Hadley Wilson Horch

Bowdoin College

Departments of Biology and Neuroscience

6500 College Station

Brunswick, ME 04011


Associate Professor, Bowdoin College, 2010-Present

Assistant Professor, Bowdoin College, 2002-2010


Post-doctoral education, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior,

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. August 2001 to July 2002

Principle Investigator: Dr. Ronald Hoy

PhD, Department of Neurobiology,

Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. August 1995-May 2001

Thesis advisor: Dr. Lawrence Katz

Thesis Title: "Local effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on dendritic morphology and stability.”

B.A., Biology

Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, 1993

Semester Exchange Program

Mills College, Oakland, California, Spring 1992


Fulbright Research Award for research in Japan. 2011-2012

Support of Mentors and their Students in Neuroscience (SOMAS). 2007

Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. 2005-2007.

Grants Awarded

NIH/NCRR (INBRE). Sub-project:Gene Regulation During Compensatory Neuronal Regeneration. $5,000 4/2010.

NIH/NCRR (INBRE). Sub-project:Gene Regulation During Compensatory Neuronal Regeneration. $34,000 for 1/1/08 -- 4/30/08, extended through 4/30/09

NIH R15 (AREA) from NIDCD. Development and regeneration of auditory interneurons. $50,000 annually, 2004-2007. Extended, 2007-2008

NIH/NCRR (INBRE). Sub-project: Visualization of compensatory auditory interneuron regeneration. $24,898 annually, 2004-2006, extended at $15,000 for 2006-2007, extended at $34,000 for the first third of 2008, extended at $34,000 for 2008-2009.

Grass Foundation Trustee Grant. Shared with Dr. Patsy Dickinson for development of Drosophila laboratory teaching exercises. $5,000, one-time, 2004.

Grass Foundation Trustee Grant. $10,000 for purchase of Helios Gene Gun, one-time, 2003.

Internal Awards:

Porter Fellowship for Advanced Study or Research. Leave supplement in support of 2011-2012 sabbatical.

Faculty Research Fund “Publication expenses for: Bilateral consequences of chronic unilateral denervation in the auditory system of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. $3375, one-time award, 2011.

Faculty Research Fund, “Factors That Induce Compensatory Changes in The Cricket Auditory Nervous System: The Role Played By Activity In Sensory Nerve Cells.” (in collaboration with Patsy Dickinson). $4000, one-time award, 2009.

Faculty Research Fund, “Collaborative effort to sequence genetic information from the cricket.” $4000, one-time award, 2008.

Leave Supplement in support of junior sabbatical. 2006.

Faculty Research Fund, “Publication expenses for Local Effects of BDNF on Dendritic Growth” $1,500, one-time award, 2004.
Refereed Publications (Bowdoin students underlined)

Pfister A, Johnson A, Ellers O and Horch HW. 2013. Quantification of dendritic and axonal growth after injury to the auditory system of the adult cricketGryllus bimaculatus.Front. Physiol.3:367. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2012.00367

Zeng, V., Ewen-Campen, B., Horch, H.W., Roth, S., Noji, S., and Extavour, C.G. 2013. Gene discovery in a hemimetabolous insect: ade novotranscriptome for the cricketGryllus bimaculatus.PLoS ONE8(5): e61479 PMID: 23671567

Watanabe, T., Ochiai, H, Sakuma, T., Horch, H.W., Hamaguchi, N., Nakamura, T., Bando, T., Ohuchi, H., Yamamoto, T., Noji, S., and Mito, T. 2012. Non-transgenic genome modifications in a hemimetabolous insect using zinc-finger and TAL effector nucleases. Nature Commun.3:1017; PMID: 22910363.

Horch, H.W., Sheldon, E, Cutting, CC, Williams, CR, Riker, DM, Peckler HR, and Sangal, RB. 2011. Bilateral consequences of chronic unilateral denervation in the auditory system of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Developmental Neuroscience, 33: 21-37. PMID: 21346310.

Horch, H.W., McCarthy, S.S., Johansen, S.L., and Harris, J.M. 2009. Differential gene expression during compensatory sprouting of dendrites in the auditory system of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Insect Molecular Biology, 18: 483-496. PMID: 19453768

Maynard, K.M., McCarthy, S.S., Sheldon, E., Horch, H.W. 2007. Developmental and adult expression of semaphorin 2a in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 503: 169-181. PMID: 17480023

Horch, H.W., and Katz, L.C. 2002. BDNF release from single cells elicits local dendritic growth in nearby neurons. Nature Neuroscience, 5: 1177-1184. PMID: 12368805

Horch, H.W., Kruttgen, A., Portbury, S.D, and Katz, L.C. 1999. Destabilization of cortical dendrites and spines by BDNF. Neuron, 23: 353-364. PMID: 10399940

Horch, H.W., and Sargent, P.B. 1996. Effects of denervation on acetylcholine receptor clusters on frog cardiac ganglion neurons as revealed by quantitative laser scanning confocal microscopy. J. Neurosci. 16(5): 1720-1729. PMID: 8774440

Horch, H.W., and Sargent, P.B. 1996. Synaptic and extrasynaptic distribution of two distinct populations of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor clusters in the frog cardiac ganglion. J. Neurocytol. 25: 67-77. PMID: 8852939

Horch, H.W., and Sargent, P.B. 1995. Perisynaptic surface distribution of multiple classes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on neurons in the chicken ciliary ganglion. J. Neurosci. 15(12): 7778-7795. PMID: 8613719

Invited Publications:

Horch, H.W. Plasticity in the cricket central nervous system. Book chapter to be incorporated into Cricket as a Model Organism: Development, Regeneration, and Behavior. Eds: Sumihare Noji, Hadley Wilson Horch, Hideyo Ohuchi, Taro Mito. Springer (New York, Heidelberg). In Progress.

Horch, H.W. 2004. Local effects of BDNF on dendritic growth. Reviews in the Neurosciences 15: 117-129.

Horch, H.W. 2003. “Book Review: In Search of the Lost Cord: Solving the Mystery of Spinal Cord Regeneration.” By Luba Vikhanski. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, 1(2): R10-11.

Wilson, L.M. and Horch, H.W. 2002. Implications of brain research for teaching young adolescents. Middle School Journal, 34: 57-61.

Sargent, P.B., and Wilson, H.L. 1995. Distribution of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit immunoreactivies on the surface of chick ciliary ganglion neurons. In Effects of Nicotine on Biological Systems II: Advances in Pharmacological Sciences. Birkhauser Verlag Basel, p. 355-361.

Works in Progress (Bowdoin Students underlined)

Pfister, A, Dawes, R, Berg, B, Johnson, A., Ellers, O, Horch, H.W. Quantification of dendritic and axonal branching in the auditory system of the cricket after unilateral ear removal. Submitted to Journal of Comparative Neurology.

Horch, H.W., Woodward, C., Welsh, L., Han, A., Hauptman, J., and Maynard, K. Effects of octopamine on aggression hierarchies in the cricket, Acheta domesticus. In preparation.

Courses Taught:

Adventures in Neuroscience: Aphasias, Auras, and Axons

Introduction to Biology


Molecular Neuroscience

Neuronal Regeneration

Invited Lectures

“He said, She Said: Sexually dimorphic responses to injury in the auditory system of the cricket.” Williams College. March, 2014.

“Searching for the molecular basis of injury-induced compensatory growth and plasticity in the auditory system of Gryllus bimaculatus.” First International Conference on the Cricket. University of Tokushima, Japan. March, 2011.

“Can you hear me now: Neuronal regeneration of the auditory system in crickets.” University of Maine, Orono. November, 2007.

“Cloning a semaphorin gene in crickets.” Teaching Neuroscience: Innovative Laboratories. Professional Development Workshop on Teaching, Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA, November, 2007.

“Can you hear me now?: Neuronal regeneration of the auditory system in crickets.” University of Cincinnati, Fall, 2006

“Can you hear me now?: Neuronal regeneration of the auditory system in crickets.” University of Southern Maine, Fall, 2006

“Can you hear me now?: Neuronal regeneration of the auditory system in crickets.” Bowdoin College, Fall, 2006

“Local Effects of BDNF on Dendritic Form,” Bates College, Fall, 2003.

“Imaging neuronal form,” Cornell University Neurophysiology Course. Spring, 2002.

“Imaging neuronal function,” Cornell University Neurophysiology Course. Spring, 2002.

"Setting up multi-photon microscopy: Problems and solutions." H.W Horch, included work with L.C. Katz. Workshop on Multi-photon Excitation Microscopy at the Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. July, 1998.

"Visualizing neuronal structure by combining GFP-transfection with 2-photon microscopy in living brain slices." H. Wilson Horch, included work with L.C. Katz. Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. July, 1998.

"Visual system development," Duke University Undergraduate Neurobiology Course. Spring, 1998.


Faculty for Neuroscience (FUN) 2005-present

AAAS, Member 2004-2010

Society for Neuroscience, Member, 2001-present

Society for Neuroscience, Student Member. 1995-2001.

Society for Neuroscience, Associate Member. 1994-1995.

Abstracts (* denotes talk, and Students Underlined)

“Investigating the role of semaphorins in compensatory neuronal growth and functional recovery after deafferentation in the auditory system in the auditory system of Gryllus bimaculatus.” Adam Zhang, Mollie Friedlander, Timothy Locke, and Hadley Horch. Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting. San Diego, CA. October, 20103 (Student presentation of our work, HWH not in attendance).

“Construction and undergraduate teaching applications of an insect locomotion tracker built from readily available inexpensive components.” Stephen Hauptman, Katherine Du Bois, and Hadley Horch. Soceity for Neuroscience, San Diego. November, 2013. (HWH not in attendance).

“Sexually dimorphic dendritic responses to deafferentation and the potential role of semaphorins.” H.W. Horch, A. Johnson, O. Ellers, K. Berry,I. Low, R. Sangal,A. Pfister. Annual Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience. New Orleans, October, 2012

Pyles, N and HW Horch. Strategies for Attaining Transgenic Green Fluorescent Protein (eGFP) Expression in a Specific Subset of Auditory Neurons in the Cricket Species Gryllus bimaculatus. Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Poster Session, Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, October 2012.

Curtis N.J., Thompson R.R., Horch H.W. & Mangiamele L.A.2012 Proof of concept: using novel polymerase chain reaction (PCR) experiments to teach fundamental techniques in an undergraduate neuroscience laboratory course. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 2012 #24.10

*“The role of semaphorin in the injury-induced compensatory growth and plasticity of the auditory system of Gryllus bimaculatus.” H.W. Horch. 2nd International Conference on the Cricket /RNAi Symposium for Medicine-Agriculture-Engineering Collaboration Project, Tokushima, Japan. March, 2012.

“Deafferentation-Induced Compensatory Plasticity in the Cricket Auditory System.” Hadley Wilson Horch, Alex Pfister, Rohit Sangal, and Claire Williams. Cold Spring Harbor Asia meeting: Assembly, Plasticity, Dysfunction and Repair of Neural Circuits, Shanghai, China, October, 2011.

“A student exercise using fluorescent dyes to visualize the functional organization of a crustacean motor network.” Stephen A. Hauptman, Hadley W. Horch, Bruce R. Johnson. Annual Meeting for the Society of Neuroscience, November 2011, Washington DC (Not in Attendance)

* “Does Semaphorin Play a Role in Deafferentation-Induced Compensatory Recovery in the Cricket Auditory System?” H.W. Horch, Sangal, R., Williams, C. East Coast Nerve Net, Woods Hole, MA. March, 2011.

“Investigation of Compensatory Dendritic Sprouting in the Cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus.” Sangal, R., Pfister, A., Peckler, H., Calnan, M. Horch, H. Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting. San Diego, CA. October, 2010.

Bowers, Matthew Robert and Horch, Hadley Wilson. “Injury-induced synaptic reorganization in the cricket auditory system” Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Program. Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, April, 2010. (student presentation of Bio 266 class research project)

“Role of semaphorin in the denervation –induced dendritic plasticity of auditory interneurons in the adult cricket. H.W. Horch, J Davis, K. Gribble, D. Hetherman, C. Williams. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October, 2009

“RNAi-mediated knockdown of semaphorin in the central nervous system of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. H.W. Horch, C. Williams, and J. Brosnan. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, November, 2008.

“Identifying differentially regulated genes after denervation in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus” C. C. Cutting and H.W. Horch. East Coast Nerve Net meeting, Woods Hole, MA, April 2008.

“Developing RNA interference techniques in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus.” J. Brosnan and H.W. Horch. East Coast Nerve Net meeting, Woods Hole, MA, April 2008.

“The role of pushover in compensatory dendritic regeneration in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus.” J. Harris and H.W. Horch. East Coast Nerve Net meeting, Woods Hole, MA, April 2008.

“Differential gene regulation after auditory interneuron denervation in the cricket Gryllusbimaculatus.” H. W. Horch, J. Harris, J Brosnan, S. McCarthy. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November, 2007.

*“ Differential gene expression during compensatory regeneration in the cricket auditory system.” H.W. Horch and S. McCarthy. East Coast Nerve Net Meeting, March 2007. Wood’s Hole, MA.

“Investigation of dendritic tiling and arbor size after compensatory regeneration in cricket auditory interneurons.” H. W. Horch. Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA, October 2006.

“Developmental and adult expression of semaphorin in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus.” K.M. Maynard, E. Sheldon, S. McCarthy, H.W. Horch. Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA, October 2006.

“Quantitative analysis of compensatory regeneration in auditory interneurons.” Wong, S. and Horch, H.W. East Coast Nerve Net meeting, Woods Hole, MA, April 2005.

“Effects of octopamine on aggression hierarchies in crickets.” C. Woodward, L. Welsh, H.W. Horch. East Coast Nerve Net meeting, Woods Hole, MA, April 2005.

“Morphological examination of axonal fusion during thin bundle nerve regeneration in the claws of Procambarus clarkii. K. Martens, H.W. Horch. East Coast Nerve Net meeting, Woods Hole, MA, April 2004.

“Three-dimensional analysis of compensatory regeneration in a cricket auditory interneuron following sensory deafferentation.” H.W. Horch, J. Kinsman, S. Mallon, R.R. Hoy. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, Louisiana. November, 2003.

*"Simultaneous multi-photon imaging of red and green fluorescent proteins reveals extremely local effects of BDNF on dendritic morphology." H.W. Horch, and L.C. Katz. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, Louisiana. November, 2000.

" BDNF alters the morphology and stability of cortical dendrites and spines." H.W. Horch, A. Kruttgen, S.D. Portbury, and L.C. Katz. Gordon Research Conference, Newport, Rhode Island. July, 1999.

*"Two-photon microscopy reveals that BDNF overexpression in cortical neurons decreases the stability of dendritic arbors and spines." H.W. Horch, S.D. Portbury, and L.C. Katz. Axon Guidance Meeting. Cold Spring Harbor, New York. September, 1998.

*" Multi-photon microscopy reveals that BDNF overexpression in cortical neurons destabilizes dendritic arbors and spines." H.W. Horch, S.D. Portbury, and L.C. Katz. Society for Neuroscience, Los Angeles, California. November, 1998.

*"Neurotrophin and activity-mediated plasticity of dendrites and spines in developing visual cortex as visualized by two-photon microscopy of neurons transfected with GFP." H.W. Horch, and L.C. Katz. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, Louisiana. October, 1997.

"Rapid synaptic transmission in the avian ciliary ganglion is mediated by two distinct classes of nicotinic receptors." E.M. Ullian, H.L. Wilson Horch, J.M. McIntosh, and P.B. Sargent. International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience. Australia. September, 1997.

"Perisynaptic surface distribution of multiple classes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on neurons in the chicken ciliary ganglion." H.L. Wilson Horch, and P.B. Sargent. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California. November, 1995.

"On the role of actylcholinesterase and acetylcholine receptors in denervation supersensitivity in the frog cardiac ganglion.: E.N. Garrett, H.L. Wilson, S.D. Matthews, and P.B. Sargent. Society for Neuroscience, Miami, Florida, November, 1994.

" Effects of denervation upon acetylcholine receptor clusters in autonomic neurons as determined by quantitative laser scanning confocal microscopy." H.L. Wilson, and P.B. Sargent. Society for Neuroscience, Miami, Florida, November, 1994.