Devices cannot be visible and or in use prior to the beginning of school. Devices can only be used during school with the permission of a staff member. Handheld game systems are not permitted at school unless special events are occurring. Smartphones can only be used for the purpose of network access while in the school building. If students use smartphones for reasons other than network access they will lose the privilege of using that device. Other electronic devices such as pagers, radios, CD players, mp3 players, laser pens, etc. shall not be brought to school by students or be in the possession of students at school. The devices will be confiscated and returned to a parent or guardian.


From time to time during the school year, teachers may feel that a trip outside the school will reinforce classroom activities. Parents are requested to sign a form at the beginning of the school year either granting or denying their children permission to participate in these activities. Parents will always be given advance notice before their children leave the building for a trip.

Students shall not be excluded from field trips or other co-curricular activities due to an inability to pay. If you have concerns in regards to paying for a field trip, please contact the school. Assistance may be available for those participating in the free/reduced lunch program. This information will remain confidential.

However, students may be excluded from participation for disciplinary reasons, such as excessive incomplete/missing assignments or repeated misbehavior. When a student is denied participation in any co-curricular activity for disciplinary reasons, arrangements will be made for the student to be involved in academic activities and be appropriately supervised.